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Bernie Sanders And Young People

Westside Steve

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If Sanders became President, we would be just like pussy Europeans.

You mean dealing with things in a mature and responsible way, not just shooing and bombing everything you disagree with? How terrible... ;)

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To that end though, I'm currently finding I'm trending against the conventional wisdom. I was conservative when younger, but the older I get, the more I can understand why the things that the conservatives do are not so good, the more I don't identify with them.


That doesn't mean I want free shit for everyone, but it means I want people from all backgrounds to have the same opportunities, and to help those that can't help themselves.

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I don't want free shit for everyone, but I also think health care should be a right not a privilege anyway.


I'm not too left on things like the Syrian refugees and give shit to illegal immigrants though. Don't want people coming into the country who can't be vetted, tested for diseases, etc.

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You mean dealing with things in a mature and responsible way, not just shooing and bombing everything you disagree with? How terrible... ;)


ugh....just the thought of not randomly distributing live rounds around the planet makes me ill. What kind of bullshit world would that be? I mean seriously now.


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god I really though want someone to ask Obama at a press conference what he thinks about a large group of people that if they immigrated here, what promptly proceed to casually shit in showers. I wanna see his face, I really do.


Im still laughing daily at the whole bitte nicht in die dushe kakken sign they had to put out for these mongrels.

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As per the OT, why Sanders resonates with the younger gens...this is just my opinion so take it for what it is. What I think is going on is that none of them want outright communism/socialism....but what they want is a more regulated market. The distortions in this country from unfettered capitalism are awe inspiring. If you really sit back and see what's become of the country and where it's going because of the hyper materialism, it's unsustainable. It's only been allowed to go on because changing would mean unintrenching major players in our economy. And that won't be allowed because money won't allow it.


So to the older generations, you reap what you sow. We're not going down the toilet because poofters can make lifetime commitments to each other or women can have abortions when they feel like it. We've become an insular, jaded and disenfranchised culture that pick at each other relentlessly because that's what's been ingrained in us from the beginning. You know the whole rat race thing. Well when the rats scratch and claw at each other for the cheese at the end of the maze and the overall culture/society suffers for it......you place the blame on the couple same sex rats that decided fuck this maze let's diddle each other?

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Sanders is appealing to the youngsters who like the idea of having their college debt relieved without any clue as to how Bernie will fund this or any other project he plans. As soon as these kids hit the work force and have to shell out loads of taxes, they may reconsider who they picked.


I think some form of free tuition isn't a bad idea. As long as it entails degrees that our industry says they need/want, it's a win win. If kids want to get an advanced degree in underwater basket weaving, than ok they have to pay that themselves. Liberal arts degrees in general should probably not be susbsidized. Would it be that bad to pay for a kids 2-4 year degree that gets him a job almost immediately out of college and then some years later he can go back and pay for the degree he/she really wants? I think the idea has some merit. Of course the libs will want all degrees subsidized and tht's not doable.

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I could see tuition paid for at public institutions with minimum GPA requirements sort of as it is now (2.8 or something). You wouldn't want to keep a student in school if they fail 20 credits a year obviously.


But that would be really unfair if you have somebody pursuing astrophysics or engineering versus somebody going for a feminist art history degree.


If you went ahead and boosted federal government subsidies for engineering/medical/business/etc. programs then I think I could get behind that idea. If you wanna spend $30 grand on a women's studies degree then that's on the student.


But they also need to get a handle on the bullshit money mismanagement of the schools. I mean do we really need to pay the person teaching intro to contemporary art 6 figures a year, or build a brand new $100M rec center.

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and that's why it will fail because college's want to continue their bullshit. Just like the medical field, insurance. etc, etc. They all want to keep their market distortions. The university of akron built like an almost SEC level stadium.....for the Akron fucking zips. I mean don't you have to show some competence first before your program warrants that kind of capital investment?

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We live in the age of everyone being a special unique snowflake. Hell would be raised if premiums were put on certain degrees over others. It makes sense to prefer engineers, doctors, nurses, etc. as opposed to degrees in French Mime and Interpretive Gymnastics but it will depend on who is in office when something like that was implemented. I could see someone like Sanders saying some nonsense like "we can't forget the arts" and allowing for kids to have their dummy degrees covered by tax payer funds.

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It's easy to draw a scale and put theoretical physics, medicine, and structural engineering or whatever at the top and the history of native estonian interpretive conceptual shadow puppetry at the bottom, but the middle is where you have problems. What's more important, a business degree or a language degree? Journalism or law? If you can get consensus on what is truly important to society you can start handing those courses out for free. But you will struggle to even define important to society. For example, art and music are as important to emotional health as medicine is to physical health. We need doctors, and artists.

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Seems like every story I see on Bernie Sanders reflects the fact that a huge portion of his support comes from the youngest potential voters.


Anyone here remember the guy we kids were in love with back when I was a young liberal? Eugene McCarthy?



I clearly remember the "Nixon 49, America I " bumper stickers - especially because I was in school in Boston at the time.


Not that he had more than a slugger's chance, any way, but I believe Sanders took out any wind that might have sailed Rand Paul for a while.

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But you really don't need a college degree to be an artist. I'll admit it's fun going to college though.



Point number two and we already have 12 years of public education and look at the morons we still have.


Number three the work it takes to earn a degree is a good portion of its value to the individual.


fourth there's probably nothing the federal government does that isn't less efficient and more costly in the long run.


So would you expect colleges and universities to take on more and more students and keep the income level the same or to dilute the product?



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Sanders is appealing to the youngsters who like the idea of having their college debt relieved without any clue as to how Bernie will fund this or any other project he plans. As soon as these kids hit the work force and have to shell out loads of taxes, they may reconsider who they picked.

I pay taxes and paid off my own loans. I am also a youngster. That being said I could see voting for Bernie

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i don't think it would be that difficult to come up with degrees that business's would place greater emphasis on and subsidize them. You form a committee encompassing a spectrum of industries and they come up with the skillsets they demand. Liberal arts degrees are important but should not be subisidized through taxes. Maybe a % subsidization I dunno, there's a discussion there for sure. But I don't think too many people would complain if we subsidized science degrees, medicine, teaching etc, etc...as those are core needs for this country. And if we're smart we absolutely do subsidize language degrees because all kinds of business and federal agencies make use of foreign language talents.


Being proficient in multiple languages makes you hireable outside of the country as well.

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It's easy to draw a scale and put theoretical physics, medicine, and structural engineering or whatever at the top and the history of native estonian interpretive conceptual shadow puppetry at the bottom, but the middle is where you have problems. What's more important, a business degree or a language degree? Journalism or law? If you can get consensus on what is truly important to society you can start handing those courses out for free. But you will struggle to even define important to society. For example, art and music are as important to emotional health as medicine is to physical health. We need doctors, and artists.

I can live without a painting.A heart surgeon? Probably not.

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I pay taxes and paid off my own loans. I am also a youngster. That being said I could see voting for Bernie

You are a minority these days. I am still paying them off and you won't hear me bitching about it. A lot of kids are borrowing the money and then weeping that they have to pay it back after they get into the job market and find that Shadow Puppeteering is not profitable.

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You are a minority these days. I am still paying them off and you won't hear me bitching about it. A lot of kids are borrowing the money and then weeping that they have to pay it back after they get into the job market and find that Shadow Puppeteering is not profitable.

I also only had about 20k

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But I repeat you don't need a college degree to be an artist or a songwriter or singer or pop star.


Go ahead, government, give a four year free ride to engineers and Dr and nothing to the poets and singers and actress.

Every single interest groups will demand equality. Title nine on a nationwide scale.



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