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Plagiarism? Are you kidding?

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If anything of note actually happened in those 36 hours, I might be inclined to agree with you. What actually happened was the media overreacting to a nonstory from the Trump campaign (as they have done since he announced). It was a minor misstep by the Trump campaign, and the media gave it more coverage than the terrorist attacks in Nice - they're clearly reaching to make Trump look as bad as possible. Melania's speech won't matter next week, and it won't matter in November.


As a standalone incident you might be right, but it is now one in a series of self-inflicted Convention missteps that raise questions about the management of the Trump campaign. "Amateur" is not a term of endearment for a campaign. It will hurt fundraising. It will increase the distance between the Presidential campaign and down-ticket candidates. Voters in the middle may wonder how Trump can run the country, if he can't run a convention.


That said even as a standalone it may still live into next week... the Dems may see that it does. Already some rumblings about the ghostwriter's confession letter not passing the smell test coming from their speechwriters.

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Jesus.... you guys can come up with more conspiracies...


McIver has been a Trump employee and friend for decades.


I wasn't meaning that as a conspiracy theory more of Trump campaign ditching the speech written by two highly respected republican speech writers and going with the speech of a lesser credentialed friend (who also happens to be a registered democrat much like most of Trump's family until he decided to run for president). I'm questioning the judgment not making a conspiracy case.

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