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Trump was right about Joe and Mika

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Nope. Nothing like the Trump Derangement Syndrome on the left today.The day after the election while still in shock some on the left wanted to impeach Trump and still do (not because he has done anything worth impeachment but because they don't like him). Suck it up buttercups and try again in 2020. That is how democracy works.

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And when you do a search for impeachment of trump you get a laundry list. Time Magazine Washington Post Washington examiner talking about Democrats already writing up articles of impeachment the new Republic, granted not a mainstream Outlet.

All in the first few months. With nothing impeachable even Cleve can think of


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Wait a minute Cleve. Didn't you just tell me there were all sorts of pictures of those two at maralago on New Year's Eve? She says they weren't there that she turned down the invitation.

So maybe he turned her down or maybe he invited her, who knows but the fact is these Phantom photographs you say couldn't really exist, correct?



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Wait a minute Cleve. Didn't you just tell me there were all sorts of pictures of those two at maralago on New Year's Eve? She says they weren't there that she turned down the invitation.

So maybe he turned her down or maybe he invited her, who knows but the fact is these Phantom photographs you say couldn't really exist, correct?



Steve, read the whole fucking article....


""After listening to the president-elect talk about his foreign policy plans, Joe was asked by a disappointed Mr. Trump the next day if Mika could also visit Mar-a-Lago that night," they wrote. "She reluctantly agreed to go. After we arrived, the president-elect pulled us into his family's living quarters with his wife, Melania, where we had a pleasant conversation. We politely declined his repeated invitations to attend a New Year's Eve party, and we were back in our car within 15 minutes."

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"We politely declined his repeated invitations to attend a New Year's Eve party,"

Those pictures of her face are from dec 30 steve. The day he said she was bleeding from the face so bad he didnt want her at the new years party. Im clearly talking to someone "multiple" levels below me on the overall intelligence meter.....in my position steve, would you keep talking to you? I dont think you would.

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Those pictures of her face are from dec 30 steve. The day he said she was bleeding from the face so bad he didnt want her at the new years party. Im clearly talking to someone "multiple" levels below me on the overall intelligence meter.....in my position steve, would you keep talking to you? I dont think you would.

You are an idiot I know it you know it everybody here knows it.

Anybody can be bleeding from any kind of surgical wound at any time and it could-be stopped reasonably quickly with any kind of competent medical attention. I have no idea if that's what happened but it is certainly within the realm of possibility, and who cares?


Not only that but she said they weren't there on New Year's Eve. The quote I copied.


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So you're going to look at her pristine face from a party from dec 30, and then surmise its possible 24 hours later that face just exploded like that "time of the month"? Please dont call other people idiots because im beginning to think you're not even sure what the word means.


Btw, that party on the 30th must presumably be when trump looked at her and said she was bleeding all over the place so hell no to coming to my new years party. Its categorically insane, all of it. And so because i know what the word means and how its properly used.....ur an idiot steve. Your life as a traveling musician has done your mind apparently no favors because good lord are you one stupid man.


Even diehard, who wakes up every morning lamenting the fact trump isnt nuzzled into his backside adorably snoring in his ear, thinks trump ought to quit the twitter business. But not typical steve-o. Nope, we have to listen to post after post of someone postilating how its feasible in the span of 24 hours a womans face can go from this....http://static3.businessinsider.com/image/59555282a3630ff71a8b6599/one-photo-throws-cold-water-on-trumps-claim-that-mika-brzezinski-was-bleeding-at-mar-a-lago-from-a-face-lift.jpg


To this....http://spidey.kfjc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/I_intprod1-8000based_57029a.jpg






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Sorry that the term idiot offends you. Must be like people of color insisting on being negroes and then African Americans et cetera et cetera. But I digress.

Henceforth I'll use the term moron if it makes you feel better. But bulshit aside:


Any incision can start to bleed and can probably be stopped in a relatively small amount of time. Only a moron would claim that's not true.


What I'm not sure about but I would guess:


Trump just wanted to 'fuck with her so he talked about the face lift.


What we know:


She herself admitted to having the facial plastic surgery but denies it was a facelift.


What I find hard to believe:


A. That trump would refuse to admit them to the New Year's Eve party 24 hours later.


B. Or that these 2 groupies would refuse an invitation. There must be a reason these 2 hacks hung around mir a lago For 72 hours. I'm guessing it's to get in and be seen by other celebrities.


There are only 2 answers here. That they actually did attend that party or they did not.



What, unfortunately, doesn't surprise me a bit:


That some of you cunts are up in arms about this shit. You can decide who you are.


And to Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski (sp) whom I watch almost every morning, and who spend almost their entire show insulting the president, the victem card doesn't really seem genuine. Neither does your faux outrage but I understand where that's coming from.



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Sorry that the term idiot offends you. Must be like people of color insisting on being negroes and then African Americans et cetera et cetera. But I digress.

Henceforth I'll use the term moron if it makes you feel better. But bulshit aside:


Any incision can start to bleed and can probably be stopped in a relatively small amount of time. Only a moron would claim that's not true.


What I'm not sure about but I would guess:


Trump just wanted to 'fuck with her so he talked about the face lift.


What we know:


She herself admitted to having the facial plastic surgery but denies it was a facelift.


What I find hard to believe:


A. That trump would refuse to admit them to the New Year's Eve party 24 hours later.


B. Or that these 2 groupies would refuse an invitation. There must be a reason these 2 hacks hung around mir a lago For 72 hours. I'm guessing it's to get in and be seen by other celebrities.


There are only 2 answers here. That they actually did attend that party or they did not.



What, unfortunately, doesn't surprise me a bit:


That some of you cunts are up in arms about this shit. You can decide who you are.


And to Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski (sp) whom I watch almost every morning, and who spend almost their entire show insulting the president, the victem card doesn't really seem genuine. Neither does your faux outrage but I understand where that's coming from.



She's a ugly Hoe anyways.

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I dont have cable or satellite


All I get is Trump hate news on TV.


I watch the nightly news and I can tell you since the fall of last year I have yet to see them do anything but find fault with Trump. Even on stories such as the jobs he helped save at Carrier they would run negative stories on how much it cost to save those jobs with tax credits and disputing the number of the jobs saved. The MSM had a slobbering love affair with Obama for 8 years where they consistently ran favorable stories and either not covered altogether some of the scandals or attempted to minimize them.

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What I'm not sure about but I would guess:


Trump just wanted to 'fuck with her so he talked about the face lift.





Now the clue train is starting to roll into the station, finally. She's an old lumbering steam driven beast but by god, eventually she gets home

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And to Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski (sp) whom I watch almost every morning, and who spend almost their entire show insulting the president, the victem card doesn't really seem genuine.


Why on earth do you watch them every morning? They are awful. This was never about "joe and mika", unfortunately their ratings are spiking because all of this which is really annoying. What this was about was Trump yet again, going after a womans looks and by all accounts more or less blowing it out his ass. I reject your hypothesis that her face blew up so badly less than 24 hours after those photo's. If there was an incision that was capable of opening up like that, there would have been a bandage there the night before. It makes no sense. Had he just called them idiots, most people would have agreed. People are just annoyed as shit we have a president that seemingly spends his entire day glued to cable news and then tweets his resentment at people who didn't fluff him that day. It's absurd. Obama never conducted himself like this. This is the president of the fucking united states.......he shouldn't be live tweeting his impulsive grievances. And yes I would absolutely say the same, and I think most liberals would have too, if Obama was doing this.

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Why on earth do you watch them every morning? They are awful. This was never about "joe and mika", unfortunately their ratings are spiking because all of this which is really annoying. What this was about was Trump yet again, going after a womans looks and by all accounts more or less blowing it out his ass. I reject your hypothesis that her face blew up so badly less than 24 hours after those photo's. If there was an incision that was capable of opening up like that, there would have been a bandage there the night before. It makes no sense. Had he just called them idiots, most people would have agreed. People are just annoyed as shit we have a president that seemingly spends his entire day glued to cable news and then tweets his resentment at people who didn't fluff him that day. It's absurd. Obama never conducted himself like this. This is the president of the fucking united states.......he shouldn't be live tweeting his impulsive grievances. And yes I would absolutely say the same, and I think most liberals would have too, if Obama was doing this.

Oh bullshit cleve. You 'fuckers spent 8 years blasting away at any female you didn't like, making fun of her looks, brains, anything you could think of. There probably wasn't a day that went by without some personal attack on Sarah pailin. You still spew the bulshit about Kellyanne Conway.


I don't think you were a member then but I'd be surprised if your lips ever left Obama or the democrats collective scrotums .


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Oh bullshit cleve. You 'fuckers spent 8 years blasting away at any female you didn't like, making fun of her looks, brains, anything you could think of. There probably wasn't a day that went by without some personal attack on Sarah pailin. You still spew the bulshit about Kellyanne Conway.


I don't think you were a member then but I'd be surprised if your lips ever left Obama or the democrats collective scrotums .



1) if i ever said anything about palins looks it was in resonse to one of u saying how hot she was and me saying uuhhh no....have u ever seen her without makeup


2) nice job there equating ranfom internet assholes with the president of the united states. If i ran gor president rest assured i wouldnt be making public tweets saying "look at this ngr right here".....because i can put it away. Donald cant

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