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We Must Reject LGBTQ Craziness Becoming America's Accepted Nor

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3 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Simply put I wouldn't deny any one services based on almost anything. They would literally have to be flying a Nazi flag or whatever the equivalent is in other cultures.  I have what's called tact. 

okay, except where it comes to being a Christian, and being forced to accept perversion, that is the problem you don't have to deal with.

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your gays do NOT have that "right' I object to after all. How about that, Captain "Gays can make other people jump when they say jump"

Supreme Court rules in favor of baker who would not make wedding ...

Jun 4, 2018 - The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Masterpiece Cakeshop baker Jack Phillips, who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple.
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2 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

How about that, captain law and order? You sure as hell go on at great lengths about the law every time some black guy gets shot up by the cops but when it comes to you having to respect the law suddenly you get awfully choosy. 

there is CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, then there's your'alls activist makes us happy law that isn't the former.

You know why the public school system fought property taxes going to schools? because they wanted federal funding so they

could teach perversion and not have to answer to the public. That's why. They screw up teaching kids liberal crap, the voters could vote down every tax, etc.

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The Perversion of America | The American Spectator

Apr 17, 2018 - The question from Sen. Cory Booker was blunt: “Do you believe that gay sex is a perversion? Yes or no?” Sitting in the witness chair at the ...
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The Day of Silence-- Who are the Sexual Perversion Pushers

This year the sexual perversion day, Day of Silence, is being celebrated in the public schools of America on April 15. The perversion is pushed in the schools by .
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erversion Poisons Childhood in America - Illinois Family Institute

Jul 5, 2018 - Two young couples and their young children attended an Independence Day parade in a conservative Illinois town. For the fourth year in a row, ...
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The Plague of Perversion : Christian Courier

A new generation of Americans has watched steadily as a deadly plague has descended upon this nation. It is the plague of sexual perversion. Moral people .
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Obama's Wicked Move to Memorialize Sexual Perversion in America ...

Jun 24, 2016 - President Barack Obama on Friday designated the site of a watershed event in the history of U.S. gay rights, the 1969 Stonewall riots in New ...
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why the fuck is mike pompeo talking about gay sex in any of his speeches....like ever? why is it conservatives are the most caught up on gay sex? like it keeps.them awake at night.....fir real im not just having fun. Nobody "normal" gives a fleeting fuck n suck  what two consenting adults do with each others genitals in their own privacy. Only these closet sauna fags do....

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1 minute ago, Clevfan4life said:

why the fuck is mike pompeo talking about gay sex in any of his speeches....like ever? why is it conservatives are the most caught up on gay sex? like it keeps.them awake at night.....fir real im not just having fun. Nobody "normal" gives a fleeting fuck n suck  what two consenting adults do with each others genitals in their own privacy. Only these closet sauna fags do....

He said it at church. At bible believing churches they do speak about sin from time to time. 

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Out of curiosity, I used TBB's way-back-machine and searched the threads back in 2015, the year gay marriage was legalized, to get a gauge on what poster's thoughts were when the ruling first came down, and I came across this thread. In particular, I noticed a post by a fellow user which pretty much sums up the point of many of the pro-gay marriage arguers on here, and their main issues with the anti-gay marriage posters. Here it is (emphasis is mine, not the OP):



One thing I wanted to chime in and say here, one problem most have when viewing this case, the idea that somehow the scotus has rewritten laws, redefined marriage, that govt needs to stay out of it.....you complete ly missing what just happens. I know some of you are old enough to have had remedial civics...


These cases came before the court because laws were written by state legislatures banning ssm. The scotus merely struck down those laws that prevent any consenting person from engaging in the contract, a legally equal contract, based on sexual orientation and thus gender. Tax status, right to inherit property, etc.


Who is actually guily of trying to define marriage are those claiming its purely between a man and woman...religious doctrine, historical trends, species procreation....these excuse is irrelevant today in America, the great experimental melting pot. I understand the reason for the slippery slopes and strawmen, but I find it more sad than anything, for your souls, that you stand by your convictions that deny your fellow Americans the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Read that last line again.


All that happened here is the court says that no state may deny a marriage license to a same sex couple. This is equal protection in terms of tax law, inheritance law, divorce and property law, and so much more legal shit they've never had access to. You're distress over what this means for you pales in comparison to that of some not allowed to visit a dying partner in the hospital because its "family" only.


Let's be honest....the outrage is based on the lack of YOUR ability to now define marriage.


I'm proud because 225 years later, America still works. The system of checks and balances set up by those brilliant men still to this day guides this country to the right choice, even though the process takes time. I'm sorry many of you are upset about it....I wish it wasn't so. No one is asking you to like or accept it, just allow it. And to do so because its whats good, its whats right, and its what everyone is entitled to as an American.


Kids born today by large part find it strange that blacks were once held as slaves, that women were actually considered property and couldn't vote. Most rational people now would agree....and in 50 years, when we're all dead, people will think this was also absurd. Wrong side of history, indeed.


I'm sure there will be some gay activists which push the boundaries and try to force this on a church or business, which I expect to get shot down if and when it ends up in court. The right to marry is not the right to marry anywhere by anyone. I didn't get married in a church to my opposite sex wife, so there's options available that it should never have to happen. Now that they gained the same rights, they may not like to repercussions as well....the lack of attention and special treatment (ahem, Micheal Sam). They'll now have to deal with life on the same terms, for both the good and bad.


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8 hours ago, Clevfan4life said:

why the fuck is mike pompeo talking about gay sex in any of his speeches....like ever? why is it conservatives are the most caught up on gay sex? like it keeps.them awake at night.....fir real im not just having fun. Nobody "normal" gives a fleeting fuck n suck  what two consenting adults do with each others genitals in their own privacy. Only these closet sauna fags do....

They eat the poo poo

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1 hour ago, OldBrownsFan said:

This is an excellent video on a Christian perspective.

Nicest way I can phrase this.....

Nobody here is attempting to reconcile their faith with their sexuality.  More importantly, nobody is here attempting to make an argument about it.  That's intensely personal and between the individual and God. 

Oh and to point this little but out, without help (even with help) you were unable to counter my argument made re: the beets. 

I. E. You basically yielded to the point that gay marriage effects you every bit as much as your neighbors choice of crops or your neighbors infidelity.  In short, it doesn't.  Other than it offends some delicate sensibilities.   Well I eat meat and that offends vegans.  Sorry, we don't pass laws based on simple offense.    

You did counter with the attempt at the Baker forced to bake a cake.   (An indirect admittance that my example was impossible for you to get around) 

To which, myself and others, now 4 years running with Jblum having highlighted a 2015 thread - are in agreement saying that no institution, especially the church, should be forced to violate their beliefs provided it actually effects them.  


So this is /thread.   Either everyone is allowed to marry or everyone is allowed a civil union and the government further removes itself from being the morality police.     As per the Constitution - life, Liberty and the pursuit.  You cannot be a true American believing anyone in good standing with the law should be afforded less rights, benefits or Protections than yourself. Regardless if you disagree with the lifestyle between 2 consenting adults. 

giphy (1).gif

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I thought I made a good argument to your beets analogy apart from agreeing  there isn't anything worse than beets. I think your point was although you hated beets it didn't matter that your neighbor loved them. That was his business. And I said but what if your neighbor asked you to water his beets while he was on vacation? Now you are being asked to participate in something you don't like or agree with and that has been my main point on this thread. Christians as a matter of conscience do not want to be a participant in a gay wedding. Yes that is their business getting married just don't try to make someone who disagrees be a participant. And the other question is why would you do it anyway? Why do you want to force a Christian baker to make a cake for your gay wedding when he doesn't want to because of his conscience and why not just go to another baker who will happily take your money?  

This goes back to the Supreme Court's majority argument that legalizing gay marriage will not affect one's religious liberties or conscience when it shows that it does have affects. In fact the same justices on the Supreme Court who said that ruled against the Christian baker and his conscience in not wanting to participate in a gay marriage.

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12 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

I thought I made a good argument to your beets analogy apart from agreeing  there isn't anything worse than beets. I think your point was although you hated beets it didn't matter that your neighbor loved them. That was his business. And I said but what if your neighbor asked you to water his beets while he was on vacation? Now you are being asked to participate in something you don't like or agree with and that has been my main point on this thread. Christians as a matter of conscience do not want to be a participant in a gay wedding. Yes that is their business getting married just don't try to make someone who disagrees be a participant. And the other question is why would you do it anyway? Why do you want to force a Christian baker to make a cake for your gay wedding when he doesn't want to because of his conscience and why not ust go to another baker who will happily take your money?  

This goes back to the Supreme Court's majority argument that legalizing gay marriage will not affect one's religious liberties or conscience when it shows that it does have affects. In fact the same justices on the Supreme Court who said that ruled against the Christian baker and his conscience in not wanting to participate in a gay marriage.

You're conflating a gay couple having a private wedding with willing participants and you a) aren't forced to attend b) were not invited.     With said gay people sueing a business for services.   So I'll make this super easy for you. 


Neighbor growing beets = gay marriage with willing participants.    Of which you have no business or legal right to stop. 

Neighbor asking you to water their beets = gay couple sueing business for their services of which business declares religious right to refuse. 

Nobody here has a problem with businesses denying their services based on faith.   Well, I think it's dumb as fuck, but it's their right to refuse.  We are in agreement here now? 

Circle back around, gay folk find all materials and services for their marriage with at will participants.   You nor myself should have basis to say they have no legal right to this part now. Are we also in agreement on this finally?


I'm hoping yes because I can't make it easier. 

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2 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

You're conflating a gay couple having a private wedding with willing participants and you a) aren't forced to attend b) were not invited.     With said gay people sueing a business for services.   So I'll make this super easy for you. 


Neighbor growing beets = gay marriage with willing participants.    Of which you have no business or legal right to stop. 

Neighbor asking you to water their beets = gay couple sueing business for their services of which business declares religious right to refuse. 

Nobody here has a problem with businesses denying their services based on faith.   Well, I think it's dumb as fuck, but it's their right to refuse.  We are in agreement here now? 

Circle back around, gay folk find all materials and services for their marriage with at will participants.   You not myself have no basis to say they have no legal right to this part.   Are we also in agreement on this finally?


I'm hoping yes because I can't make it easier. 

We are on the same page but the Supreme Court only narrowly ruled in favor of the Christian baker and refused to take up the case of the Christian florist so could you send maybe an email to the Supremes and help make it a bit easier for them too?  

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11 minutes ago, OldBrownsFan said:

We are on the same page but the Supreme Court only narrowly ruled in favor of the Christian baker and refused to take up the case of the Christian florist so could you send maybe an email to the Supremes and help make it a bit easier for them too?  

I can't make unreasonable people reasonable or change the need for some to force their vision of an individual on others. 


But it would be nice. 

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21 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

These guys don't want gay marriage to be legal. Let's not pretend they're cool with it. And at least one of them is fond of REAL AMERICAN-ing everyone. 


Save your Cleve act for Cleve. 

Whatever. It's been settled. It's in the Constitution. Lots of people don't like lots of things, many of which have yet to be settled. Illegal immigration, gun control, Medicare and Welfare for all etc etc.



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1 hour ago, tiamat63 said:

You're conflating a gay couple having a private wedding with willing participants and you a) aren't forced to attend b) were not invited.     With said gay people sueing a business for services.   So I'll make this super easy for you. 


Neighbor growing beets = gay marriage with willing participants.    Of which you have no business or legal right to stop. 

Neighbor asking you to water their beets = gay couple sueing business for their services of which business declares religious right to refuse. 

Nobody here has a problem with businesses denying their services based on faith.   Well, I think it's dumb as fuck, but it's their right to refuse.  We are in agreement here now? 

Circle back around, gay folk find all materials and services for their marriage with at will participants.   You nor myself should have basis to say they have no legal right to this part now. Are we also in agreement on this finally?


I'm hoping yes because I can't make it easier. 

To be fair I am against businesses being able to refuse service based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

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