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Alex Van Pelt - OC


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7 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

seems like an excellent staff being put together. Woods... and Van Pelt...

"He’ll help run a version of the West Coast offense that Gary Kubiak, now the Vikings coordinator, installed in Minnesota last year with Stefanski running the offense.

It’s virtually the same scheme that Kyle Shanahan coached to a Super Bowl berth Sunday against the Chiefs."

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this will call for some early morning research.. Am aware of only 2 Van Pelt's in my short lifetime..1) Scott on ESPN..2) and this hoodlum from the movie Jumanji 4Axh.gif   hell, a couple weeks with Baker this could happen to anybody.. good night Merica!!  

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3 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Looking at Wiki, he's bounced around. A lot of his bouncing had to do when teams cut their entire coaching staff loose. 

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Smiled when I saw this news... and I don't know why.

Those that wanted McCarthy should be pleased with the choice... Alex spent years rotating thru the skill positions under Mike.

3 hours ago, gumby73 said:

this will call for some early morning research.. Am aware of only 2 Van Pelt's in my short lifetime..1) Scott on ESPN..2) and this hoodlum from the movie Jumanji

You don't remember Brad? Good player on a bunch of bad NYG teams. He was starting LB for NYG for about a decade including a couple seasons at the end of his NY stint opposite LT. He then spent a season of two in OAK before having a cup of coffee with us just prior to retiring. He went to a few Pro Bowls.

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Aaron Rodgers has given some very (public) high praise of Van Pelt as his QB coach.    Most notably his hard work, preparation and game day input. 

Hoping that translates to something.  I really know little about his schematic and personnel philosophy but look forward to finding out.

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3 hours ago, Unsympathetic said:

Despair is.. really not the right reaction here.

There's a time when he was a coveted hire

Rodgers didn't want to let him go

Van Pelt's impact on Cincy - "if you’re asking me who’s an early front-runner for Bengals coach of the year, it’s Van Pelt"

There's  plenty of  despair, doom and gloom  making the  rounds now. 

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1 hour ago, Dutch Oven said:

He's brought his go-getter attitude that gave the world a kick-ass rebate program at Flying J to the Browns!

Except Jimmah knew nothing about that program...

... hummm...

Maybe we need the Rebate Mgr running the team...

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1 minute ago, Tour2ma said:

Except Jimmah knew nothing about that program...

... hummm...

Maybe we need the Rebate Mgr running the team...

Jimmy couldn't be accountable for those rebates kind of like no one specifically could be held accountable for the clusterfuck that was The Process. I'm starting to see his never-dying love for it!

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  • 3 weeks later...


Recent Pat McManamon article in the Athletic. The site said l could share the article with a friend, so l linked above. Let me know if it holds up.

I really like this Van Pelt guy. Says real “sink your teeth into” stuff. I’ll link a cleveland.com article below that had snippets of the interview.



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On 2/19/2020 at 5:53 PM, Ibleedbrown said:

I really like this Van Pelt guy. Says real “sink your teeth into” stuff. I’ll link a cleveland.com article below that had snippets of the interview.

It's early, but I like what I hear, specifically how Van Pelt is going to hammer Baker about his footwork. That's going to be key for reducing those awful high throws. 

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6 hours ago, jiggins7919 said:

It's early, but I like what I hear, specifically how Van Pelt is going to hammer Baker about his footwork. That's going to be key for reducing those awful high throws. 

I like it too. Imagine that...Browns Coaches who are preaching & teaching fundamentals...FINALLY!!!


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15 hours ago, Canton Mike said:

I like it too. Imagine that...Browns Coaches who are preaching & teaching fundamentals...FINALLY!!!


Interesting to hear about Van Pelt not wanting Baker to get his own QB coach in the offseason. Probably the first time I've heard of that, but it makes sense. Something else I didn't like hearing was Baker saying he didn't NEED help working on certain things. I don't have the exact quote, but it was something like, "I don't need someone to tell me how to do a 3 step drop. If it needs work, I'll critique myself." 

I don't know the exact context, but I know that wasn't what I wanted to hear. It was obvious to everyone that Baker was missing the intermediate throws (normally high, which means you can't throw over the middle), was locking on PRE-SNAP (especially in red zone), and he wasn't staying in the pocket. I can understand not staying in the pocket, as our OL wasn't great in pass protection, but Baker darted out to his right FAR too often instead of stepping up and defenses were all to ready for it. 

You ready for the good news? OK, but before we get to it, we need a little history. Remember when the Vikings broke the bank and gave Kirk Cousins like the biggest guaranteed contract ever? Well, Kirk Cousins then went out and set the world on fire, right? Well, kind of. Although he threw 30 tds against 10 picks, the offense was clunky and Minnesota actually let go of their OC during the season and none other than Kevin Stefanski finished the year in the role. 

The offense got better under Stefanski and he was invited back to be the OC for the 2019 season where Minnesota enjoyed a versatile attack that heavily relied on the ground game and devastating play-action passing attacks. If you want to see what Minnesota's offense looks like just check out the YouTube highlights of their games, or you can watch the San Francisco 49's offense. They look very similar (with obvious differences of course) and they rely on multiple variations of the exact same formation to confuse defenses. 

OK, so you remember when the 49's beat our asses into the ground? Remember how there were receivers wide open, running backs gashing us, and essentially we couldn't do anything to stop them? Yeah...that's what will happen if a defense isn't prepared properly, and THAT'S what our offense CAN look like. Can anybody tell me the names of the 49's best wide receivers? Other than Kittle, I have no clue. Imagine our offense looking like theirs but with Chubb, OBJ, and Landry. 

Would anybody say that Garoppolo or Cousins are more talented than Baker Mayfield? Throw better? I don't think so. So if you put Baker in a similar offense to what the Vikings and 49's ran, is it fair to expect similar results? I think it is, especially when we bring in a real TE and fullback. Don't forget, our TEs were garbage last year and I had no faith in any of them. If I had to see Baker force that play-action pass over the middle to Harris ONE more time, I would have gone crazy. 

Stefanski in Minnesota was all about detail, which will be a stark contrast to Kitchens. Be prepared for a total culture shock and a baptism of sorts. I'm telling you, it's going to be night and day different in terms of preparation and play-calling, I know it. Remember when we'd get into the red zone, like inside the 5, and it was total chaos? Now, it got better with the arrival of Hunt, but Jesus we looked lost sometimes. Remember against Buffalo when it took 47 plays inside the 3 to score and our own PLAYERS were calling for the FG?! Have you ever seen that before? 

Now, obviously I have no way of being certain of anything, as I'm just some idiot who loves the Browns and drank too much coffee this morning which propelled me into writing this novel. There's one last thing I wanted to discuss (I know, I know) and that's our OL. We had the exact same tackles last year as the 2018 year yet virtually everyone is bemoaning how terrible they are, including me. In 2018 after Williams and Kitchens took over we'd had near historic levels of OL play. Like, we weren't counting sacks, we were counting QB "touches". Baker literally didn't get TOUCHED sometimes. So what happened last year? 

Playcalling happened, that's what. Teams knowing what we're doing, predictable calls, calling the same play multiple times in a row, calling plays we haven't practiced in weeks...ALL sorts of problems. Those kinds of errors will be gone. I don't think we're going to be all sunshine and rainbows, I mean, this is freakin Cleveland. But we're going to be better, and by better I mean fighting for playoffs...finally. 

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3 hours ago, jiggins7919 said:

Something else I didn't like hearing was Baker saying he didn't NEED help working on certain things.

Even the world's top golfers have swing coaches...

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3 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

Even the world's top golfers have swing coaches...

I pointed out it's even more so in the sport I was 1\2 decent in- tennis. ALL the top players have coaches.  Serving a tennis ball is sort of like hitting a drive off the tee....  Just because you've done it 100,000 times before doesn't mean you can't get out of whack and not know why..... 

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Van Pelt's presser is on the team site.

He's concerned about the OL and TE positions.  Not sure he's got the TE that can block well and catch well.

And he's gonna change Mayfield's footwork.  Including starting with his left foot forward while in the shotgun, instead of his right.


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2 hours ago, Orion said:

Van Pelt's presser is on the team site.

He's concerned about the OL and TE positions.  Not sure he's got the TE that can block well and catch well.

And he's gonna change Mayfield's footwork.  Including starting with his left foot forward while in the shotgun, instead of his right.


You could argue TE position group was the worst position group last year and quite honestly it wasn’t That talented for the week and half we had NJoku either. 

I think he gets it.  Don’t get cute...you have talented skill guys, spread them out there’s bound to be mismatch...Baker needs to find the open guy 

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1 hour ago, SdBacker80 said:

You could argue TE position group was the worst position group last year and quite honestly it wasn’t That talented for the week and half we had NJoku either. 

I might argue that an awful lot was asked of the TE group last year and they maybe weren’t put in the best position to succeed. Stuff like having the TE block the other team’s star DE within the play call. 

I also think Baker’s change up is a work in progress. There’s that certain style of timing touch pass that seems mighty effective with TEs and RBs from the backfield that Baker hasn’t quite got the hang of.

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3 hours ago, SdBacker80 said:

You could argue TE position group was the worst position group last

I'd argue the OL...but...Njoku had an off year and, not that Fells was a great TE but he was pretty good and for some unknown reason we let him go to replace him with Pharoh Brown...who's no where near as good as Fells.  

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