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OT: Buckeyes-Trojans


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The way the schedules work out, this could end up being the game that decides the other spot in the national championship game. I've thought all offseason that OSU would win the game, and USC picking the freshman to start at QB cinched it for me (up yours Mustain). That said, the Navy game last week...


This is probably a dumb pick, but I'm sticking with my guns:


An Ohio State University 24

USC 21



Oh, and Michigan 24, ND 17. Charlie Weis is still a douche.

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Trojans by 10. Although Pryor may give Carroll nightmarish flashbacks (!).


If he can combine over 200 yards rushing with over 200 yards passing - that's the well balanced FLASHBACK we would LOVE to see Pete Carroll presented with tonight. That's not as easy as VY made it look. If Pryor can do this the way I'm told he can - color me impressed. This is an intriguing matchup of 2 young and confident QBs. I hope it's the great game it CAN be.


Truthfully, I'm most worried about OSU's defense and how it's orchestrated from the DC. I understand the concept of respect to a point. I don't want to see another game plan against an elite football school where this defense stays back on it's heels for 60 minutes or I'm thinking Tressell needs to fire somebody REAL quick on the defensive side of the ball. I've seen this defense look VERY well coached and coordinated as recently as when AJ Hawk and Bobby Carpenter were playing. It's not like OSU has stopped recruiting elite players since they left so this side of the ball needs to show us some giddyup and get after it when it gets outside the Big 10.

- Tom F.

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Talk about contrast -- Barkley is a traditional pro style quarterback with a big arm and perfect mechanics. Pryor's mechanics are a mess but he's a scary athlete.


Doesn't that sound ALOT like Young vrs Leinart? Here's the intrigue for OSU fans though: THIS version of VY is playing USC at Columbus with the MIND of Jim Tressell. If Tresell's DC (and defense) can make the occasional stop like Texas did to USC - Pryor can win the shootout. Big IF but you bet I'll be watching.

- Tom F.

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Guest Aloysius

Already a crazy day for the Big Ten: Michigan State can't field an onside kick and loses on a last second field goal to Central Michigan; Wisconsin comes from behind and beats Fresno State in double overtime.


Hopefully, the Michigan and OSU games will be just as exciting.

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OSU during the Tressel era is pretty simple to understand: Well coached defense/ST, undercoached offense(I am not talking about playcalling, just the general coaching itself with Bollman isn't good), excellent focus.


Sadly, the latter has fallen in bigger games. The only time OSU has had a really good offense was during the Troy Smith era which was totally thanks to Troy.


USC is a very physically mature team. They don't have the talent they did in past years, but well enough to put up another 11-12 game winning season.


The key is for OSU not to get physically beaten by USC. Then they must improve their focus to win the game in the 4th quarter.

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Wow, RIP downplaying yet another player. I don't think I've ever heard you speak positively of any player or team since you started posting here. I guess that's a nice easy place to stay....on naysayer island....


I am not saying Mays is trash, but he isn't a done deal All-pro saftey like many think. He is a first round saftey that you hope developes.

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Guest Aloysius

Mays took over the Cal game last year.



Just needs to play like that more consistently. Otherwise, he's not a top ten pick...and could end up getting moved to linebacker.

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What do people do with things that have no substance in their lives? Yeah, they usually trash them....


I'm not trying to debate you on the merits of whether or not Mays will be a good pro, I'm saying that I've never seen you say a positive thing about any one player or team or anything since you started posting here. You do realize that the majority of people see overly negative people as assholes and generally avoid them.


On the opposite, people don't like players overhyped as the coming of God when they aren't even close. The sides balance out.

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