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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. Wilks scheme foiled again. Of course arm bar hold on Garrett not called. I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!
  2. Honestly it’s a miracle we’re only down 10. Any given Sunday?
  3. Another example of just looking for it against certain teams.
  4. I’m losing faith in Wilks more each week. How are you sending a pressure look on 4th down and have your secondary 10 yards off? freddie making another objectively bad decision. Name a more iconic duo.
  5. Guys I’m so tired of how this game is refereed. It makes me not want to watch.
  6. Exactly, especially in the pouring down rain.
  7. On a day like today you have to accept a perfect throw with good coverage. Bail coverage is an awful scheme design, no way you change my mind.
  8. this is after the bye folks. Freddie has zero business leading an NFL team. A shame we messed it up but hopefully it’s understood this is a failed experiment with him as HC
  9. If Wilks plays bail coverage on 3rd down for another easy 1st down one more time I’m driving to Cleveland tomorrow.
  10. As I've noted now a bunch, the problem is that NFL referees simply have no incentive to do better. I also don't believe there's a big coverup, but I don't see how someone can honestly logically look at how games are reffed and not go "hmm" to why certain teams are so closely watched compared to others. It's just a statement of fact really. However, these mofos are protected by Goddell and their Union so they don't have to do better. Honestly, it's quickly made me so much less interested in watching games outside the Browns for how lousy calls are and how they impact the game.
  11. I'll tell ya this much-as a gamblin man, the rule of thumb is high double digit favorites were always the "easy bet" to give the points on the underdog. I'd be curious the percentage of double digit favorites covering, it's gotta be 75% or more. The good vs the bad teams in the NFL is the most polar I've witnessed in a good while.
  12. It shouldn't be understated a big reason the Ravens are in this position is because Harbaugh is a top 3-5 coach in the league. It must make his brother furious haha.
  13. He Kirk Cousin'd it, that's for sure. Took the odder route than most but dude is going to get paid, big time.
  14. The only silver lining is that outside the Bills they've played the teams that literally may be 1-5 in the NFL draft. The bills game they looked beatable. Thing is though, we're in the top 10 draft pick column right now too.
  15. Sure, I mean I'm not suggesting paying a back-up a $50 million deal, but (for example) this year Mariota is going to be gone from Tenn. He would seemingly fit well here, and I feel like something along the lines of 3 year/$24 million would be enticing.
  16. The thing that makes me the most angry is they're so "set in their ways" about this too. Just effing admit you need help and get the ball rolling. No one would blame these dudes but NFL refs specifically live in this circle jerk mentality of protecting themselves.
  17. Exactly why I've said for years I'm not at all opposed to spending "big money" on a back-up QB. Most important position on the field. Teddy B. has locked himself into a huge FA money deal this offseason.
  18. I agree, but man it's a bummer if this season goes down the drain with the landscape of the division and now frankly the AFC. Sure, you got the king the mountain looking awesome but our division is wide open, the presumptive 2nd best team just lost their key piece (Mahomes), and no other team (maybe the Texans) makes you go "wow" in the AFC now. This is a really above average year to get through the mud, but starting 2-5 all but likely is going to be a steep hill to climb.
  19. The thing is running the ball isn't the problem at all. Chubb's at 100 YPG, 5.3 YPC clip and 2nd in the league to McCaffrey who is the next Le'veon Bell in terms of touches per game right now. I don't see any reason to mess up a good thing, we just need to keep feeding the beast. Can't ask for much better stat line than that through six games.
  20. There's growing speculation that several large bets have been placed on the same crew that screwed the Lions: https://brobible.com/sports/article/gambler-big-bets-ref-screwed-lions/ What proof do you want exactly? Are do you just want to live in an ignorant bubble where the evidence in front of you doesn't exist?
  21. I've said before I'm not a tin foil hat guy. I just don't understand how from a truly objective perspective one can't look at the situation and think the referees have it out for certain players, teams, and coaches (with the Browns firmly in this group). The alternative is even more far-fetched than the reality really.
  22. My theory is that refs are trained outside the guise of how it should to be look for certain things for certain teams/players more closely. For an easy example, the refs definitely look at Burifct hits under a microscope based on his past behavior. I strongly believe they are "encouraged" to look for ticky tack calls against the NFL darlings to save them from injury (Tom Brady, cough). Essentially, because the teams like the Browns are "bad", they are more likely to commit penalties so they look at that team closely. Further, in the NFL specifically I think referees just hold bias against certain franchises and players. In every other sport by in large can mitigate this because of how games happen in the schedule. The problem is that Goddell won't hold them accountable, it's going to take the owners pushing on him to do so. I really, really hope if this crap continues that they do.
  23. Just another example of traditional "big time" franchises getting the breaks the others dont. Nothing to see here though, right?
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