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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. I don't disagree, but the below poster is exactly right. There's probably 3-4 cases of a dude throwing a blow like OBJ did on any given football Sunday. He was wrong to do it, and is very likely to get fined. Here's the direct replay: https://sports.yahoo.com/drama-in-browns-ravens-leads-to-obj-getting-chokeslammed-by-marlon-humphrey-200322604.html. OBJ was clearly getting held by the way, but that action "punch" isn't something that makes you recoil. Humphry on the other hand committed what would be a felony and even attempted murder in some cases, and that's not being dramatic. It just ain't the same. If Burfict just got a full year suspension for a helmet to helmet hit, there's no way this shouldn't get at least one game. It's absolutely unacceptable.
  2. I mean, I don't what to say that's going to change your mind. Your view is the Ravens schemed poorly, but my view is that Wilks schemed strongly. To the bolded point, this is exactly what we did and limited the Rams offense to 20 points and the Ravens to essentially 18 points (removing the BS TD at the end). We did that with LITERALLY our entire starting secondary out last week along with our starting OLB, and this week basically being the same. What more do you want or expect? I'd be happy with that even with all 11 starters on the field. The pundits are rightly praising Wilks for his plan, cause it's working. You'd be a bit short-sighted to suggest we lost the Rams game based on defense. I'm being very realistic in understanding these 2nd string dudes aren't going to the Pro Bowl, but I just don't see how one can possibly be more than strongly impressed with Wilks and this unit of players. If it ain't broke, don't fix it and this defense is playing very well right now.
  3. I mean, that was overtly the scheme by Wilks to limit big plays. You really can't be mad that a corner back isn't making the play on a 5 yard pass when they're 12 yards off the ball. I'm not saying these guys are all-pro, but I'd bet based on the last two weeks teams would be frothing to have the talent we have in the secondary. Holding two of the most dynamic offenses in football in check with 2nd string dudes is pretty dang impressive.
  4. https://www.thebiglead.com/posts/video-marlon-humphrey-chokes-odell-beckham-jr-browns-ravens-01dnz7ab2ds0 If only there was a referee standing right over the players to eject a dude for literally choking a player on the field..man, too bad. Anything less than some game suspensions is unacceptable, for both the player and the ref.
  5. A lot of encouraging things to lean me towards "we're the real deal". In no particular order: -I said all week I hoped Wilks and the crew looked at the KC tape on how to limit Jackson in making him a pocket thrower. Those end runs for 10 yards are dazzling, but manageable in the context of the game. I would have liked to see them play up a little more, but another excellent defensive plan by Wilks. It also should please everyone how deep our secondary talent is (why I wasn't much about drafting Greedy, but I'll save my rant). -In a similar vein, kudos big time to Kitchens on realizing the weakness of the Ravens defense-edge speed/secondary depth. Humphry played well on OBJ, but Landry obviously feasted on the other subpar dudes. Who's talking now, Earl? Also, I really hope Humphry gets a game or two suspension. The man committed felony assault, and that's not being dramatic. -To continue, the use of 12 personnel and edge runs was the "seal of victory" this week. The Ravens simply had no answer for the toss plays in this alignment, to obviously include the big run which put the game away. -I will give props to the Ravens running game, however. That type of offense with a TD lead late in the 3rd quarter is going to be tough to stop. Fortunately for Browns fans, that defense aint what it used to be in holding leads.
  6. I was referring to the 3rd and 10 last in the first half, where Landry clearly was a yard further up the field but they upheld the call. We snuck it for the 1st down sure, but just another file to put into the "how the refs continue to mess up".
  7. I’m happy to admit I was wrong about kicker choice. Siebert has been right down the middle
  8. I’m not calling a doctor when this Chubb lasts longer than 4 hours.
  9. I hope people appreciate how deep our secondary talent is. These guys are balling.
  10. We gotta press up. Stop letting them do exactly what they want to do on offense
  11. Which is way replay exists. It’s unacceptable.
  12. I’m so fucking tired of these god damn referees. How can any of you mofos defend them? They missed that by a yard and a half!
  13. That is just as much on Landry as Baker. He stopped the route.
  14. Exactly. There’s obvious intent and that has to be important.
  15. The new crack back rule makes me irrationally angry. Cause a guy isn’t looking means they can’t block them? Garbage
  16. Not deferring and starting on offense is again a small, but objectively wrong coaching decision.
  17. The old "injury bug" phrase is quickly attaching itself to Denzel Ward, that's for sure.
  18. for the short-term, I'm actually "okay" with the Browns being 2-4 going into the bye. I sincerely hope our unit has the ability to steal a game despite I believe going in as underdogs the next three weeks (maybe Seattle?). Going to New England after the bye just sucks, but after that patriots game there's a whole of winnable games on the schedule. If the squad can right the ship even if we're 2-5 (which could be very likely), the schedule is there to win 4 of 5, 5 of 6 potentially.
  19. For sure. It has nothing to do with being a "fan" and that's what pisses me off about this type of argument. I'll be a fan of Cleveland sports till the day I die. But I'm not going to watch some God 2-11 browns team to ruin my Sunday in December. To think that doesn't make someone a "true fan" is just plain dumb.
  20. I mean, nah. I don't understand why this is so hard for people to realize. Bernie represented an era where the Browns were a consistent, good football team. IDK when he said this, but let's assume it was after a tough playoff loss. The context of this statement is SO MUCH different than the Browns we've got in the 21st century. I'll be a 30 year old father (can't wait!) at the end of 2019 and I haven't been on this planet to see a good, consistent Browns football team. I'm watching nearly every week, but come the eff on with this line of thinking. Most people aren't stopping being Browns fan, but to suggest someone is a "bandwagon" fan because we're tired of watching a shitty product for 20 years? It's just an extremely moronic thought process.
  21. Well, I won't argue "better" but Lamar got schemed to be a pocket thrower last week and looked well below average in that department. If it weren't for some truly miracle throws (the kind they teach HS kids not to throw), he woulda been below 50% and what shoulda been a couple INT's.
  22. In all seriousness, KC gave a good blue print on stifling Lamar's hot start-make him a pocket thrower. Outside of a few truly ridiculous catches, The Chiefs controlled that game by making Baltimore keep the ball on the ground. Obviously they had a lot of success running the ball, but our defensive front seven is much more stout than KC's unit. With the great scheme Wilks rolled out last week, I'm hopeful we'll employ the same strategy. Offensively? I just hope Freddie gets beat over the head with what worked Sunday Night as opposed to what clearly didn't. I'm much, much less confident in that however.
  23. I was hoping we could get to the bye week 3-3 (I had "W" column for Titans, Jets, and 49ers). I think there's enough ability to "steal" a game over the next month, but 2-4 is a distinct, likely outcome unless things change in a hurry. Just wish we had the schedule set-up to have the Bengals or Steelers mixed in. The Pats in New England off the bye is a cruel fate. They do have a pretty good chance to take 3-4 in a row after that though (Steelers, Bills, Broncos and Dolphins).
  24. Simply, anyone who points this criticism is ignorant to the game of football. No reason to worry about their opinion, honestly. Exactly what I told my dad this morning. I get it's mesmerizing to look at KC and think "that could be us!". I can understand why Dorsey could have felt that way too given the set-up. It's reality check time though that this ain't it so far. I do still believe there's hope to this offense, but the whole game plan has to change. My worry is how stubborn most folks are to have their "plan" work, all while it crumbles around them.
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