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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. Here in South Florida, even with game day deals at the bars there's no way I'm walking out with my wife for less than $50, and honestly very likely in the $60-$70. I don't knock 'em back either, but that's how the cost of doing business. With two young kids as well, it's great that this new version has a lot more flexibility. If I need to switch to the tablet or phone you can without any issues. Just an FYI as well, you can have up to 6 devices in the same home logged in and two devices logged in separate locations. Made it perfect to split the cost with my Dad if you know someone to go half.
  2. Torn Achilles for sure for A-A-Ron. May be the end of the line period for Rodgers. I definitely feel bad for Jets fans. They are riding in the same boat as Browns fans in a lot of ways and to see the season likely go up in flames literally 4 plays into the season is downright cruel.
  3. 100% better, for sure. What's really cool is YoutubeTV let's you multicast games as well. Most importantly, there was no significant lag or delay. Sunday Ticket was awful about having significant issues in delays or downright failures in playing the games. If you don't know, you can get just Sunday Ticket as well. You're right- event at the current cost it breaks down to less than $20 per week. My TV is way better than any of the ones at the bars and beers are cheaper too.
  4. The only small addendum I'd make to this thought is the back 7 played absolutely incredible yesterday. Burrow on top of shitty field conditions was throwing into tight coverage all afternoon. The Browns guys were just open out there and he missed 5-6 throws. I'll let the deep balls slide a bit, but he worm burned at least three that were seemingly very open. The concerning part to me is that is exactly what he was doing last season too in short-arming the throws. With that being said, though, QBR was still almost 66 and made a few great throws when it mattered.
  5. Discouraging throws by Watson yet again. These guys are open out there.
  6. P.J. Walker is a great addition to the practice squad. His skill set definitely meshes well into the scheme and it's always nice to have someone with experience in the pen, if needed.
  7. He's been very automatic on extra points and inside 40 his whole career. 40-49 is still around 83%, which is just fine. His overall make % is actually 20th all time, as I was curious: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/fg_perc_career.htm (of course, hasn't been kicking as long as many of those guys). 50+ is why he's been battling roster spots for the last three years, though. Still very excited-with how Stefanski goes for it in the 50 yard FG range it's hypothetically a range that will come up 5 times throughout the season. He makes 2-3 of those but buries close to 90% of stuff closer? That's all that's needed.
  8. What everyone should have taken away from todays game is this team has immense talent across the field. The reality is, though, so does the AFC north and the whole division for that matter. Games are going to be close, and our division is loaded at the kicker position. It will be an absolute failure if York is booting them week one. I don’t give a shit about his potential- this team is ready to win NOW. Let another team be the dudes project. the way he absolutely shanked the first extra point and acted like the small running into him caused it made my eye twitch. Everything he is doing is broken- time to wipe the slate.
  9. As I mentioned, it isn't just the fact he's missing to me. I re-watched each of his kicks from last night and they just look bad, even if they go in. Unless there's some masterful art of kicking I'm not privy to, every single ball he kicks is hit low and knuckles around in the air. Literally every single kick last night had movement once it was in the air. I understand sometimes that's intentional based on conditions, but everything he's doing looks off. On top of that, dude looked like he was about to shit his pants on the last two misses. The yips are a real ass thing and that man has 'em.
  10. I mean, it was the Eagles home announcers as they do for preseason games. You can almost smell the cheesesteak through the TV. Eh, made FG's aren't my huge concern compared to accuracy. Crosby has kicked at a high level and in clutch situations for many years and in the cold. I'll say it a hundred times if I have to- York has the yips, bad. You can literally see it in the kid's face when he lines it up. Every kick the dude hits has some weird ass knuckle ball action to it, and he kicks extremely low. This dude barring a come to Jesus moment will cost this team games in an extremely tight division.
  11. Literally every kick the guy hits has some weird ass movement on it. Even the ones that go in knuckle ball around. This dude will cost the team games if they don’t get their head out of their ass.
  12. His family is a wonky factor as well. There's pretty good reporting out there, albeit never confirmed, that the family "wealth" was greatly exaggerated. In fact, if you believe said reporting the reported wealth was a ruse to lower questions on Manziel taking payments for autographs and the like. It could also be the reason he went pro early, as I don't disagree with you. In any event, I would reiterate that my ire for that whole dumpster fire was the Browns organization. That draft was loaded with talent too.
  13. Eh, maybe it's the old man and father in me but I don't have the disdain for Johnny Football like some others have. Honestly, I have way, way more contempt for the clowns in the organization who drafted him despite overtly obvious red flags. I was the poor kid in private school and have seen a bunch of guys go crazy in their college years like Johnny did. Sympathy isn't the right word, for sure, but I also through my "adult" lens can realize it was just bad/apathetic parents and a cry for help. Give folks like that a lot of money and fame? Recipe for disaster. I really don't have the inclination to watch this, but people can change and hopefully Manziel has.
  14. Mond's processing yesterday at face value alarmingly slow. It felt like he was walking in mud just to get the ball out, even on screens. I suppose it could be worse at face value to put him on PS (assuming he can be, I always get so confused on those rules), but DTR should absolutely be the emergency 3rd QB dressed with the new rule. A few random thoughts- I hope they are considering bringing in some kicking competition. York seemingly has the yips-even the extra points look shaky. Succop is still out there, could be a good motivator to say the least. I've always thought Kelly looked good in the limited chances he got- really goes to show how good Stump is to any RB that walks in the building Schwartz experiment is done- dude should honestly be in the first round of cuts at this point. With hopefully Grant and/or Goodwin being available, the only very small thing he brings to the table isn't needed. The fact he's even made it to year 3 is interesting with how bad he looks out there.
  15. To expand further, the AFC in general is just loaded. Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, Herbert, Rodgers, Jackson in their own right could be the best QB in the NFL (although that belongs to Mahomes). Assuming Watson is who they hope to be, literally half the AFC have elite talent at the QB position. That's not even including Pittsburgh who is always competitive and Miami who could be poised to be an absolute problem on offense if Tua stays healthy. Should be a fun season to watch the sport, that's for sure.
  16. I understand the drop off potential, but matter of fact speaking if you consider his 2022 stats +6 games you'd have a line of roughly 106 catches 1,200 yards 6-7 TDS. The catches and yards are both roughly top 10 stats at the position for 2022, and TD's are of course a much bigger wild card. That's all on a team with less than ideal situations all around as well I don't think it makes logical sense to sign the guy, but it's interesting to say the least. I'd be much more worried about injury risk than potential drop off skill wise. If anything, having 6 games off last year may be good for whomever signs the dude.
  17. Definitely an on paper upgrade, but I'd be lying if I wasn't worried they are dealing with Clowney 2.0. Smith has had some less than ideal breakups with both the Vikings and Packers over the last two years, doing petty stuff on social media and the like. I get this is a one year "win now' move, but so was Clowney last year. https://sports.yahoo.com/vikings-reportedly-decline-pro-bowl-lb-zadarius-smiths-request-for-release-but-he-says-goodbye-anyway-232701740.html Maybe it's not as bad as Clowney, but IDK. Kinda feels like a "fool me once" scenario
  18. Three divisional games in the first four weeks sure is something. 4 of the first 5 at home is wild too.
  19. Eh, I’m not so sure about “no linebackers”. If they resign walker, youd have JOK, walker, and Deion jones who played above average in my opinion. While there’s for sure room to upgrade, the defensive line made the backer core look like more of a liability than it could be. You’re going to whiff more often when running backs don’t get touched till your level. it could be worse, but there’s plenty of talent to make this position attractive to come to Cleveland. Especially if there’s a nudge/ wink understanding that Stef’s job could be yours if he waffles again this year, which I’m totally fine with.
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