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Posts posted by Bob806

  1. 19 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    well, a little bit true - but you shouldn't equate 75 percent dems and 10 percent reps.

    "both do it" doesn't fly when you look at the numbers.

    They do both do it. Soros (Dems), Koch Brothers (Rs) probably the biggest donors/influencers out there. 

    Once again, who's GREAT/FANTASTIC idea was the Citizens United case again? Yeah, the GOP. 

  2. 10 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    like communist china, russia, etc etc funneling money to the dems?

    1996 United States campaign finance controversy


    The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy, sometimes referred to as Chinagate, was an effort by the People's Republic of China to influence domestic American politics prior to and during the Clinton administration and also involved the fundraising practices of the administration itself. While questions regarding the U.S. Wikipedia

    yes, just one example

    it's far more spread out & not unique to dems ( I sure hope you realize that)

  3. 49 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    I think that a third party would alienate both parties in Congress, and if truly independent, the

    "intel" community would undermine him/her worse than they did Pres Trump.

    Worse turmoil, Bob.

    I hope we find out.

    Washington has been broken for quite some time. Probably started around Obama's 2nd term, although one could point to Newt Gingrich as well. 

    Just my opinion.

  4. 2 hours ago, Jax said:

    What makes 3rd party any different? You don't think they're aligned in any way? You honestly believe they have nothing to do with either party?

    Well, the Libertarians are kind of like Republicans, fiscally.

    RFK is a moderate Dem. 

    I don't think some of you really want to deviate from the two parties who really just benefit from serious $$, and bicker with each other. 

  5. On 2/15/2024 at 3:46 PM, Neo said:

    # 29 Hanford Dixon with an honorable mention to Eric Turner.😲


    #31 Frank Minnifield with an honorable mention of Jamal Lewis.

    Yep. Pretty stupid.

    Hanford Dixon is a HOFer. Overlooked always.

    He doesn't have the "numbers" because nobody dared to throw it on him for a couple seasons.


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  6. 25 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


    - no one said the third party automatically meant it was better. But a third party naturally breeds more competition, more collaboration. Removing the current system where power is concentrated to just two groups only helps this country long term

    100% true. 


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  7. 1 hour ago, nickers said:

    I have plenty of confidence in Trump... I have ZERO confidence in Libtards putting their ego's aside to even try and work with the man...

    That's good that you do. 

    Libtards, RINOs, whomever else have to work with him too, and it's not going to work.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


    Kennedy's problem: we are a pretty shallow class of Voters and he talks funny. And that's not even a joke.


    He does talk funny lol.

    This election is so very important, and the thought of either of the 2 leading candidates winning it really sucks. 


  9. 11 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    Oh, baloney, sonny. lol. A vote for Trump is the ONLY way we can END the bs corruption in our gov.

    Want me to post articles/links - about the fbi, cia, irs, doj, etc etc participating in undermining our elections, at least recently?

       Go read up on whoreta's fani and her crooked boyfriend (did you watch the hearing grilling them today?) Lies, etc. They will be relieved of their controlling the fake prosecution of Pres Trump.

       You think Trump puts fed "assets" in democrat events? NO. They are all determined to keep their power, Bob. They will destroy anyone who tries to be president and will undermine the power they crave to keep permanently.

      A third party vote is bs - democrats want a third party vote (by REPUBLICATION VOTERS) "haha" while they will vote for biden and the dems.

      It's been proven that a lot of activist dems register as reps to vote against strong candidates to screw up the rep primaries.

    After watching the fake prosecutions, the completely asinine storming of Mar-A-Largo (remember the folder with fbi/intel malfeasance in it? yeah, they frantically wanted it back.)

    the only hope for a free America is re-electing Pres Trump or someone who will also fight the corrupt deep state bureaucrats who are determined to run all of us into submission to a permanent shadow dicktatership.

    Come on, Bob. Let yourself go - think on it.

    I have, quite a bit. 

    I don't have the confidence that some do about Trump. While many point out about how he's an "outsider" that's going to "drain the swamp," etc., he's not an outsider anymore. 

    Trump once again has hurt himself by saying some silly things- regarding Russia & NATO this week. That's his downfall....he doesn't listen to advisors.  He fires people on his "team" more often than Jimmy Haslam did.

    He isn't without value. His economic policies seemed great. That's where he belongs, somewhere in the dept of Commerce, maybe the cabinet post. 

    Insanity is doing the same thing, over & over and expecting a new result. That's why I'm NOT voting D or R for President. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, AP1 said:


    Additionally, the for me but not for the aspect of gambling is mind-boggling. Partnering with FanDuel, DraftKings and BETMGM and deluging the fanbase with fantasy football and online gambling and sports sportsbooks while treating anyone accused of gambling like a leper is hypocritical. 

    I can only imagine the thoughts in Calvin Ridley's head. Suspended for a whole season ...

  11. 2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    no matter who that third party candidate is?


    wait, it can't be serious.























    Yes. I'm serious.

    A vote for Biden or Trump endorses the BS in Washington, which must stop. They ( the 2 major parties) aren't representing us, the voters whatsoever. 

    The "lesser of 2 evils" that perhaps many of us have used as a voting tool hasn't worked out either. Please don't try to convince me otherwise. 


  12. 15 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

    I didn’t see a post on this but wondered what y’all’s thoughts on Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy deux running as an independent?

    I saw his Superbowl ad and took a peek at his website. Link below.


    I figure he’s dead in the water as both parties will team up to squash his candidacy. Still, interesting move with the guy being a Kennedy and all, and his ideas aren’t too half baked from the bit l read. 


    7 hours ago, Axe said:

    Why would the Republicans want to squash his candidacy?

    Well, now that the Rs decided Trump is their answer instead of Ramaswany, it's 3rd party all the way.


  13. 56 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    Bob...if there were three major parties, he'd still have to pick a side.

    Not so fast now Cal, the Rs & Ds won't allow a 3rd party.


    The best thing Trump could do (outside of fading into the sunset) would be to run as a 3rd party guy. I'm not sure why he isn't, as his presence has basically broken up the R party into MAGA folks, RINO folks, & "old guard" folks. 

    Having dissent within a party isn't anything new, it's just more visible now with social media, internet, & 24/7 news stations. The Dems have it too (the "Squad," for example) but they seem to be better at hiding it. 


  14. 8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    I disagree a bit, Bob - there have never been a legitimate contender that ran third-party. It's a bogus theme.

    too bad, though. There isn't any third party political structure to be even slightly successful.

    The machine will not allow a 3rd party candidate in a debate unless they are getting "decent poll numbers."

    **I will attempt to find this fact today.

    Ross Perot made sense the 1st time he ran. 2nd time, nope.

    **EDIT....here's a good link. Maybe you all knew this already...


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