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Everything posted by Ibleedbrown

  1. I truly thought the Higgins TD red carpet schtick was going to be a one time thing. It is no longer a one time thing. How do we feel about this?
  2. Coley has trimmed down. I think there’s a different game plan for the DTs this year. Less blubber barriers and more attacking.
  3. I’m on the fence with the guy honestly. First glancing the game now, haven’t even considered looking at his blocking but distressed at the thought. Duke was such a good blocker.
  4. Not sure too many folks would disagree with that. I expect it to be a big talking point with the new CBA Even non-weed people aren’t too bent out of shape about it.
  5. Just beat me. I got a link though, tee hee. Merge...
  6. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/browns-wr-antonio-callaway-suspended-4-games
  7. We sure do like trading with Houston. So long Duke and happy trails.
  8. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2019/08/cleveland-browns-whats-behind-bob-wylie-ripping-freddie-kitchens-terry-pluto.html Good Pluto article on it. Dot connecting and such.
  9. These were the players of my formative years, my baptizing into Browns fandom. I know most of them pretty well and will pick and choose nuggets of interest for some of them. Kevin Mack: one of my earliest memories of a player that dealt with a drug suspension. Cocaine l believe. And l recall when he came back from the suspension he played like a beast, like he had something to prove. Bernie Kosar: love that guy. My personal gold standard of what a good Browns QB should look like since l don’t remember the ones before him. At one point held the record for consecutive passes without an Int. Does he still? And man did he look like a goofy mofo when he ran with the ball. Michael Dean Perry: lil bro of the fridge. My recollection is he had a wicked first step and could time the snap well. I remember plays the ball was mid air to the QB snd he’s splitting Olinemen on the way to the QB. Frank Minnifield: Mighty Minni my aunt called him. Dude was good. Webster Slaughter: part of the best trio the Browns had in my lifetime, threatened only by the group we have now. I work with Webster’s cousin Ernie. Real nice guy, and plays guitar. Eric Metcalf: lightening in a bottle. Damn he was fun to watch when he was going good. Tommy Vardell: Touchdown Tommy Vardell. The high hopes we had for him. I seem to recall he was a Christian Science guy and it was a big deal when he had to settle for western medicine fairly early in his career when he got hurt.
  10. That article is freaking hilarious. I’m gonna put $10 on soul patch.
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/browns-baker-mayfield-shotguns-a-beer-at-an-indians-game-immediately-sparks-a-five-run-inning/amp/ It was news to me until l read this, so thank you Ice Cube. I loved you in Are We There Yet. Above link has the clip. Baker’s certainly one helluva hype man.
  12. So he can squeeze between fatass Olinemen of course.
  13. https://expo.cleveland.com/sports/g66l-2019/08/9031e192978443/cleveland-browns-orange-and-brown-scrimmage-who-helped-themselves-and-who-hurt-themselves.html This seems to make it sound like Kush took a step forward in the scrimmage. I thought it was interesting Kalis didn’t get any first team reps. I’m hopeful that if a clear frontrunner doesn’t emerge soon that they at least whittle it down to a 2 man competition so that the eventual guy can get max reps.
  14. A lot of good points in the last few posts. I must admit l thought at least a smidgeon of the reason Kitchens was tabbed was Dorsey’s past experience at KC, where he had a good gig but got pushed out by a coach who had experience and sway on his side. And to Medicineman’s point about the media, it kinda is their job to generate interest and dissenting opinions does just that. I’ve read a sports reporter admit as such that when the team he covers’ season goes sideways it makes their job easier when internal discord happens because it gives him something juicy to write about. Us as fans DO want to know why the season went awry and who we can blame so we can identify and discuss a solution. And to Gipper’s point that the board here is a form of media, l agree. It has potential to influence how we view a situation and we can take those points to the water cooler for discussion ammo, and with luck and timing, those points could fall into the legit media’s lap and spread even further.
  15. He must have the NFL record for suspensions and reinstatement requests. It’ll be interesting when the made for TV movie comes out about him.
  16. Too bad about Blake Jackson. I heard he was having a really good camp. Maybe the early cut with injury designation will keep him off other teams’ radars and we can slip him back on the ps or 53 when healthy.
  17. I’m trying to find the clip of my favorite Phil Dawson play but having trouble. It was a fake kick where he ran the ball right up the gut for a first down and made some solid contact in the process, and if memory serves it was the play that earned him the nickname Phil “the human battering ram” Dawson. Can’t even remember who it was against. Here’s an article that at least mentions his nickname. https://www.timesleaderonline.com/sports-columns/2014/01/wild-card-weekend-i-will-never-go-shopping-again/
  18. If l recall correctly from science class true zero has never been achieved, but l thought we got closer than 4 degrees Kelvin? Supposedly that’s the key to cryogenic freezing.
  19. We talking Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin?
  20. The board is bending at the seams to crack off some gay jokes and you are not making it easy to hold back.
  21. Brass tacks. I’d like to think we’re finally at the point of acceptance, where who drafted who is less important than who we have and where we are. I guess we’ll see
  22. Oddly enough good ol’ Maserati driving former OL coach with his Powerpoint of Rhinos somehow resonates with me. Who knew that Animal Planet could translate to football? My recollection is what it is, skewed at best, but something about undersized blitzers gets me re: Robinson. Like he’s tentative or something. Like it’s the blitzing safety that he’s not comfortable with leveling instead of the DE, a guy more his size.
  23. If only Winslow Jr were still on the team...
  24. I’m noticing Kitchens cooks up some interesting analogies. Here’s one l read in an article yesterday in response to a question about how the team needs to handle it when the going gets tough. “What are you gonna do at that moment. Are you gonna splinter? Are you gonna be like five fingers? Or are you gonna be like a fist?” Kitchens said, spreading his five fingers out first, then balling them together. “And that’s what we’re trying to figure out. Teams fall apart because they splinter. They go their different ways. And everybody’s looking for how it’s going to affect me, and not how it’s going to affect we.” It’s kinda fun when you’re your first reaction is “huh?” but then you realize it makes sense.
  25. Did Corbett at least show any improvement in his facial hair game? I saw Baker nuanced his with a porn ‘stache.
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