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Posts posted by OldBrownsFan

  1. Even if RINO Burr escapes criminal responsibility I don't see him escaping the wrath of the voters of North Carolina. For now though he needs to be removed from his position in the Senate as chairman of the intel committee........it will be no loss with him  gone


  2. 6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    before I even opened this thread I knew I'd see:


    - But impeachment


    - Yeah but he banned China travel and DEMOCRATS thought that was racist!


    The scope of what issues are the president's fault varies so much based on whether he's "your guy" it seems. 


    while the correct actions were eventually being taken I don't think anyone can say this administration hasn't screwed up at multiple points during this crisis. Especially some of the reactions by Trump (downplaying it, shifting blame, trying to make it look like he always thought it was an issue, etc)

    Maybe you saw impeachment and travel ban because they are facts and facts don't change?

    Getting our testing up to speed was the critical part and our CDC dropped that ball. That is no more on Trump than the Obamacare roll out fiasco was personally on Obama. That was big govt messing up. I heard a doctor weeks ago complaining about CDC test kits with no reagents in them. It wasn't until Trump turned away from the CDC and went to the private business sector to mfg these tests we started seeing positive results.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Tour2ma said:

    U.S. intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus while President Trump and lawmakers played down the threat and failed to take action that might have slowed the spread of the pathogen, according to U.S. officials familiar with spy agency reporting.



    Rut Roh... I guess someone did see this coming.


    The democrats were running an impeachment scam about that period of time weren't they?

    Probably the biggest thing to have slowed down the coronavirus in the United States  was the early China travel ban by Trump. Many of the same ones who criticized Trump for that are the ones playing arm chair quarterback today as if they would have done so much better. I doubt it. They didn't even get the travel ban right.

  4. Just now, Tour2ma said:

    First... unfix that FIFY now. You get one chance tonite and it expires at dawn. And don't you ever dare again to pretend you know my feelings about Trump.

    I have already said since my return to this pit that I only hate one former pol and who it is is my business. None in the game today qualify... not even your boy. So get over it... a phrase you should appreciate... and find another way to deal with my criticisms of Trump.

    Clean it up... and I'll deal with the rest tomorrow.


    I've been curious about who this politician is since you brought it up. I'm going to guess Reagan...


    30 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    So Trump's political appointee, the man he appointed to head the CDC, lied to him? Maybe he should pick better people.

    But in looking at the single-sourced Sinclair media (oy vey) article at the heart of now multiple reports (all by Sinclare affiliates) it never quite says what the lie was.

    The CDC failed to produce the tests... but that's a fail, not a lie.


    Were I conspiracy theory prone... and generally I am not and leave that to cal because I only like to compete where I'm competitive... but if I were, then I'd say the fall guy has been selected.

    We shall see...


    Now as far as the fail.... well in crash programs you plan for fails with these things called "contingency plans". Here there could have been several options including buying WHO tests or contracting an outside company to produce the tests in parallel. In the latter case even, if all went well at the CDC you still have added production capacity in case you need it. Turns out we probably would have even if the CDC production was flawless.

    This is the kind of thing preparedness exercises are good for... funny how I keep coming back to this point.

    If you tell someone you can do something and you can't do it., It could be a fail or a "lie". The lie would be you know you can't do it and say you can anyway. 

    I don't know about a fall guy I'm pretty big on that being China. The fault of the flu Pandemic goes back to China.

    Big government rarely gets things right as the Obamacare roll out fiasco proved. How long did it take to get that website up and running? Good for Trump to have stopped wasting time with CDC failing on tests and going to the private sector who appears to have promptly delivered.



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  6. Just now, calfoxwc said:

    Mentioning S. Korea is a good point, but S. Korea is next door to N. Korea, who has threatened all sorts of nasty stuff on them over decades. They have reason to be more prepared.

    Our CDC dropped the ball on testing. Trump finally stepped in and went to private sector business to make the test kits because our CDC bungled it. This is what South Korea did they had 4 private companies go into mass production.........but I am always big on the private sector doing things better and more efficiently than govt.

  7. I was disappointed we were not prepared for mass coronavirus testing as South Korea seemed to be the model to follow in that regard. But does that fall on Trump or the CDC? It falls on our CDC. When the head of the CDC said  testing was a failing he didn't mention it was a failing of CDC.

    And then there is this:


    EXCLUSIVE: Former HHS official claims CDC leaders "lied" to Trump over coronavirus testing


  8. Italian Virologist Says Concerns Over “Racism” Crippled Italy’s Coronavirus Response


    Professor of Virology and Microbiology at the University of Padova Dr. Giorgio Palù told CNN that measures imposing travel restrictions and border controls were taken too late due to fears over political correctness.

    “There was a proposal to isolate people coming from the epicenter, coming from China,” Palù told CNN. “Then it became seen as racist, but they were people coming from the outbreak.”

    Italy is now the hardest hit country in the world in terms of coronavirus deaths, with 3,405 people losing their lives.

    The need to minimize potential “racism” and “stigmatization” in response to the coronavirus was a policy endorsed by the World Health Organization itself on numerous occasions and adopted by the left-wing Italian government.

    As we previously highlighted, the Mayor of Florence launched a nationwide campaign at the start of February encouraging Italians to hug Chinese people on the street to “stem the hatred.”


  9. 1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

    The implication was that they got detailed information about how this would affect the nation including the stock market. That makes it insider information. 


    I think they should be investigated but I don't want to see anyone either democrat or republican get railroaded such as those calling for immediate resignations.



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  10. 1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

    I wonder if anybody is pissed off that the Russian nuclear meltdown is called Chernobyl?


    I posted above a video showing the lunacy of our left wing media who called this virus the Chinese coronavirus or the Wuhan flu until suddenly they got "woke" and that was now racist to say that. I guess we will soon get an apology from them for their ignorance?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    And a little more from the Looney left


    They got the memo. Scream racist whenever possible.


    I get they hate the bad organgeman but nobody is scapegoating China. There is plenty of evidence that China lied and suppressed the truth about the virus and what China did and didn't do directly relates to the world wide flu pandemic. 

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  12. 4 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    The good news is, according to a friend of mine who's an RN, most of the people who are wearing these things aren't doing it properly anyway so they're useless those instances.


    I saw that too. I read where the surgical masks probably work best for a sick person to wear to keep from spreading virus vs. someone wearing a surgical mask to keep from getting the virus.

  13. I am no fan of RINO Burr but there was already enough evidence by Feb 13 this coronavirus had the potential to be a serious crisis. I have never stockpiled supplies in my life but by that time I had stockpiled everything the CDC recommended for a flu pandemic. If owned stock I would have sold it.

    I don't know how anyone could have watched the leaked videos coming out of Wuhan China and not have been worried. Then when the reports came in that a person could have this virus for a number of days without symptoms while spreading it to others it seemed to me like this was going to almost be mission impossible to contain it.

    I went back to earlier thread about this virus and some of us were posting in late January how serious of a crisis this flu could be.

    On January 27 I posted that I saw that surgical masks were selling out and were in short supply.

    Just checking I went to Walmart to see what is going on with surgical masks. Out of stock. Has the run on supplies needed for a flu pandemic already started?



    Medical Surgical Face Masks (500 Masks)

    Average rating:4out of5stars, based on1reviews1 reviews


    Here is why I would have sold stock and gotten out of the market.

    Expert says coronavirus spreads before symptoms show as whistleblower claims 90,000 affected in China


    What this means is all of the screenings and taking of temperatures etc...done at airports are not effective in keeping out this flu virus from coming into the United States.


  14. Touche'... but you did previously think Trumps job count was greater... didn't you?


    I thought it could be true that Obama had more job numbers but I also believed many of Obama's jobs were part time low paying service jobs.

  15. 1 hour ago, Tour2ma said:

    FFS Sake OBF...

    I read this far and stopped with this gross misrepresentation of what was actually said..

    In what world are those two statements even close to saying the same thing?

    Whatever...the WHO only claimed there was no clear evidence when there was clear evidence...give me a break. The WHO has been carrying water for China. There is no other rational explanation for their actions.

    When the WHO said there was no clear evidence of transmission between humans on Jan 14 there was a lot of evidence that it was.

    "In fact, the Chinese government knew at that point it could be transmitted between humans and they had hundreds of cases even though they were reporting only 41 officially on Jan. 11, according to the South China Morning Post. Chinese doctors and labs had identified the virus at least by December and there are now reports that there may even have been cases in November"

    So with all the lying and covering up of the virus by China the WHO wants to praise them for their response. You might buy it, not me. After this crisis is over China should be held to account. They kept this Wuhan virus secret until it was out of control.



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