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Posts posted by OldBrownsFan

  1. Tour right off the bat I was thinking more part time job creation under Obama and ding ding ding...one quick google search

    The devil is always in the details........

    I probably should have given you a pop quiz. I suspect you didn't know what a part time job creator Obama was.

    Investing.com -- A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.

    The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.


  2. 1 hour ago, Tour2ma said:


    And yet you fail to directly address/correct the only finger-pointer here. Why is that?

    FYI... it's the guy who then inexplicably thanked you for calling for calling for us "to pull together."


    If we get over this hurdle, then we can address why you'd back a Presidential retaliation for the Chinese blame no one is taking seriously.

    When we get over this I think there are going to be some changes going on with our relationship with China. I don't think their threat of cutting off medical supplies so we could "drown in a sea of coronavirus Chinese flu" sat well with many Americans.

    Right now all the finger pointing during this coronavirus crisis is coming from the left for whatever Trump does or doesn't do. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    Who is taking the Chinese claim seriously?


    Not me but the Chinese must think they can persuade people to believe their story or why are they even attempting it? Good for Trump to call China out for it.

    Why would the World Health Org praise China for their coronavirus response. Explain that one. They even praised China for their transparency if you can believe that.




  4. 3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    Sure. Don't let them slander us. Ok. But I think going out of your way to say "Chinese" or"foreign" sounds like you want to not take any blame. 

    And yes, IDC about finger pointing. Let's just react appropriately. But I still think it's pretty obvious what's going on. He's trying to push off any blame and trying to change people's minds on what his initial response was. Trump took this as a PR issue, not a medical crisis, and it showed. 

    He's reacting appropriately (mostly) now though. So that's good. 

    And some of this is political. I saw the left do the same thing with Bush on 9/11 faulting him for continuing to read a children's book to school children after getting the initial reports or he had prior information that an attack was planned and he did nothing about it. Playing the blame game.

    Remember too some of those blaming Trump for his initial response were also wrong in attacking Trump for his China travel ban.

    Trump said the reason he was specifically calling this a Chinese virus was because of China attempting to shift the blame on the United States. Whether or not he is doing it for any other reason is speculation without any facts.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    I don't see the benefit of basically going out of your way to call it the Chinese Virus instead Corona virus. 

    It isn't exactly helping out any Asian Americans

    Unless this is all a distraction technique. Which is kind of Trump's thing. Do some low level bad thing that the media will run with, like this, and then they'll forget about the more dangerous stuff, like him not taking the virus seriously for weeks. All part of the plan to gaslight the public I guess.

    Except when the Chinese are going out of their way in a disinformation campaign to blame the United States military for the cornavirus it is a good idea to keep the facts straight where the virus came from. 

    In a crisis mistakes will always be made. I thought Trump made a mistake early on by not seeming to take the virus as serious as he should by making comparisons to the normal flu. I have problems though with the ones faulting Trump for this who were the same ones who called Trump a racist for the China travel ban early on which was a huge decision to keep things from being even worse in the United States. Bottom line it is not a time for finger pointing. It is a time to pull together.

    • Upvote 1
  6. We cannot let China escape their responsibility for the coronavirus. Not so much now as all our efforts are needed to fight the virus but when this subsides China should be held to account. 

    China's coronavirus outbreak and cover-up



  7. I saw where China was kicking out some of our journalists . It is bad enough China has unleashed this virus on the world but they also are wanting to put the blame on the United States. Then we have clueless "journalists" asking why Trump calls this virus the Chinese flu because that is offensive yet they seem to be fine with China blaming this virus on the United States.

  8. 44 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    Oh and times up, OBF...

    Here's the answer to the Pop Quiz...

    -- Trump's first 36 months... 6,556,000 jobs added

    - Obama's last 36 months... 8,069,000 jobs added

    And the devil is in the details as usual. I know this is an opinion piece but that doesn't make the data wrong.

    Anyway and you probably know this better than most there are a whole lot of things to consider such as the types of jobs being created, full or part time jobs etc..

    No, Obama doesn't deserve credit for Trump's economy




  9. 49 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    Of course that's what you'd hear about. Do you really think the story of a pastor that prayed but everyone died is going to make it to your ears 100 years later? No way. That isn't coming up at your church or your Bible study group

    One of my favorites from that time was a minister in a large church denomination and they have church archives and documentation of some of the miracles that happened under his ministry. This minister though said he would rather see one person come to the Lord than to see 10,000 healed.

    And that is where many miss it today. They are chasing after miracles. I believe in miracles. I've had a few in my life but our focus always has to be on the Lord.

  10. 22 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

    I agree completely.

    It is insane to me we have politicians (lawyers) leading the show on critical issues and not the actual experts. Lawyers are taught to argue their point, not to solve problems. But most people in those professions (doctors, engineers, etc) want nothing to do with being in politics. 

    This applies to both sides. But I will say one thing I've seen more on the right is their unwillingness to consider others until it actually affects them. With Rush in this case. Or right wing politicians being anti gay marriage until a family member comes out as gay. Etc. An apparent inability to think of anyone but yourself. 

    Sure the CDC are the experts and they should be guiding the ship. But there is an economic consideration and they may be the experts on health but not economics. For the United States to shut down and quarantine for 4 months might be their best suggestion as to how to eliminate the coronavirus threat but it would also likely put us into a dire situation like the Great Depression. I would recommend the CDC and economy experts work together.

    We have a gay family member and you are right if one believed it was wrong before one had a gay family member it should still be wrong when they do. That doesn't mean we have nothing to do with this family member it means she knows and will always know we will never condone her lifestyle. 

    And Woody every human being has to fight selfishness but the funny thing is how we seem to spot it in others and not in ourselves.


  11. I read testimonies of Christian  ministers during the Spanish flu 100 years ago who prayed for many sick people and they never got sick. I believe in miracles like this. These ministers though lived modestly and were not interested in becoming multi millionaires, owning luxury cars, or living in mansions. Some of these old time minsters could have been very wealthy as one for instance had a very popular book written (he didn't really write it someone took notes of his sermons). That book alone would have made him a multi millionaiire in his time. He donated every cent of the profits to missions.

    There are still a lot of good ministers today like they were but you likely will not see them on television. They are the ones visiting the sick in hospitals, ministering in the prisons, helping to feed the poor and not preaching a prosperity gospel.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    local stores here are restocking pretty well - less panic buying. Most folks are stocked up just in case anything like this ever


    But now it has. We should all be grateful it isn't a lot worse.

    Glad to hear that. I was hoping the panic buying might stop once people realized there are no food shortages and seeing the empty shelves restocked.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    I'm sure there are "many", but I doubt yours is the consensus view.

    As for the off-topic... if your going to mention something... just mention it, but please give it context. Don't think his Executive Order that set interment into action was FDR's finest moment? Me neither. It was the culmination of years of racism directed at Japanese Americans and immigrants.

    Higher is a relative term... if yours is low I can be neutral on him and you'd still be correct. ;)

    Not surprised to hear he's been wrong... but he's been right at least twice. The necessary size of the stimulus and whatever work he did to win his Nobel Prize... those Nobel folks are picky that way.


    Finish the quiz yet or do you know what's coming? :) More serious discussion after the quiz.

    Not surprised to hear he's been wrong... but he's been right at least twice. The necessary size of the stimulus and whatever work he did to win his Nobel Prize... those Nobel folks are picky that way.


    Well remember Tour even a broken clock has the correct time at least twice a day. 😄

    Come on, did Obama really earn his Nobel prize?

  14. 35 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    God... not another opinion blog...

    OBF your "source" is comparing 2009 job drops in the heart of the great recession to stimulated estimates a year later... in 2010. How does that comparison make any sense?

    How did "the stimulus" really do? Well for that lets look at the estimated job growth for 2010 that your source states... or 3.46mm jobs... to (and here is the tricky part) the number of jobs actually created in the... wait for it... same time period.

    Blew your mind didn't I? OK ready for the answer? Here it comes... Direct from our own Bureau of Labor and Statistics which has a very cool website...

    In 2010 US non-farm payroll job growth was: 1.034mm jobs...

    So, yes, the stimulus fell short of it's own projections by a hefty 2.43mm jobs. Put another way not quit one-third of the estimated job growth materialized. But that this was the case surprised no one as the recession went deeper and created more unemployment than was thought at the time of the stimulus... the $780b stimulus.

    There were many economists at the time that warned that $780b was nowhere near enough. Paul Krugman was one who urged a trillion immediately and believed even more would prove necessary before the end of the year became a punching bag for the right. Turned out he was right. But the Dems were too cowardly to go for a trillion because an amount followed by the t-word would bring too much criticism. Also thought $900 billion sounded too high... ditto $800b. How about $780b? Thought they could handle the grilling for that so that became the number.

    I shit you not, that is part of how the number ended up where it did.

    Ultimately the economy rose without the added monies, but at a much slower pace. Would a trillion have meant hitting the estimated growth? Probably not... probably too much optimism in the estimate as well, but jobs would have grown faster.


    Going to apologize here to you, OBF, for the condescending tone in the earlier part of this post, but I'm also going to ask for your help... to please look critically at what you read and see the obvious moves folks like this blogger use to fit their narrative. Apples and oranges data comparisons as was the case here is there for the seeing if you look at it critically.

    You can do that...


    Now go work on that pop quiz... ;)

    You likely have a higher opinion of Paul Krugman than me. He has notoriously been proven wrong many times.


    BTW - do you ever remember the recovery summer happening that  Obama promised ? Neither do I .


  15. 8 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

    I'm sure you could, but why not just look at the data yourself?

    I have. So you take everything and weigh it out and see what the better argument is. I believe the policies of FDR made the Great Depression last longer than it should have. There are many who also come to that conclusion. 

    Off topic...not to mention how FDR put Japanese Americans in internment camps. I usually don't judge those in the past with today's standards but WW2 is not all that long ago.

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