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Korsou Dawg

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Everything posted by Korsou Dawg

  1. I hope; I wish, but I am far from convinced.
  2. Tyreek went for nearly 200 yards in a single game against us last year, and our D hasn't exactly improved since. He leads the NFL in yards this year, and their #2 option Jaylen Waddle is also in the top 5. Remember how one Bailey Zappe tore us a new one with considerably fewer weapons than that? Tua should be able to equal, or better that. This is an absolutely nightmarish matchup for our D. The only reason their passing grade is average, are the mostly bad to 'meh' passing offenses we have played so far. Expect them to rank lower by the end of this game.
  3. McCaffrey must be ecstatic to get out of there. Niners offense all the better with him on board.
  4. Circumstance. You will lose him in free agency anyway. He will command starter money, and we cannot afford to pay that to a back-up, no matter how good that back-up is. If we were in the hunt for the play-offs, he wouldn't be available, but we obviously are not.
  5. This Browns-Commanders Trade Sends Daron Payne To Cleveland https://www.nflanalysis.net/this-browns-commanders-trade-sends-daron-payne-to-cleveland/ Right up your alley @tiamat63?
  6. Browns listening to trade offers on RB Kareem Hunt after 2-5 start https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2022/10/24/browns-kareem-hunt-listening-trade-2022/ As if this season wasn't eye-gougingly terrible to watch already, it is about to get worse. That said, it is the right call considering we have a popsicle's chance in hell to reach the play-offs, and the chance of re-signing him is similar. Will the FO address the IDL and actually make a net improvement to the squad? About the same chance too I'm afraid.
  7. He has had some nice caches when the ball was actually thrown to him, but Brisset usually just throws to his safety blankies: Coop and Njoku
  8. I mostly agree, but Chubb only has 2.9 YPC today. Hunt is in negative yardage. Our O-line doesn't seem up to their usual standard.
  9. But was he speeding towards, or away from the cheap and sleazy masseuse? That is the question.
  10. This one feels more like damage control. If they don't even manage that, hopefully changes will be made soon. Our Browns have been tough to watch this season.
  11. Kurt Warner knows more than me about football. Heck, he could probably still tear us a new one to this day. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2022/10/19/browns-kurt-warner-comments-7-22/
  12. @tiamat63 I admitted my lack of football literacy, and the extenuating cultural background. When you say 3tech, my mind goes: "I thought 2 techs was the max before getting ejected." I have googled the terms I am unfamiliar with, and found explanations on all sorts of sites, but no definitive sources of interest. Anything you could recommend in terms of sites or youtube channels to learn some of the finer points of formations, schemes and such?
  13. That would be a shame, and kind of the point of my excessively lengthy comment.
  14. As I mentioned before, I appreciate your posts even though I lack the football literacy to understand half of the stuff you post in your breakdown thread. I'm Dutch for Chirst sake. We think football is played with the feet, as it has been for well over a century, and are dumbfounded to find it is what you call this oddly shaped pigskin throwie-runny ball. Knowing this, I by no means consider myself a suitable candidate for a position at a professional football organization (other professional organizations, most certainly). Nor do I expect the 'input' I provide free of charge through this board to be acted upon. I haven't reached the apathy some of the lifelong Browns supporters are saying they feel, and I hope I never do. Seeing the Browns play like they did yesterday is gut-wrenching. Whether a play goes the Browns way, or the oppositions', I am going to continue to shout expletives at the TV. Just slightly different expletives. The point being: the post I quoted comes across as being frustrated about the opinions and emotions voiced on the board. A post in the game-day thread seemed to contain similar frustration. This is a fan forum. It is a place where fans come to share their experience of supporting the Browns. It is supposed to contain the emotions and opinions of the members, informed or otherwise. You say fan(atic)s should adjust their expectations, and I for one have. You would do well to do the same, when it comes to your expectations of other members' comments. I am going to continue to call for the proverbial head of Woods and whoever the f*ck the STC is, and every other knee-jerk reaction I have to seeing the Browns playing the way they are. It makes supporting the Browns that little more bearable. GO (multiple expletives) BROWNS!
  15. My perception was that he was well aware of his own inability to cover the TE. This combination of self-awareness and last ditch effort was one of the very few highlights of the game to me.
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