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Ghoolie Always Ghoolie

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Posts posted by Ghoolie Always Ghoolie

  1. I don't mind Steeler fans who are from that area and like us, have personal ties and experiences to their team, but the fucktards you meet in other parts, like here in Nassau are trend fans.

    4 Steelfucker fans at the bar, not one knew where they played before 3 sewers.

    I hate these kind of assholes

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  2. 17 hours ago, hoorta said:

    Tom it was actually a pretty bold move from Stefanski to try and have PJ throw that pass.  

    I'll let you cue up your Depodesta rant. That play call was a pure anal-itics move. Sometimes you just have to go with what your gut tells you to do, instead of some stupid numbers.  

    It was a good play call, AGAINST the analytics.

    THIS is my kind of football. 8 in the box, taunt the bull and burn it. Absolutely a great call. Winning requires risk and there is no debate here. This WAS guts and not conservative analytics BS.

    teams that win championships don't rely on analytics other than to know what defe se the other teams who use analytics will be playing.

    Analytics are for sheep, for the man who can't think for himself.

    This game was lost the same way Elway was allowed to execute the Drive. How many average and sub average QBs playing like Dan Marino against us will it take for Browns fans and coaches to understand that any NFL qb will eviscerated your D if you don't get after him.


    Geno Smith is a shit QB, but again, the Browns play.coward, Marty football.

    The defe.se lost this game.



  3. I feel.for Walker. Say what you want but the guy loves this team. Shit happens.  a handful could.have just as easily been a fumble. Better to gamble than live as a coward.


    Marty and Bermie were cowards.


    Stefanski is a coward. He was afraod of Smith and gave.him a complimentary.blow job and begged him, " If I play nice and don't try.to hurt you will please.just play for a field.goal.


    To everyone, don't life your life in fear. You will never achieve anything without risk.


    Stefanski and Depodesta are cowards

  4. On 10/27/2023 at 11:11 AM, bbedward said:

    The Hail Mary was actually a nice attempt, on the QBs part at least. The receivers didn’t give it a chance, though they were also thrown to the ground and held as is typical in that situation.

    All I know is that if you lay a bet against Mayfield in a last.minute drive 19 times out of 20 you will win.

  5. Nobody sane is happy with the returns son far of this trade. I would lay odds that Watson is also not happy with his performance.

    Given how many red asses we have suffered in the past pessimism is understandable.

    However, no horse race ever pays out after the first turn. The Browns are 4-2 largely without Watson, which to means that even if he doesn't pan out to be what we hoped for, the Browns may very well still be a playoff team.

    Nobody knows what is in this kid's heart and sports is full of eat crow - Rocky/Rudy type happy endings. No pun intended.

    I have been in situations where everything that could have gone wrong, did.

    Watson is either the most despicable "I am in it for the money" guy, or he has stoic, pokerface, "just wait, motherfuckers" attitude boiling inside of him. Nobody know that yet.

    I will finish with this, there are no millionaire slot machine players who spin $5 per spin. Watson was a risk.

    If he busts, so what? Anyone remember 1-15 / 0-16? we are already 4x the total wins of those 2 years. 

    Let the kid have his run before judging it.

    Go Browns.

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  6. 1 hour ago, mjp28 said:

    What a game Cleveland BROWNS and a 3rd string quarterback.   Fan-tastic.  🙂  00:09 left.

    This is a good thread. Normally I don't like the "good fan versus bad fan" debate, but this one is worth commenting.

    I think we all bitch, complain,  engage in armchair firings and second guessing. God knows we have justification for our frustrations.

    However, the real fan is the guy that sits in his seat week after week even with 10 seconds to go with an insurmountable deficit. That's the guy that has a right to bitch.

    I think there is honor in being that guy. I hope I am one of those guys. For sure, this board has a lot of them.

    I have no idea how any Browns fan cannot be wonderfully happy today. We made royal fuck ups, got some bad calls, and were lead by an inexperienced later round QB, who, ahem, engineered his second come from behind win in a row.

    Anyone who isn't optimistic about the Browns, just doesn't get it.


    Go Browns



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  7. 5 hours ago, Flugel said:

    Yeah, what was Olsen watching anyway?  He was any NFC player though just in case he didn't make that clear with where his heart was in the game today...

    Tom, it is going to take a Browns superbowl win for all this shit to get some rectification.

    I honestly belive that officials take the benefit of the doubt away from the Browns unless.the call is so obvious that even these cocksuckers screw.us.

    We beat Mahomo and.should.have gone to the AFC.champioship.game. The hit on Peoples Jones at the goal line was eggergios and they ruled that  "it was.not bad enough? Where TF is it in the rule book that a ref can ignore a personal foul if he feels it wasn't that bad?

    Listen, FUCK everyone who is not us. 

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