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alright so ive been here for a little while now and ive been tryin to feel you guys out. ive noticed the browns have a very solid team and the record doesnt reflect the actual team. ive noticed a relatively tough schedule and a running game that features one of the more freakish athletes in the league. ive noticed a defense that can stop offenses but an offense that likes to turn the ball over and punt a lot......probably why hodges is having such an awesome season


i know you guys have seen a lot on the saints lately because of the super bowl and everything and there are tons of things that im sure you guys are tired of hearing so im going to try and let you guys in on some things that dont really get said on TV or in the media



  • Drew Brees-arguably the best QB in the league right now

Jahri Evans and Carl Nicks-props to steinbach but these 2 guards are the best in the league

Chris Ivory-backup UDFA running back that is starting out of necessity

Malcolm Jenkins-OSU corner we drafted last season and moved to safety. has been playing very very well in sharpers absence

Jabari Greer-was 2nd last season in amount of catches allowed per target behind only revis. he is our best corner

Sedrick Ellis-2nd defensive tackle drafted in '08 behind glenn dorsey. has really improved this season and is having a pro bowl season



  • Run Defense-teams can run the ball on us and if you commit to it, you will be pleasantly surprised

Pass Defense-teams havent really had to pass the ball on us but they absolutely can

Defensive Line-Will Smith and Sedrick ellis are good, remi ayodele and alex brown are eh.......so far this unit has looked very poor

Linebackers-we lost fujita to you guys and our starting will to injured reserve. now our starting sam is hurt and we are playing with a crew of sub par backups

Defensive Backs-injuries have crippled our secondary to where we are down to our Dime corner and our 3rd string safety. not to mention darren sharper hasnt played yet this season

Rushing Offense-we are a very good running team when we commit to it. aside from the tampa bay game we havent done that. we are pass happy

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Once again, I think that we will be in this game. Our defensive pass rush is a bit unorthadox and will keep a safe QB like Brees at-bay for at least the first half, before he murders us in the second. We need to try to grab a lead and use Hillis to move the chains and keep Brees & company off the field.


Let's hope we get some of our guys back healthy after the cheap-shotting Steelers added to our injury list.

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alright so ive been here for a little while now and ive been tryin to feel you guys out. ive noticed the browns have a very solid team and the record doesnt reflect the actual team. ive noticed a relatively tough schedule and a running game that features one of the more freakish athletes in the league. ive noticed a defense that can stop offenses but an offense that likes to turn the ball over and punt a lot......probably why hodges is having such an awesome season


i know you guys have seen a lot on the saints lately because of the super bowl and everything and there are tons of things that im sure you guys are tired of hearing so im going to try and let you guys in on some things that dont really get said on TV or in the media



  • Drew Brees-arguably the best QB in the league right now

Jahri Evans and Carl Nicks-props to steinbach but these 2 guards are the best in the league

Chris Ivory-backup UDFA running back that is starting out of necessity

Malcolm Jenkins-OSU corner we drafted last season and moved to safety. has been playing very very well in sharpers absence

Jabari Greer-was 2nd last season in amount of catches allowed per target behind only revis. he is our best corner

Sedrick Ellis-2nd defensive tackle drafted in '08 behind glenn dorsey. has really improved this season and is having a pro bowl season



  • Run Defense-teams can run the ball on us and if you commit to it, you will be pleasantly surprised

Pass Defense-teams havent really had to pass the ball on us but they absolutely can

Defensive Line-Will Smith and Sedrick ellis are good, remi ayodele and alex brown are eh.......so far this unit has looked very poor

Linebackers-we lost fujita to you guys and our starting will to injured reserve. now our starting sam is hurt and we are playing with a crew of sub par backups

Defensive Backs-injuries have crippled our secondary to where we are down to our Dime corner and our 3rd string safety. not to mention darren sharper hasnt played yet this season

Rushing Offense-we are a very good running team when we commit to it. aside from the tampa bay game we havent done that. we are pass happy



Canton do i need to remind you again


we are ranked 7th against the run..

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What kind of outfit are you wearing in that picture? Do you dress up and paint your face for all games?



i only wear that to saints games. that was the hall of fame game a few years back when they played the steelers. i have some voodoo dolls too that you guys would like but i dont know how to post pictures here


they are of troy polamalu and TJ Houshamazoli

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Canton do i need to remind you again


we are ranked 7th against the run..

16th against the run.....problem is that we played 2 teams that suck at running the ball in back 2 back weeks and it skewed our ranking


carolina, atlanta, san fran, and minnesota had no problem running against us.......cleveland shouldnt have too much trouble either

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  • Drew Brees-arguably the best QB in the league right now


Agreed...Peyton Manning is indeed fantastic, & Phillip Rivers is no slouch, but the Chargers really messed up by giving up on Brees. Drew is deadly accurate, which doesn't bode well for our Browns' seive-like coverage in the secondary by Wright & Brown.


For what it's worth, not that it's really important, but I always liked the Saints uniforms...second best in NFL behind the Brown & Orange of course.


Good luck Sunday- but I want the Browns pulling off the upset.

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Just out of curiosity CantonLegend, where in the New Orleans area did you grow up?


Not all Saints fans are from the New Orleans area. For example, I was born in South Dakota and moved to the northwestern corner of Louisiana as a kid back in 1967. This was the same year that the new NFL team, the Saints, also came to Louisiana. I have been a fan ever since.

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16th against the run.....problem is that we played 2 teams that suck at running the ball in back 2 back weeks and it skewed our ranking


carolina, atlanta, san fran, and minnesota had no problem running against us.......cleveland shouldnt have too much trouble either



16th ..i think not.bro..were 7th and the browns are 23rd so how do you think Chris Ivory will do?...



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What is it with you and Carlton Mitchell? Is he your new Corey Bridges?


He might actually be on the active roster this week thanks to Roid Harrison.




Mitchell/McCoy = Couch/KJ = WR/QB drfated in same class?


Stay with us Zippy, it's bad enough that we have to go over everything twice with Steeler fems.




















Besides, I liked Carlton Mitchell first ... you'll come around this time next week.

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16 New Orleans Saints 6 18 108 164 27.3 636 3.9 106.0 4 39T 34 20.7 3 0 2



sorry that link doesnt work..but even at 16 that aint bad...why do you always try and chip away at the Saints...i know you wanted Cody ..but the D has played way better than any of us thought....give em some props

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Just out of curiosity CantonLegend, where in the New Orleans area did you grow up?

yea haha bandwagon fan whatever......heard it all before


i grew up in canton ohio. became a saints fan when i was very young because i liked their uniforms. before i knew any players on any team i knew i liked the saints just because of the black and gold uniforms


now im an adult and my friends consider me the only true saints fan in ohio......you dont have to believe me but ive spent a lot of time proving people wrong


you are no different


my avatar is a picture of me as a saints fan in '07 during the hall of fame game.......all of my school pictures starting in middle school i have a saints shirt on. i never dressed up for school pictures.......instead i wore the same saints shirt for about 8 years in a row

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16 New Orleans Saints 6 18 108 164 27.3 636 3.9 106.0 4 39T 34 20.7 3 0 2


Canton's right, Strato. We are 7th in passing defense and 7th in total defense, but 16th in rushing defense. That said, I think the Saints will have success in stopping the run this coming week by loading the box. The Brown's passing game does not appear to require any type of max coverage.

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sorry that link doesnt work..but even at 16 that aint bad...why do you always try and chip away at the Saints...i know you wanted Cody ..but the D has played way better than any of us thought....give em some props

that was straight from the link you posted


it has nothin to do with who i wanted. im not chippin away at the saints.....only giving a true evaluation of what teams can expect from us

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yea haha bandwagon fan whatever......heard it all before


Actually, we have another name for them....and possibly you....FRAK (with apologies to Battlestar Galactica it stands for FrontRunnerAssKisser)


i grew up in canton ohio. became a saints fan when i was very young because i liked their uniforms. before i knew any players on any team i knew i liked the saints just because of the black and gold uniforms


now im an adult and my friends consider me the only true saints fan in ohio......you dont have to believe me but ive spent a lot of time proving people wrong


you are no different


my avatar is a picture of me as a saints fan in '07 during the hall of fame game.......all of my school pictures starting in middle school i have a saints shirt on. i never dressed up for school pictures.......instead i wore the same saints shirt for about 8 years in a row


Though based on this story it is highly possible you might be a little different. Most FRAKs you see are Yankee/Celtic/Laker/Cowboy/Steeler/ or once upon a time Bulls/49er fans....the most famous of which is LeBron James. They chose teams because they glommed onto winners. If, indeed you became a fan of the Saints long ago, it wasn't because they were winning. I am not sure I am quite yet ready to declare you a non-FRAK, but at least the jury is still out.


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Though based on this story it is highly possible you might be a little different. Most FRAKs you see are Yankee/Celtic/Laker/Cowboy/Steeler/ or once upon a time Bulls/49er fans....the most famous of which is LeBron James. They chose teams because they glommed onto winners. If, indeed you became a fan of the Saints long ago, it wasn't because they were winning. I am not sure I am quite yet ready to declare you a non-FRAK, but at least the jury is still out.


oh man if i would've known i had to come to you for your approval i would've done it a long time ago


us fans from around the league have a nickname for guys like you.........dumb


ive read a lot about you on these boards and its clear you are the first to jump on and off someones bandwagon......not surprising i guess that you would jump on someone else and accuse them of doing the same thing

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Canton's right, Strato. We are 7th in passing defense and 7th in total defense, but 16th in rushing defense. That said, I think the Saints will have success in stopping the run this coming week by loading the box. The Brown's passing game does not appear to require any type of max coverage.



7th in total D not bad...huh Canton...you have to admit thats way better than we all thought...We will try and make Colt beat us thats a givin..but i think we hold up well against the run and pass....40 yards givin up against Tampa is a good sign..

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7th in total D not bad...huh Canton...you have to admit thats way better than we all thought...We will try and make Colt beat us thats a givin..but i think we hold up well against the run and pass....40 yards givin up against Tampa is a good sign..

its a number strat. its a meaningless number......like power rankings


the number doesnt tell the whole story. just like our defensive ranking last year didnt tell the whole story. problem is that last year we were better than advertised and this year we are not as good as people think we are

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its a number strat. its a meaningless number......like power rankings


the number doesnt tell the whole story. just like our defensive ranking last year didnt tell the whole story. problem is that last year we were better than advertised and this year we are not as good as people think we are



I know Canton..but look at how we have stopped the long runs so far..i think even with all the injuries we have ..the D is better than last year..were not getting the TOs but i see improvement..i think that we have other issues that chap me more..Hartley!....numbers are just numbers..really i go by what see out there and the D is playing much better against the run...we would be 6 and 0 if those kicks were made...thats what is frustrating...i know we didnt play great in those games but we did have a chance to win ..and that wasnt all the Ds fault..

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I know Canton..but look at how we have stopped the long runs so far..i think even with all the injuries we have ..the D is better than last year..were not getting the TOs but i see improvement..i think that we have other issues that chap me more..Hartley!....numbers are just numbers..really i go by what see out there and the D is playing much better against the run...we would be 6 and 0 if those kicks were made...thats what is frustrating...i know we didnt play great in those games but we did have a chance to win ..and that wasnt all the Ds fault..

and we'd be 2-4 if hartley didnt make the kicks at the end of the games that he did make


theres always another side of a hypothetical response


saints are 4-2. browns are 1-5 and neither of the records reflect how they've played this season

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oh man if i would've known i had to come to you for your approval i would've done it a long time ago


us fans from around the league have a nickname for guys like you.........dumb


ive read a lot about you on these boards and its clear you are the first to jump on and off someones bandwagon......not surprising i guess that you would jump on someone else and accuse them of doing the same thing



Show me one F**king time that I have ever jumped on or off any bandwagon. I have been a Browns fan since the days of Jim Brown. Since before the New Orleans Saints were even a sperm cell. I have been an Indians fan since Rocky Colavito, Dick Donovan and Gary Bell, Willie Tasby etc.. I went 40 years with them never having seen a postseason game. There was one team whose bandwagon I did jump off: The Cincinnati Royals. Hell, you have probably never even heard of them. And it wasn't I who jumped, it was they. They moved to Kansas City. Then the Cavaliers were formed.

Where the hell are you getting your information?

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Show me one F**king time that I have ever jumped on or off any bandwagon. I have been a Browns fan since the days of Jim Brown. Since before the New Orleans Saints were even a sperm cell. I have been an Indians fan since Rocky Colavito, Dick Donovan and Gary Bell, Willie Tasby etc.. I went 40 years with them never having seen a postseason game. There was one team whose bandwagon I did jump off: The Cincinnati Royals. Hell, you have probably never even heard of them. And it wasn't I who jumped, it was they. They moved to Kansas City. Then the Cavaliers were formed.

Where the hell are you getting your information?

aww it doesnt feel so good does it? ive been a saints fan for as long as i can remember and i can remember pretty far back in my life

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Show me one F**king time that I have ever jumped on or off any bandwagon. I have been a Browns fan since the days of Jim Brown. Since before the New Orleans Saints were even a sperm cell. I have been an Indians fan since Rocky Colavito, Dick Donovan and Gary Bell, Willie Tasby etc.. I went 40 years with them never having seen a postseason game. There was one team whose bandwagon I did jump off: The Cincinnati Royals. Hell, you have probably never even heard of them. And it wasn't I who jumped, it was they. They moved to Kansas City. Then the Cavaliers were formed.

Where the hell are you getting your information?



LOL..Canton strikes again...but please keep my Saints out of it....

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Show me one F**king time that I have ever jumped on or off any bandwagon. I have been a Browns fan since the days of Jim Brown. Since before the New Orleans Saints were even a sperm cell. I have been an Indians fan since Rocky Colavito, Dick Donovan and Gary Bell, Willie Tasby etc.. I went 40 years with them never having seen a postseason game. There was one team whose bandwagon I did jump off: The Cincinnati Royals. Hell, you have probably never even heard of them. And it wasn't I who jumped, it was they. They moved to Kansas City. Then the Cavaliers were formed.

Where the hell are you getting your information?


Don't worry about Canton, Gip. He has always been an argumentative cuss. As a day one Saints fan I respect, and understand, your suffering.

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aww it doesnt feel so good does it? ive been a saints fan for as long as i can remember and i can remember pretty far back in my life


What you are saying is that you are actually a little f**king pissant that can't get it on with me honestly so you have to make up spurious BS?

You obviously failed reading comprehension class. I defined for you what a FRAK is, and I said that you likely were not one. In essence I basically gave you a pass, and now you want to come and shit on the lawn of the guy who fed you cookies?

Bad move dude, bad move. Ask the regulars on here how I shred the Steeler trolls...who are light years ahead of some Nouveau Riche Fleur de Lis fags when it comes to ignorance and hypocrisy.

I hope you have horded a supply of Depends, because if I decide to really lay it on you, you're gonna need them, because you'll be pissing your pants.

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Don't worry about Canton, Gip. He has always been an argumentative cuss. As a day one Saints fan I respect, and understand, your suffering.



Well, when it comes to argumentative types, this kid has just come wearing a 3 piece suit to mud wrestling match against a Big Ole Hawg.






So, you tell me who is ready to get down and dirty?

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