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Now It's The Right To Murder A Born Child.


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How much further than this? 1 month old? 2 months? 3 ?


After/if gay "marriage"....


it will be "hey, if 14 people love each other, then they can all get married...."


Lib progressives never quit. Always going off the deep end on any issue, for the sake of changing the status quo.


It has to stop somewhere.


A little "common sense" gun control? And we shouldn't KNOW that they will still want more and more? Biden said

"this will only be the beginning" ?


When IS it wrong to murder children in lib/progessives eyes? Ever?

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That's just a chidish, emotional, ignorant knee jerk reaction.


I didn't write the story.


Do you have any relevant comment? If not, simply stay out of the thread entirely, please.

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To be fair Woody doesn't know what anybodys talking about so...


I'm assuming there's a link that should have been there.


If I'm not mistaken there is no federal restrictions on abortion at any time or for any reason.


People may or may not happy with that fact.




One, fuck you Steve

Two, are you telling me you followed that?

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Well if its a 'right' then you should be fighting to the bitter end to preserve it, no matter how stupid, right?


What if you have to kill a fetus in self defense?


And before you get stupid, remember I'm against any abortion past, say, six weeks or when the heartbeat is first detected.

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Well if its a 'right' then you should be fighting to the bitter end to preserve it, no matter how stupid, right?


What if you have to kill a fetus in self defense?


And before you get stupid, remember I'm against any abortion past, say, six weeks or when the heartbeat is first detected.


A fly has a heartbeat. I guess we should protect them too.

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Went too fast...must have "control-C"ed again instead of "Control-V".


Or something. Read the article - let me know what you think. It just never ends.


The "line" is just a temporary fight with lib/progressives/cult members.


If they DO get to the "line"...it just changes.


With abortion.


And gun rights.


And taxes.


And gay "marriage". Pushing the envelope makes them feel important.


Or, it's like their achievement equaling heroine addition.


Whatever it is, I keep seeing it.






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I did not read the article and am not going to debate how far along abortion should be allowed, that is not my place. But an overall view of abortion, gun folks like to not to be told what to do when purchasing them (guns), yet when religion is in play it's ok for the government to tell you what to do. Got it. I'm pro choice on guns and abortion. So fuck you.


If women and libs are pushing for longer term periods for abortion Cal it's not "just because". That is childish thinking. It's because women want to be empowered to make their own choice, and if it has to be through abortion avenues, so be it. Same way gun people went out and exercised their right/choice to go an purchase a semi automatic .50 caliber hunting rifle for the large beasts living in Westlake, OH and get their concealed permit.


It's funny when pro life people get into this argument. I guarantee the same people protesting at abortion clinics are NOT the same ones protesting girls getting raped by football players. Oh the irony.

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The point is, pushing limits on controlling other people. There are plenty of laws about buying guns, and using guns, and laws against using a gun


for criminal purposes.


Why not accept some laws limiting the cessation of a pregnancy? Laws against the murder of BORN children?


Why does any law against what some people LIKE become BAD laws, and laws against what they don't like, become GREAT LAWS ?


Then they push and push to keep making those "BAD" laws go away, and they keep pushing to make their "GREAT" laws more, and more




Since when does it make sense to anybody in this country, to go gutwreched about the hideous murder of children by guns, yet

those same people can angrily defend...

murdering unborn and born children?


This hypocrisy astounds me. If beliefs were based on legit, consistent principles, this flip flop of beliefs wouldn't be happening.


And gay "marriage" ? And already talking about multiple people getting married? Anything goes, it's a free country? Except if they don't like guns. Then it isn't a free country.


Or they don't like SUV's. Or they don't like rich people. Or they hate anybody who disagrees with them about anything.


lIke, critizing Obamao is "racist" and "hatemongering". But those same groups staunchly defend the vile, no limits criticism of

any Republican. Any black republican. Why the instant animosity towards Dr. Ben Carson? He's been called an "uncle tom" ???


My beefs with Carter, Clinton, and Obamao have nothing to do with the color of their skin, whatever. But leftist groups

cry "racism" when you criticize Obamao, but they turn right about and call Dr. Ben Carson an "uncle tom" ? Why is that not



I'm not talking about anybody on this forum, btw, just referring to various groups out there in the news. I keep seeing manipulative,

extremely hypocritical garbage' out of these groups.


Either all children's lives are sacred, and important, or the opposite. Of course they are to us. I understand the...very... early term undoing

of a pregnancy, maybe. But pushing for the "right" to murder children AFTER they have actually been born? Without any principle as a guideline, the pushing the limits? never ends. By some groups' attitudes, a mother could drive her second grade children into

a lake and let them drown, and it would be "her choice" because she...eh... lost her job, or just decided it was "inconvenient"

or they were taking a "toll on her well-being"...


oh, wait, that car in the lake thing has been done already.....

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You have a heartbeat and for some reason people arent allowed to kill you. By your logic I should just be able to kill you if I want.


Cysko, where do you draw the line with abortion. I mean I agree on some of this, some of this shit is WAY too late to abort (unless it is going to kill the mother). There are certain circumstances I think abortion is just. I can have an opinion all day long on how women should have a right to choose. You know what it is not my choice, if a girl wants to use abortion as their personal birth control, it is a value judgement at that point. Under the due process clause of the 14th amendment, it is a women's right to choose. If you don't like it tough shit. Same way the Jim Carey's of the world want to sign about how guns are bad. By all means, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the fact remains, until Roe vs Wade is over turned, there is nothing you can do.


Gun enthusiasts love their rights until it infringes on value judgements based on THEIR religion.

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This hypocrisy astounds me. If beliefs were based on legit, consistent principles, this flip flop of beliefs wouldn't be happening.


And gay "marriage" ? And already talking about multiple people getting married? Anything goes, it's a free country? Except if they don't like guns. Then it isn't a free country.


Or they don't like SUV's. Or they don't like rich people. Or they hate anybody who disagrees with them about anything.


I'm not talking about anybody on this forum, btw, just referring to various groups out there in the news.


You wouldn't be generalizing would you? You buy into the marketing better than anyone on the board. Just your rhetoric "they" states there is some kind of competition or battle. "Or they hate anybody who disagrees with them about anything". Dude this is the most hypocritical statement I think I ever read here.


Am I a "they" because I believe women have a right to choose and gays should have the right to marry. And believe guns are a necessary evil and a just one?


You know you can pick your beliefs ala carte based on the Constitution and not based on what "THEY" think. And what "OUR" group thinks.


ps. I'm getting a 9mm Smith and Wesson next month. $300, a steal. Woo

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Of course I am generalizing. How the hell can I complain about GROUPS without generalizing?


No, you are not a they. And I don't hate anybody here, and most disagree with me eventually on stuff. smile.gif


You said:


"Am I a "they" because I believe women have a right to choose and gays should have the right to marry. "

I just POSTED that I "understood" about the early term abortion thing maybe. I know you are not pushing to

allow mothers to choose to murder their children when they are in the second grade. But the groups are espousing

ir-rationale to defend murdering those children that would apply even if the children were in high school, dammit.

And, I disagree with gay "marriage". So what? I was never against civil unions. Not ever. That gave them the rights

they were missing. Go have a fancy ceremony and party and go on a cruise whatever to celebrate their civil union.

They can have those rights they were missing.

But then, it came to not enough, as always. Now it's redefining marriage, and trying to slap families across this entire

country in the face, by demanding that their children accept homosexuality as a "norm". But even then, there has actually

been a push to expand marriage to more than two people. You watch, limit it to twelve people in a marriage, and by golly, the outrage

will be provoked over "well, what about 14 people?"

That's my point. There are groups who just fight. And politicians who encourage them to fight on against whatever, because

that's their votes for the next election, or their tithes in a church like the one the Obamao's attended all those years.

IOW's, I see it as a society-damaging, never-ending warping of any protections that society has in place, to protect itself.

In the long run? Is that the point? To take society, screw it up to the max, and "rebuild it" What?

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BTW, I want another 9mm, Nice choice. I hope I can find one. My Wife is thinkin she wants a .22 or .22 mag, and go to a concealed carry class.

Which reminds me of a story. My Wife and I took a trip to West Virginia when we were dating, to visit my aunt in the mountains at my Dad's home place,

beneath the Skyline Drive through the Monghahelia sp? National forest. It's still there. We hiked way up the mountain top, and I asked her if she'd like to

shoot my rifle. So, I ended up teaching her how to shoot, aim etc. She asked some pertinent questions like where to sight through the scope, etc.


Then she smiled that beautiful smile at me, and went and rapidly took out all five targets I had set up 15 yards away. I had to grin at being "had", when she

grinned and said she used to work at a gun shop with an old boyfriend.... it was his uncle's shop. I love her like crazy.


Now that it's going to be spring, I've ordered a good ccw holster from my ccw instructor.. I have one, but it's too bulky unless you're wearing a coat...


He says he has several of them, and he hates the hard plastic ones, and the leather ones don't give much, for working or fishing, etc.

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Cysko, where do you draw the line with abortion. I mean I agree on some of this, some of this shit is WAY too late to abort (unless it is going to kill the mother). There are certain circumstances I think abortion is just. I can have an opinion all day long on how women should have a right to choose. You know what it is not my choice, if a girl wants to use abortion as their personal birth control, it is a value judgement at that point. Under the due process clause of the 14th amendment, it is a women's right to choose. If you don't like it tough shit. Same way the Jim Carey's of the world want to sign about how guns are bad. By all means, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the fact remains, until Roe vs Wade is over turned, there is nothing you can do.


Gun enthusiasts love their rights until it infringes on value judgements based on THEIR religion.



Personally, I'm on the far right of this issue. It's hard to say no abortions for, you know, rape and incest and the like, but the fact of the matter is that if you go to the pearl rd health center/abortion clinic its not full of rape victims. It's full of irresponsible skanks that couldn't be bothered to get on the pill. So unless its life threatening I see no reason why you'd need to wait more than six weeks to get an abortion. My stance is once the heart is beating its murder more than birth control.

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I'd be a hypocrite if I espoused gun control to try and save the lives of children while letting hoe bags kill kids all day because they can't be forced to excercise personal responsibility.


Both issues come down to responsibility and the sad fact is Americans no longer exercise the level of responsibility necessary to solve either of these issues.

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Explain where you get that statement from what I wrote. In detail, please.


I thought you were a scientist, broski. If human life is a choice why don't I have the right to just kill you? Or how about this, why don't parents have the right to just kill their child if they deem it unfit?

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Explain where you get that statement from what I wrote. In detail, please.


I suggested we should protect flies too because they have hearts.


You suggested that my line of thinking means it's okay to kill people (which we obviously think is ridiculous).


This is exactly the problem with a heartbeat being used as the definition for human life. It isn't what makes us human.


I thought you were a scientist, broski. If human life is a choice why don't I have the right to just kill you? Or how about this, why don't parents have the right to just kill their child if they deem it unfit?


Yep. I am. Human life isn't merely a choice, it's a matter of where a being lies on the continuum of sentience. A fly is more sentient than a fetus with a beating heart.

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I suggested we should protect flies too because they have hearts.


You suggested that my line of thinking means it's okay to kill people (which we obviously think is ridiculous).


This is exactly the problem with a heartbeat being used as the definition for human life. It isn't what makes us human.




Yep. I am. Human life isn't merely a choice, it's a matter of where a being lies on the continuum of sentience. A fly is more sentient than a fetus with a beating heart.



Well, as the dude would say, "that's just, like, your opinion man" a fly and a human life, at any stage, is incomparable. Every human life snuffed out by some skank has the potential to be a da Vinci, an Einstein, a Bach, I think you get where I'm going. A fly has the potential to be a fly.


I'll never support a woman's right to choose murder as a convenience. Medical purposes are one thing but as I said earlier and no one disputed, the pearl rd health center doesn't have a waiting room full of rape victims

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Personally, I'm on the far right of this issue. It's hard to say no abortions for, you know, rape and incest and the like, but the fact of the matter is that if you go to the pearl rd health center/abortion clinic its not full of rape victims. It's full of irresponsible skanks that couldn't be bothered to get on the pill.


Some girls do that. Some like my ex was walking in to get the pill. Fuck tards yelling at me don't do it, when I come back out 15 minutes later with birth control. Showed it to them and shut their hypocritical mouths up. Meanwhile, while they are protesting, their daughter just gave the neighbor boy a blow job.

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