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Now It's The Right To Murder A Born Child.


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Anyone want to tell that family what they should do in that situation, and then mandate it by law?


Good points. I'll admit I've never really considered developmental defects that pop up during the final trimester. That abortion you referenced seems entirely justified.

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Not true at all. Try the states of North Dakota, Arkansas, Kansas, Mississippi...


"Even though my wife’s health was not in immediate danger, the psychological damage of this (for both of us) would have been devastating."


This guy is saying his wife's health wasn't even in immediate danger, never mind her life. And what is the legal criteria for late-term abortion in these states? Life of the mother has to be in jeopardy.


She is a late term abortion case that meets none of the exemptions in those states. She's either going to have that baby or she's opening herself up to jail time, and so is the doctor.

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As I've mentioned before, one of my friend's wives is a OB-GYN in Boston who deals with these a lot of these hard cases. And let's just say she doesn't lack for business.


The human body is an imperfect machine and things often go horribly wrong in pregnancies. The government should be nowhere near these scenarios. They're tragic.

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As I've mentioned before, one of my friend's wives is a OB-GYN in Boston who deals with these a lot of these hard cases. And let's just say she doesn't lack for business.


The human body is an imperfect machine and things often go horribly wrong in pregnancies. The government should be nowhere near these scenarios. They're tragic.

Agreed the government is simply unable to account for all possibilities. Leave the decision up to those whom it affects. There is no need to write law for every scenario and it would be impossible to do so anyway.

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