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This is exactly why catholic hospitals shouldn't get a dime of taxpayer money...

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And they should be required to fully disclose to patients their methods of care. In this case for pregant women they ought to disclose that they hold the unborn babies life in higher esteem than the womans and will put the womans life at risk in order to save the unborn child.






"Several women who delivered babies at Catholic hospitals describe being denied tubal ligations at the time of delivery – when the procedure is often safest – even though their doctors had said that another pregnancy could threaten their lives. One woman, Jennafer Norris, learned that her doctor was barred from performing a tubal ligation when she was already in labor. Because she was stricken with preeclampsia, which put her at risk for a stroke, there was no time for her to drive the half-hour to a secular hospital."


Well that's the end of that. Sure fire to way to make people just say fuck it abortions on demand whenever wherever....is to allow this shit. I am all for a compromise on late term abortions but this torpedoes ANY talk of compromise. When hospitals are allowed (ie encouraged) to this shit, the pro life side loses their grounds. This is unacceptable bordering medieval medical standards. If the pro life side is bewildered at why we're slouching toward the opposite end of the spectrum where women are potentially getting pregnant for the sake of selling baby parts....this here shit is why.


This is the kind of shit that loses the people in the middle. Because there's a lot of men that are like hey if my wife is in danger of her pregnancy at best ruining her chances of conceiving again or at worst killing her....well most men will choose to try again and keep the wife. At least those that love their wives. If catholic hospitals want to do this hey fine...but the writing will be in big giant bold print so nobody is under any illusions AND they operate on their own. No tax money period.

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if they want tubal litigations, get the hell to a regular hospital and stop

playing the leftist activist crap.


Dr. Ben Carson said in all his years, he never had known of a "life of the mother" situation.


A vasectomy is far, far easier and safer. These women married? or just sleeping around?


If she's that high risk of serious problems like stroke, etc...why is she getting pregnant?


You really need to start researching your rantings, Cleve.

http://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/tubal-ligation-and-tubal-implants Risks

Tubal ligation. Major complications of tubal ligation aren't common.

  • Minor complications include infection and wound separation.
  • Major complications include heavy blood loss, general anesthesia problems, organ injury during surgery, and need for a larger laparotomy incision during surgery.

Although fewer complications occur with laparoscopy than with other kinds of tubal ligation surgery, these complications can be more serious. For example, in rare cases, the bowel or bladder is injured when the laparoscope is inserted.

The general risks of surgery are greater if you have diabetes, are overweight, smoke, or have a heart condition.

Tubal implants. There are rare reports of implants causing pelvic pain that doesn't go away. In these cases, the implants were removed 6 weeks after they were placed in the fallopian tubes.2 The risk of pelvic infection is greater with tubal implants. Before you receive implants, you will be tested to make sure that you don't have a vaginal infection or a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Ectopic pregnancy risk

If a tubal ligation or implant fails and you become pregnant, you have an increased risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies can occur years after the tubal ligation and are most likely 3 or more years after the procedure.3 To learn more, see the topic Ectopic Pregnancy.

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"Is she sleeping around"?

"Why is she even getting pregnant?"






The only place you should ever go to that is described by a religion (Catholic, Muslim, whatever) is a house of worship. Not a school, hospital, etc.


(unless you have no other choice based on where you are, and in that case, that really sucks).

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Some Catholic hospitals will do it. Others won't. The hospital my wife works at picks and chooses where they want to exert their religious leanings. Employees don't get birth control covered by their insurance. However, they offer women the option of getting their tubes tied while there to deliver a baby.


Cal, it shouldn't matter why the lady wants to have a baby with considerable risk to her health. A close friend and his wife had a child in spite of the risk because they desperately wanted a child. After two miscarriages, she gave birth to a healthy girl.

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Yeah and I don't trust Ben Carson on this matter whatsoever. I don't even remotely understand the reticence on the part of a hospital over ligations. It's amazing how one side wants all these individualistic freedoms no matter any cost to the overall good but the instant a woman says you know I've had enough children so let's tie those tubes......wut did you say whore?

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Cal, it shouldn't matter why the lady wants to have a baby with considerable risk to her health. A close friend and his wife had a child in spite of the risk because they desperately wanted a child. After two miscarriages, she gave birth to a healthy girl.


oh, that's true. I was more talking about the idea that some go to great lengths

to force the issue - like the Christian bakers being forced to make a gay wedding cake.


I know plenty of women who have had the tubal litigation - some of them are Catholic,

and very close friends....but they aren't going to

a hospital that doesn't do them, on purpose...I imagine there's about 8 months to know

where the woman is going to go when she delivers, and even more time to arrange a

tubal litigation with her physician. I don't get the going to a hospital that doesn't do them,

under said circumstances, and THEN deciding you want them to do it.


I don't know much about the medical stuff about that biz, but some smaller? hospitals do not

have the critical care wings to accept the liability of something going wrong with a tubal litigation?


I don't know - just askin.

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I mean, when was it decided that a tubal litigation would be refused? Months earlier?


...can't imagine it was on the spur of the moment. Under a dr's care, how could you end

up in the situation like that? I don't get it. These things are scheduled. There would be

plenty of time to change hospitals, I would think. ?

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I'm not a doctor but I'd be surprised if there were actual cases in which it was a medical certainty that a woman would die unless a healthy late term child or fetus was aborted.



Nothing is probably ever a medical certainty Steve....but if a doctor comes to you and says 20-25% of women with your wife's condition make it off the birthing table and those that do most of them can never get pregnant again, would you risk it? My buddy did.....and almost lost his wife.


And the baby was stillborn and "horrendously" disfigured

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Nothing is probably ever a medical certainty Steve....but if a doctor comes to you and says 20-25% of women with your wife's condition make it off the birthing table and those that do most of them can never get pregnant again, would you risk it? My buddy did.....and almost lost his wife.


And the baby was stillborn and "horrendously" disfigured

We aren't talking about a disfigured baby or a stillborn baby. The hypothetical here is that the woman would die unless the child were aborted.

I'm just wondering what particular conditions that would involve. That a Caesarean, for instance, wouldn't solve.


Personally Id abort if there were a 15% chance of downs syndrome.



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We aren't talking about a disfigured baby or a stillborn baby. The hypothetical here is that the woman would die unless the child were aborted.

I'm just wondering what particular conditions that would involve. That a Caesarean, for instance, wouldn't solve.


Personally Id abort if there were a 15% chance of downs syndrome.



Steve, most medical conditions that threaten the life of the mother also threaten the viability of the fetus. Most disfigured children were the result of difficult pregnancies.

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It is extremely wrong to abort a child because you are worried they will have Down Sydrome.


I've seen severe cases where I'm not so sure. Everybody thinks of happy go lucky corky but there's levels of downs where the person was never home....it's not black and white

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