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Deep Thoughts ... Featuring Brownsfaninpa and Nw220


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Well Browns fans, the worst season of all time has reached us, losing all 16 games isn't too surprising. This franchise hasn't been really much to cheer for since 2002. This team has been on the bottom for years, and this season has gone as low as a team can go. What can a coaching staff do to change the team to a NFL team?

Bring back the classic 1980's uniform design, the current ones are just horrible. And as for how to win games, I give up. This team has gone as low as a team can go. I cant keep up with who the QB is, or who is on this team.

Well, it doesn't really matter, the Browns are no longer a team I can cheer for. The Browns don't excist anymore.

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Bring back the classic 1980's uniform design


That'll fix everything.




the Browns are no longer a team I can cheer for

OK, bye then. But if that's the case, don't come crawling back when the team is good.

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For all the manufactors out there who produce items for the NFL, I don't see a reason to make items of the Browns. This team isn't worth paying money to support. I no longer buy items of this team. My cheering days are over. I will hold on to the memorabilia I do have, thinking back to times when Bernie and Kevin Mack were winning playoff games.

Save your money, don't purchase Browns. No reason to embarrass yourself.

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I know the long time rivalry with the Steelers and Bengals leaves a bad taste in your mouth when those teams win against the Browns. But why feel so disgruntled ? You should direct your anger to the Browns for losing year after year. Stop buying tickets to games no matter how low the tickets go. Lets face it, the Browns are not a elite NFL team anymore. Those days & years are gone and only for the history books now.

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I know the long time rivalry with the Steelers and Bengals leaves a bad taste in your mouth when those teams win against the Browns. But why feel so disgruntled ? You should direct your anger to the Browns for losing year after year. Stop buying tickets to games no matter how low the tickets go. Lets face it, the Browns are not a elite NFL team anymore. Those days & years are gone and only for the history books now.

Yeah, people should stop hating their divisional opponents.


Your post reads more like a Steelers fan than a Browns fan.

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Well Browns fans, the worst season of all time has reached us, losing all 16 games isn't too surprising. This franchise hasn't been really much to cheer for since 2002. This team has been on the bottom for years, and this season has gone as low as a team can go. What can a coaching staff do to change the team to a NFL team?

Bring back the classic 1980's uniform design, the current ones are just horrible. And as for how to win games, I give up. This team has gone as low as a team can go. I cant keep up with who the QB is, or who is on this team.

Well, it doesn't really matter, the Browns are no longer a team I can cheer for. The Browns don't excist anymore.

We were all very concerned with whether or not you were going to stop being a fan.

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For all the manufactors out there who produce items for the NFL, I don't see a reason to make items of the Browns. This team isn't worth paying money to support. I no longer buy items of this team. My cheering days are over. I will hold on to the memorabilia I do have, thinking back to times when Bernie and Kevin Mack were winning playoff games.

Save your money, don't purchase Browns. No reason to embarrass yourself.

Put your head in an oven.

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Breaking news!


All NFL merchandise manufacturers have halted production of Cleveland Brown's merchandise after a whiny little punk ass bitch with sand in their vagina made the bold proclamation that they will no longer purchase any Browns related products on an Internet forum.




I think we can go ahead and lock this thread.

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That'll fix everything.


OK, bye then. But if that's the case, don't come crawling back when the team is good.

until we have a new owner that knows fucking football, this is what you are going to get...the stadium will see more empty seats yr after yr until...poooff, bye bye brownies again....that is the track we are on whether you like it or not....

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I've never "hated" a team as much as I hate this one. I'll always be a fan, for better or for worse, but I hate everything about this current team. How they can never score, how they inflict countless harm on themselves, how there are NEVER any big plays, how we don't create turnovers...the list goes on. I don't even REMEMBER the last "big play" we had. I don't even remember the last time I got up and high-fived a friend. We're a joke, and it hurts. It probably hurts worse than it should. I just want a team to be proud of, and something fun to watch on Sundays. I used to love football season. Now...all I do is talk about the draft.

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At min the OP needs a name change to "Ex-BrownsFan..."



Wonderful thread... leaves me wondering what Robert Kraft's football IQ is...

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Aren't you the guy that buys the Browns memorabilia? You posted some pics of a Browns car. You're clearly a longtime fan and you're passionate about it. Why jump ship during a season when we knew we were going to suck? You've paid your dues. Put in your time. Just give it a couple of seasons. Browns are currently under constructions.

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Aren't you the guy that buys the Browns memorabilia? You posted some pics of a Browns car. You're clearly a longtime fan and you're passionate about it. Why jump ship during a season when we knew we were going to suck? You've paid your dues. Put in your time. Just give it a couple of seasons. Browns are currently under constructions.

I offered several times to make him a deal on vintage stuff of course he didn't respond just like he never does about anything.
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Anybody that jumps ship is not a fan or never was a real fan. This team made me so angry at times that I have left the tavern but I never turned the game off. Things can ONLY go up from a 0 - 16 season. Let people get their jokes in now, We are by far the biggest sleeping giant in Sports, We have the fans we have the passion and WE WILL GET BETTER, Oh and we still have Lebron

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Can the Brown adopt the Patriots way of winng?

As I watched the AFC Championship game with the Patriots & Steelers, I was just so impressed on how the Patriots made play after play, and just embarrassed the Steelers. I was shocked how the Patriots offense could make plays, receivers wide open, catching passes, and then gaining 10 + yards after a catch. I was just amazed how this team can continue to make big plays, and win.
My concern is, can the Brown offense coaches study how the Patriots can make plays work, and have receivers catch the passes, and then strive to gain as many yards after the catch? There has to be a logical method of how this works for the Patriots.
I have put down the Browns team to its lowest of lows, and I just hope that the coaches make a serious push and study how the Patriots make plays work, and continue to win game after game.
Its no fun trying to keep your passion for a team when its never any changes years and years of losing., Maybe this up coming season we have our time as winners.

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A copy cat league?

I hear this term often, when teams learn, and use play methods and insert those plays in their teams play scheme. And I agree with this way of winning. If a team can run specific plays and those plays work majority of the time, then why not have your own team learn those plays, and insert them in your play list?
I hope the Browns coaches, Offense and Defense study the plays that they got burnt on, by the team they were playing, and start learning how to use it for our own play scheme.
This team has to make serious changes on how they run plays. There has to be a change.

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