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Betsy DeVos

MLD Woody

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Maybe we should all be allowed to decide if our taxes to to public, or private schools,

and even home schooling.


I would LOVE elective taxation. I've dreamed of that scenario for years. Seriously, I would love to be able to choose where 50% of my state and federal tax dollars go. Not just in terms of education, but everything. Will never happen, though.

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Well it's refreshing. Thanks Bob. Even though I don't necessarily agree with everything you said it's good to have somebody with a real opinion other than she didn't go to public school.


What Osiris said selective taxation? Fine.

If I had kids and I live in an area that I didn't like the public school I'd rather the state Kickback my portion of the property tax if I could prove I spend it on a charter school. The bottom line is my kid getting an education not lining the pockets of the teachers union.

Same thing goes for Catholic schools.

I ran into a nice young man a few days ago from West Akron who would have gone to what is now the Copley Fairlawn school district. It's not a horrible School District but his parents spent the money to send him to Hoban, a Catholic School.

I would at least like to see their portion of school tax be credited to them to help pay for the Catholic School. Bottom line is the kids education.


I do agree it begins at home.



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No discipline at home or at school anymore. When I was a kid you had both. I knew if I screwed up at school, not only would I get punished at school (swats/detention) but would also get punished at home (grounded/'the belt'). Now, there is nothing. With disrespectful kids knowing that no one can touch them, and often times flaunting that in the face of t he teacher or even parent, it's no wonder they aren't learning anything.

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In regards to my Hillary "it takes a village.."


Showing my age a tad here, but you had little league sports, where kids ride bikes or walked to Estabrook with peers. Went to Dairy Queen afterwards, then met up at Meszar's lanes, hung out and were back home in bed by 8-9 pm, showered and went to bed. Lather rinse repeat until the weekend where they played games vs other teams, and probably went to church on Sunday.


Today, the same scenarios play out except the kids get driven by their parents, possibly with ear buds in or an iPad in hand, go home and watch TV, the 500 channels or so. Not much social interaction verbally...it's text, snapchat, etc.


Maybe that's a little extreme, slightly off topic.But it's close.

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Well it's refreshing. Thanks Bob. Even though I don't necessarily agree with everything you said it's good to have somebody with a real opinion other than she didn't go to public school.


What Osiris said selective taxation? Fine.

If I had kids and I live in an area that I didn't like the public school I'd rather the state Kickback my portion of the property tax if I could prove I spend it on a charter school. The bottom line is my kid getting an education not lining the pockets of the teachers union.

Same thing goes for Catholic schools.

I ran into a nice young man a few days ago from West Akron who would have gone to what is now the Copley Fairlawn school district. It's not a horrible School District but his parents spent the money to send him to Hoban, a Catholic School.

I would at least like to see their portion of school tax be credited to them to help pay for the Catholic School. Bottom line is the kids education.


I do agree it begins at home.




And I would be fine with that. You get your kickback and I get to have more of my tax dollars go to education and infrastructure and less of it to military spending. Meanwhile, your friend who sent their kids to Catholic School can allocate the money they didn't pay on school tax to military spending, compensating the fact that I put less. I think such a system would put everyone's money where there mouths are, and encourages citizens to be more informed about how tax money is spent and in general people would feel less alienated from government.

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...and i didn't mention, when you were a little kid playing those sports, you aspired to play for the Rhodes Rams, trying to win the Battle of Biddulph vs the Brooklyn Hurricanes. A sense of community pride.

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No discipline at home or at school anymore. When I was a kid you had both. I knew if I screwed up at school, not only would I get punished at school (swats/detention) but would also get punished at home (grounded/'the belt'). Now, there is nothing. With disrespectful kids knowing that no one can touch them, and often times flaunting that in the face of t he teacher or even parent, it's no wonder they aren't learning anything.



Yeah, that worked out well.

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In regards to my Hillary "it takes a village.."


Showing my age a tad here, but you had little league sports, where kids ride bikes or walked to Estabrook with peers. Went to Dairy Queen afterwards, then met up at Meszar's lanes, hung out and were back home in bed by 8-9 pm, showered and went to bed. Lather rinse repeat until the weekend where they played games vs other teams, and probably went to church on Sunday.


Today, the same scenarios play out except the kids get driven by their parents, possibly with ear buds in or an iPad in hand, go home and watch TV, the 500 channels or so. Not much social interaction verbally...it's text, snapchat, etc.


Maybe that's a little extreme, slightly off topic.But it's close.

Was brought up on W. 47th between Storer and Denison Ave. We used to hang out at Brookside Park and go to Estabrook swimming all the time.

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so many kids today get bored. If they don't have an actual something to do,

they aren't used to inventing something.


We used to take cardboard boxes from the appliance store down the street, and

use them by crawling inside, making them tanks.

We fought WWII all over again in that grassy lot. Of course, there used to be

woods we could hike in, catch frogs and garter snakes...


One time I caught a praying mantis, and put it on my head, as I knocked on the neighbors'

back door. When she came to the door....well, I got grounded... LOL LOL


We knew how to have fun. Took pumpkins AFTER halloween, after they were wilty,

and set them in the street. No damage, just goofy stuff.


Kids today get bored easily. Roaring down the rain? Take a paper cup, cut the side out

a few inches, tape it to the opening, and watch it go with the water at the edge

of the street for 50 yds. Just don't miss it before it goes into the culvert...


Used to get all hot and sweaty in the summer hiking in the mountains back then, and plucked

some sassafrass to get a mental lift... a lot of kids don't know what sassafrass is.

I love to show them that. How to make a fishhook from a crabapple thorn...


once, there was this box from a refrigerator outside. Was in grade school, had a babysitter,

so I got bored, she was more interested in watching tv, so I got the box, took it downstairs,

poked holes in the top, put my Dad's oscilliscope in it, poked more holes in the cardboard

around it, put red cellophane tape over em... closed it up...with the light on.....

it was a spaceship. The "dashboard" had all sorts of cool lit buttons..

I actually hid there after the babysitter was calling and calling

for me. Boy, was she mad when I finally called out from the basement and she still

couldn't find me. I made the mistake of laughing. Got grounded again.


Come to think of it, that was another time I heard "I think they gave us the wrong kid at the hospital".... lol

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Was brought up on W. 47th between Storer and Denison Ave. We used to hang out at Brookside Park and go to Estabrook swimming all the time.

Nice...so Lincoln West for you? Did you also go to swim at the pool at the Cle Zoo?

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Nice...so Lincoln West for you? Did you also go to swim at the pool at the Cle Zoo?

No. We moved to Parma Heights when I was in 5th grade. Attended Milford Elementary, would have gone to Thomas Jefferson Jr. High, then West Tech if we had stayed. Ended up going to Greenbriar Jr. High, then Valley Forge. We always went swimming at the Zoo. Big circular pool if I recall with cement in middle.

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No discipline at home or at school anymore. When I was a kid you had both. I knew if I screwed up at school, not only would I get punished at school (swats/detention) but would also get punished at home (grounded/'the belt'). Now, there is nothing. With disrespectful kids knowing that no one can touch them, and often times flaunting that in the face of t he teacher or even parent, it's no wonder they aren't learning anything.

So your generation did a shitty job as parents?

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It must be fun to be from the generation that raised millennials, told them they were special and could be anything they wanted, handed out participation trophies, while at the same time being able to afford a house on a semi-skilled salary, to now turn around and bitch at said millennials for being the 'participation trophy generation' and 'snowflakes'.


They didn't want participation trophies. They just wanted the same opportunities in life as you, and you fucked them over. Good job, parents of millennials.

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