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Jonathan Paul Manziel


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I think that is exactly what shanny is planning using the skills he now knows that Manziel has. I expect more moving pockets, more rollout/naked bootleg and more draw/play action. I also expect him to stretch the field early so the safeties don't do to him what they did to Hoyer. First time they see one sailing 60 yds over their heads with better accuracy I think they stop cheating up to stop the run.

One reason I'm psyched to see Johnny play is the Browns defense. Johnny should feel much less pressure to do "too much" because his defense is so good. I'm anxious to see how well he manages the game. One thing he was (hopefully still is) good at is third down. He's just a killer on converting third downs.

Well since Shanny has not employed a moving pocket all year it's have to be "more". Even his 1/4 roll designs are nearly naked with only a TE or RB peeling back. Naked boots and PAP are Shanny's staples. Draws? Maybe 2 including the last play of the Buffalo game.


Bring on the Pistol and the Read Option look. However, as I have said before, minus the run option early. Altogether, if we lead. Just release it into the RB's belly or pull it as a new PAP look.


The fact that you are curious as to whether JM can gear down his game does not give me comfort.


I have a theory that 70-85% of die hard NFL fans 1) never graduated college with a 4 yr degree or 2) never graduated college with a football team worth a damn.

Don't take data in Ohio... we're all Honorary Buckeyes. It will skew your survey results.


Well almost all. You can ask Woody...

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r u the "plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is" guy......

Which paled compared to "Measy Mysey Ballsey"...



That's because we have different priorities...


I am a die hard Aggie and will support former Ags everywhere. Did you know ALL of Texas (Dallas, Austin, SA, Houston) switched from covering the Packers v Bills to the Browns v Bengals because Manziel is starting? You guys just picked up a few million more in audience watching your game. Are you really going to bitch about it because we want to see how the undersized kid from Texas with a gunslinger and road runner mentality does? You think this is singled out to Aggies? Watch ratings across the country when Manziel is involved. It is Tebow 2.0. I'm sorry that ruined your day. By the way, the Browns have a good D or having a shitty QB in Hoyer hasn't made you any more relevant. Johnny has, and with that you get a bunch of idiots like me following the Browns. You are welcome, dumbass.


Or would rather slip back into irrelevance and importance like you have been for the last 2 decades?

With every new arrival that call gets harder and harder...

There's no former player section at AggieFootbal.com/Forums?

Why would we give a flying fuck what regions are watching what regular season games?

And finally, how'd Tebow 1.0 work out?


Ive read this argument plenty of times here on this forum. I dont particularly understand it because it sounds like a whiny kid trying to keep others out of his sandbox. I cant speak for anyone else, but i love football. I find it enjoyable and entertaining. Its not life or death to me. I am a fan of many things, some more passionately than others. I dont see the difference between following a team vs a single person. I love boxing too and its a single person sport. You can be a fan of whatever you want. Not sure why you care so much about others fandom. BTW, to the outside world, i think they find die-hard NFL fans odd. Sitting down for hours and hours watching young boys run around in spandex.

They wear spandex?

Ever, you're one of the better ones. We all know that... you worked at becoming a Browns' fan. So as a fellow Browns' fan, please explain one thing to me.


In his interviews since the "announcement" Johnny seems more than willing to let his game on Sunday speak for itself.

Why can't his legions of fans do the same?

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Let me see if I can shed some light on the Manziel following.

Again??? ;)


The only person that can turn Johnny Skeptics like me into Johnny fans is Johnny... and the only way he does that is leading the Browns' Offense efficiently... he does that and I am good with him being a Brown.


Ag, you, and Ever, and the new guy, Faded, hell even, ABF are all credible advocates of Johnny... at least part of the time. But even you can't instill true belief in all things Johnny in me. And here is why...


Anyone telling me to have faith in Johnny is asking me to have faith in them first. And I've no reason to do that... especially not since I can see Johnny for myself in the very near future.


Go Browns...

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I don't know many people who are Michigan, Texas, A&M, Nebraska, Oregon, Bama, Florida fans and are also "die-hard" NFL fans. That was my only point. They are usually mutually exclusive to some degree (not all mind you). This is why I prefer CFB over NFL.

Head of the Department of "Making Shit Up?"


"Usually mutually"??? I did not know there were degrees of being mutually exclusive... Gig 'em!


And you did not even list THE Ohio State University... boy did you fuck up.


Hey Fellow Browns' Fans... Are any of you Dyed-in-the-wool Buckeye Fans?

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Does that mean, no, you didn't notice before that JFF and the Brownie look a bit alike, or no, you see no resemblence?


There IS a resemblence.

No as in there is no resemblance whatsoever...


Cram a couple pounds of Brownies ears into nose and we'll talk...



And the camera angle and the fact that Hoyer is further away from the camera creates the illusion that their heights are close.

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What can I say.

So if he gets killed in the first three starts we still have BH.

Or trade him today for a second package it up with our first two number ones to move up for Jamarcus Winston.

I wish BH was better but he's not. So I guess I'll cross my fingers and root for Johnny until somebody proves me wrong.



steve, i get your point, which is none actually.


you rooted for hoyer but still stuck it to him when he screwed up and asked why they did't start the kid....going back to week 10. but yet when asked about manziel you said he's great but at the same time he could mess up.


when you go to a casino do you bet 400 on red and 400 on black?


if you read the recent posts i think you might realize the majority of us on here are done with hoyer given the fact the way he's played the last 4 games. so i don't get the fact that you think others aren't going to root for manziel now. is it that you were right somehow and others were wrong? i'd love to see your pro-johnny posts before the season and the talk of hoyer getting pulled while we were winning.


stick to singing a sinatra tune cuz this other song you're singing is getting played....out.

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I actually had an epiphany a short while ago.


I recall in 2012 sitting in the stadium (Kyle Field), and this guy in his mid 40s was jostling for position among kids to get players' autographs on the sideline. He came down and sat next to my wife and I. He asked me who all of the players were that he just got autographs from. He was wearing a number 2 jersey and said he loves Manziel. I asked him a few things and he quickly admitted that he didn't go to A&M, but he loved watching Manziel and had to come watch him in person.


From that point forward I realized that while t-shirt fans in general can be a good thing for total revenue and representation in our state (competing in popularity), I still disliked having all of these new outsiders.


While not quite to that level (I don't own a Manziel jersey either TAMU or Browns), I'll admit I'm getting close to that person I despise. I'll leave you numbnuts in peace. We both want the same thing, but y'all are right: if there wasn't an Aggie on the Browns team I wouldn't give a flip about your team and would move onto the next.


One down fellas. Enjoy what's left of your season.

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No actually it didn't, I'm always 2 steps ahead of you in the information and glad it got merged.


I'm not a 17 year teen who goes dissecting everything thread and making snarky, non contributing comments, get over yourself dad.

Two steps? Can you do that on "two broken legs?"

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I actually had an epiphany a short while ago.


I recall in 2012 sitting in the stadium (Kyle Field), and this guy in his mid 40s was jostling for position among kids to get players' autographs on the sideline. He came down and sat next to my wife and I. He asked me who all of the players were that he just got autographs from. He was wearing a number 2 jersey and said he loves Manziel. I asked him a few things and he quickly admitted that he didn't go to A&M, but he loved watching Manziel and had to come watch him in person.


From that point forward I realized that while t-shirt fans in general can be a good thing for total revenue and representation in our state (competing in popularity), I still disliked having all of these new outsiders.


While not quite to that level (I don't own a Manziel jersey either TAMU or Browns), I'll admit I'm getting close to that person I despise. I'll leave you numbnuts in peace. We both want the same thing, but y'all are right: if there wasn't an Aggie on the Browns team I wouldn't give a flip about your team and would move onto the next.


One down fellas. Enjoy what's left of your season.


Sure thing pal. You enjoy those daydreams of Manziel's dick bouncing off the back of your throat. What an asshole.

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if there wasn't an Aggie on the Browns team I wouldn't give a flip about your team and would move onto the next.


One down fellas. Enjoy what's left of your season.


one less egg to fry. one less mouth to feed.


drive safe! have a nice day! grab a cookie on the way out.

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Well again, of the two quarterbacks we have on the roster which one was out for a year due to an injury sustained while running the ball?

The one that has played?


Im not so sure he'll get hurt just because he runs or is an inch shorter...


And he is very elusive....so lots of glancing blows.....


Im sure IF he gets hurt, a lot of folks will claim his style or size is the reason, even though QB's go down every week for a million different reasons....big ones, pocket passers, runners....they all get hit


Brian got hurt sliding, not cause he was hit...

First, Hoyer got hit while sliding. Alonso's added force dug Brian's knee into the turf stopping the slide and the knee gave.


As to JM... agree totally...


He has all the tools he needs to run safely ala Russell Wilson. JM has every attribute you listed plus good vision and mad quicks. The issue is: will he go for more than he can safely get? He has to understand that sticking his head down and trying to drive or dive for a first down in the 3rd Qtr with a tie score is not worth the injury potential no matter how slight he thinks I may be.


As inspiring as the TD vs BUF was the same asshole that speared Barn went for JM's ribs... just didn't get them... that time. But it was a game circumstance worthy of JM's effort and its risk... as it made the score 20-10 with 8+ left... IIRC.

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I actually had an epiphany a short while ago.


While not quite to that level (I don't own a Manziel jersey either TAMU or Browns), I'll admit I'm getting close to that person I despise. I'll leave you numbnuts in peace. We both want the same thing, but y'all are right: if there wasn't an Aggie on the Browns team I wouldn't give a flip about your team and would move onto the next.


One down fellas. Enjoy what's left of your season.

Disagree, guys... this is a waste of a perfectly good epiphany.


evan, you get it.


Step one of correcting a problem is recognizing there is a problem... and step two is not hitting the door.


Just chill a little...

show some interest in the Browns...

tell a cool JM story with out the expectation, the demand, that we'll all go wide-eyed...


And then on Sunday help us celebrate what there is to celebrate and dissect what there is to dissect.


The door is open.


But if not, then go in peace...

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Senior citizens watching people drive fast, like Brandon weeden watching a Qb read a defense.

lol... Is it me or have you gotten a lot funnier lately?

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I think that is exactly what shanny is planning using the skills he now knows that Manziel has. I expect more moving pockets, more rollout/naked bootleg and more draw/play action. I also expect him to stretch the field early so the safeties don't do to him what they did to Hoyer. First time they see one sailing 60 yds over their heads with better accuracy I think they stop cheating up to stop the run.


Ag, I have no doubts JF has a better arm & deep accuracy than Hoyer. Can he read a defense better is what I want to see. I wouldn't doubt Guenter will dial up a few exotic blitzes to see how fast Manziel is in recognizing them.


You know when someone doesnt know much about the subject when they mention all Johnny did was throw jump balls. I think most JFF fans know his strengths and weaknesses and what he has to work on. The worst part will be the instant evaluations after his first start.


Where did I say that's all he ever did? Mistakes like that are game killers, and most of the time the margin of winning and losing a game in the NFL can turn on one or two plays. Um, you don't see 25 point lines in the NFL like you do in college.




I have a theory that 70-85% of die hard NFL fans 1) never graduated college with a 4 yr degree or 2) never graduated college with a football team worth a damn.


I'm curious if you fall into one of those categories?


Well I'd say you're wrong. :)


Just to be clear because it seems like people kept thinking I was trying to imply that people without college degrees are somehow a lower class or unable to be successful. Like I said: folks tend to read what they want to read.


It was said that I must be a kid because I follow college football. My retort is that if you didn't go to a big-time college that soaks up CFB every Saturday, then of course you'd have no idea and you are more likely to be a NFL fan. I don't know many people who are Michigan, Texas, A&M, Nebraska, Oregon, Bama, Florida fans and are also "die-hard" NFL fans. That was my only point. They are usually mutually exclusive to some degree (not all mind you). This is why I prefer CFB over NFL.


What you don't understand is being primarily an NFL fan doesn't make it mutually exclusive you're clueless as to what's going on in the college game- it works both ways. Was at the Browns- Colts game, and when they put it up on the scoreboard the Buckeyes were in the playoff, a huge Oh- IO, chant went up. We also have to follow the college game to keep up on what potential studs are out there come draft time.


Incidentally, speaking about the draft- for around the last six years, that would have been the primary area of discussion on this board in December.

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I cannot remember the last time I saw h this pissed...



Not really pissed Tour- just trying to introduce some semblance of reality. :)


Sure I hope Manziel has a great game, and we sweep the Bengals- first time in how long?


OTOH, I do wonder how the more ardent JFF fans will react if Johnny goes out and totally shits the bed.

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steve, i get your point, which is none actually.



>>>shit, I can't imagine theyre any more or less valid then the thousands of others around here...<<<

you rooted for hoyer but still stuck it to him when he screwed up and asked why they did't start the kid....going back to week 10. but yet when asked about manziel you said he's great but at the same time he could mess up.

>>>Stuck it to him? Look like a lot of guys it was clear that if the kid was going to be a solid NFL starter he'd have to get better and many others hoped that might happen. Was that a long shot? Probably. But I don't think I'm an idiot or an asshole for wanting that to happen.

Did I say johnny was great? Do I seem like a Texas Aggie fan? Or I should deny the hope that he could possibly be? I don't know why that wanting my teams first round quarterback to kick ass is a mortal sin? And frankly just reading between the lines (but overtly more often than not) it seems like some guys here are hoping he falls on his ass so you can come on the board with an I told you so! I hate the Pittsburgh Steelers lots more than I hate Retard.<<<

when you go to a casino do you bet 400 on red and 400 on black?

>>>haha. I stay away from those fuckers. I'm not a very good gambler and casinos aren't as beautiful as they are because people are winning money.<<<<<

if you read the recent posts i think you might realize the majority of us on here are done with hoyer given the fact the way he's played the last 4 games. so i don't get the fact that you think others aren't going to root for manziel now. is it that you were right somehow and others were wrong? i'd love to see your pro-johnny posts before the season and the talk of hoyer getting pulled while we were winning.

>>>>>>how can any human being read all the posts on this board? Just scanning a sample tells me there are guys that hate BH and guy who are really upset about Johnny and are for some ridiculous reason, angry that is college fans came here. Most of those usually add the caveat "well sure, they hope he does well but..." And you know the rule, everything before the but is bullshit.<<<<

stick to singing a sinatra tune cuz this other song you're singing is getting played....out.

>>>>>>So why is it that you take such offense to my small number of middle of the road wishy washy posts?


(pS I sing a lot of shit besides Sinatra, that's just a seasonal project for me!)


Pps this wasn't even the original post intent... :o

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