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We Must Reject LGBTQ Craziness Becoming America's Accepted Nor

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1 minute ago, calfoxwc said:

well, let's just say satan is your "brother-in-arms" then? Our country was based on Christian principles - look at how we've grown.

   if we had been founded your way, we would have self-destructed a few centuries ago. Enough with the hate for Christians already - sharia law is a dangerous threat to humanity - just ask decent American Muslims.

   Christianity is a saving grace and will never be a threat to anyone.

did woody hack your account?

This is the most ridiculous thing anyone on earth has said all day. I'll just go with today. You said some really ridiculous things yesterday. 

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3 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Because separation of church and state. It shouldn't be run on "anti-christian" anything although I understand you feel that telling you your religion is not and can never be the law might feel that way to you. 

100% this

So much of this "Christian oppression" is just telling Christians they don't get to make all of the rules anymore. They don't get to be treated special.

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Just now, The Cysko Kid said:

Because separation of church and state. It shouldn't be run on "anti-christian" anything although I understand you feel that telling you your religion is not and can never be the law might feel that way to you. 

   You may as well stick your finger in yoor eye over that lie. That isn't "separation of church and state" - give it up, you'll lose that argument quickly. Decent family values, Christian values are the values that has guided America.

   you choose - Christian values or satanic hate anarchy. society has to have a solid foundation, or we fall.

and, btw, you non-Christians should realize - that not one of us has ever ridiculed atheists on this board, etc.

All the ridicule and hate has from from your side of the fence. All I did long ago, was explain to someone how I nearly died in the fifth grade, and I got hated for telling a true story, and woodpecker ridiculed it again and again and again and etc.

Why? No Christian is allowed to have a story because you all have none?

  Stop and think about that, ...woody.

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1 minute ago, MLD Woody said:

Well geez. 

Think whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to hold those beliefs over others in an attempt to dictate what they can and can't do.




I proclaim Mickey mouse is dead. Hopefully he's not around after I die...

You are free to reject God's plan of salvation but the absolute best you have to hope for is a very short life (even if you live to be 100 what is that compared to eternity?) and then an eternity of nothingness. At worst and you are wrong you will find yourself in hell and face an eternal separation from God. I really don't care about anything else about what the bible says about how awful hell is I know that eternal separation from God is hell enough (and also knowing I could have escaped it). I see a lifeline being thrown to us by One who came on a mission to save us. All that is asked is we trust Him and put our faith in Him. It is such a good deal I am amazed so many turn it down. 

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5 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Satan isn't a real thing, cal. 

evil is. that pretty much sums it up. a complete lack of love, Christian values....

but going after OBF when he has been outstanding in trying to be so respectful and has explained himself so well...

that's trash. Good and twisted evil exist, Cysko. Frame it however you want. The Bible shows the Angelic Conflict all through the battle of good and evil, you see it today very, very clearly, if you want to.

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7 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

This is the most ridiculous thing anyone on earth has said all day. I'll just go with today. You said some really ridiculous things yesterday. 

you fear Christianity? you think us Christians are going to hurt you Cysko? we are scary dangerous? that is what would be a "threat" to you.

    Not being allowed to murder children unborn and born is not a threat. THAT is what is ridiculous, and very sick and dangerous.

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13 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Because separation of church and state. It shouldn't be run on "anti-christian" anything although I understand you feel that telling you your religion is not and can never be the law might feel that way to you. 

one Nation, UNDER GOD!

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Woody is a successful engineer and a decent guy  and while I've disagreed with many times on many issues and even trolled him a few times he manages to take most of it in stride. You don't offend me by putting his name in your mouth as an insult. 

You, on the other hand...well... You're not. I could say that you're a person with incredibly dark views hidden inside a "gee-whiz, aw shucks, Mrs cleaver that was some great root beer" persona. 

I've never bothered to hide my criticisms of certain groups and ideologies behind a fake Andy Griffith mask.  You do. You're a little like BTK hiding out in the church group. Just a weird frightening individual latching onto something as a cover. 

Your assertion that there's nothing between law and anarchy but Jesus is completely false, by the way,. And there's plenty of modern and historical proof of that. 

I don't agree with OBF regarding religion at all, or his assessment of the gays as sinners destined for hell, but at least I get the sense that he actually buys what he's selling. 

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in case you don't know who Phil Robertson is, he is an amazing story:

Terry Bradshaw was the back up qb in college. Phil was the starter who quit football because he wanted to just

hunt ducks, etc.


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12 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:


Thanks Cal. I can relate to his testimony. Phil says he was 28 years old when he made his decision for Christ. I was 26 and came out of that same type of lifestyle. I came to realize it was a dead end way of living. I have heard the voice of God a few times in my life. The first time was when I prayed to God and I heard a voice saying the way of salvation has already been made for all. I knew right away what it meant and I got out the bible a Christian in the Navy had given me and who had witnessed to me and I made my decision for the Lord. I would love to contact that Christian who witnessed to me in the Navy because I am sure I was a disappointment to him. I would do well when the ship was out to sea and attend bible studies but once our ship pulled into port it was a different story. I just didn't really understand at the time. But he planted a seed and I would like to thank him today.

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2 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Woody is a successful engineer and a decent guy  and while I've disagreed with many times on many issues and even trolled him a few times he manages to take most of it in stride. You don't offend me by putting his name in your mouth as an insult. 

You, on the other hand...well... You're not. I could say that you're a person with incredibly dark views hidden inside a "gee-whiz, aw shucks, Mrs cleaver that was some great root beer" persona. 

I've never bothered to hide my criticisms of certain groups and ideologies behind a fake Andy Griffith mask.  You do. You're a little like BTK hiding out in the church group. Just a weird frightening individual latching onto something as a cover. 

Your assertion that there's nothing between law and anarchy but Jesus is completely false, by the way,. And there's plenty of modern and historical proof of that. 

I don't agree with OBF regarding religion at all, or his assessment of the gays as sinners destined for hell, but at least I get the sense that he actually buys what he's selling. 

it doesn't matterwhat you think - dark views? lol. I laugh and sneeze in the direction of you haters, have for a long time.

Truth is, we have no idea at all what we are like in real life. Pretty much a lie - the only "scary" thing is people who hate to hear about how they could simply understand God is really there, and Jesus really died on the Cross for all, in that we could have everlasting life.

      You mad, bro? too bad. It's true - the hate and ridicule comes from YOUR non-believing side every freaking time. Deal with it - it's true.

     OBF, none of us, has tried to ridicule anyone off the forum because of what you don't believe. and OBF is getting crap, like I got crap years ago when I told my story about nearly dying, in the fifth grade. I've forgotten a lot of the lessons from hearing the original Hebrew and Greek lessons from long ago. I have always, again, had a serious disdain for religion. I just realize God is very, very real, and the rest of the story is real to me, too.

   When I nearly died, all alone in the woods, on our farm, that extreme cold winter morning - I came to understand that miracle as proof of God really being there - the miracle came the very few seconds I was screaming for God's help.

   It's who I've always been. Christian values, family values, love and valuing of the precious lives of children born and unborn...is no threat to you. Being defensive over your lack of understanding/believing is no genuine reason to be angry.

   Regardless of FEELING anger and "oppression", Christian values are what made our country grow. Freedom with no rules, no principles - is oppression and anarchy. Christian values doesn't mean "Blue Laws" - that is just a religious value.

The sanctity of life is a Christian value. That doesn't oppress you, Cysko - that isn't dangerous.

   Try listening to Phil Robertson - he's been on both sides of the fence - living a life of hell, loneliness and destruction, and then realizing God really is there.

   Hating and anger never solves any problem.


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17 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

it doesn't matterwhat you think - dark views? lol. I laugh and sneeze in the direction of you haters, have for a long time.

Truth is, we have no idea at all what we are like in real life.

Pretty much a lie - the only "scary" thing is people who hate to hear about how they could simply understand God is really there, and Jesus really died on the Cross for all, in that we could have everlasting life.

      You mad, bro? too bad. It's true - the hate and ridicule comes from YOUR non-believing side every freaking time. Deal with it - it's true.

     OBF, none of us, has tried to ridicule anyone off the forum because of what you don't believe. and OBF is getting crap, like I got crap years ago when I told my story about nearly dying, in the fifth grade. I've forgotten a lot of the lessons from hearing the original Hebrew and Greek lessons from long ago. I have always, again, had a serious disdain for religion. I just realize God is very, very real, and the rest of the story is real to me, too.

   When I nearly died, all alone in the woods, on our farm, that extreme cold winter morning - I came to understand that miracle as proof of God really being there - the miracle came the very few seconds I was screaming for God's help.

   It's who I've always been. Christian values, family values, love and valuing of the precious lives of children born and unborn...is no threat to you. Being defensive over your lack of understanding/believing is no genuine reason to be angry.

   Regardless of FEELING anger and "oppression", Christian values are what made our country grow. Freedom with no rules, no principles - is oppression and anarchy. Christian values doesn't mean "Blue Laws" - that is just a religious value.

The sanctity of life is a Christian value. That doesn't oppress you, Cysko - that isn't dangerous.

   Try listening to Phil Robertson - he's been on both sides of the fence - living a life of hell, loneliness and destruction, and then realizing God really is there.

   Hating and anger never solves any problem.


False. On the contrary this is probably the only time you actually tell the honest truth about who you are because you perceive it as being anonymous. 


By the way...it's not. 

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Christian values didn't make this country grow. This country grew on death. Death for some life for others - nothing more to it. Good christians fought in this country for some of the worst causes ever fought for in human history. To insinuate otherwise is to have an extremely unrealistic view of where America has been. 

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51 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Woody is a successful engineer and a decent guy  and while I've disagreed with many times on many issues and even trolled him a few times he manages to take most of it in stride. You don't offend me by putting his name in your mouth as an insult.

Awe shucks Cysko, thanks. You're pretty swell too. 

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23 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

False. On the contrary this is probably the only time you actually tell the honest truth about who you are because you perceive it as being anonymous. 

By the way...it's not. 

no, I've told that story at length before on this forum. At length. How else could woodpecker know to ridicule it right out of the gate?

Any story I've ever told, not often..., is true. I"ve never lied about myself. No, you aren't a victim, Mr. liberal-attitude-guy.

by the way - it most certainly is true. Never once has a Christian on this forum ridiculed anyone for not being a Christian.



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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Careful OBF, don't eat that fruit. You might accidentally learn something

You don't get it- of course you thinking the possibility of homosexuality not being a sin, and OK  tells me all I need to know.  

May never have been a tree. It was pride. I'm not God, but I want to think I can know as much as God. So effectively, I'll flip him the finger. That's what OBF has been saying. 

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6 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

And there is still quite a few. Like, for instance, (and I know there's lots more than this but im leaning on them to make a point) the Catholic priests that molest kids. Since, apparently, god is the only source of what's right and wrong...I guess he must have been on vacation. 

Regarding Catholic priests- just because you happen to be a priest doesn't in and of itself make you a "good person", there have been plenty of bad priests- and even bad Popes throughout history. MHO the failing has been the higher ups who too often took the "be merciful, as your Father is merciful" stance.  Now? Toss 'em all in jail where they belong. 


2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Well geez. 

Think whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to hold those beliefs over others in an attempt to dictate what they can and can't do.


And you hide behind "my gay rights are more important than your religions beliefs". Should a photographer that finds homosexuality revolting be forced to take pictures at a gay wedding? 


1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Satan isn't a real thing, cal. 

That's what he wants everyone to believe. Some people think he's this red guy with horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. Way smarter than that. Been known to show up in some pretty convincing disguises as a person they thought they knew. 

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10 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Regarding Catholic priests- just because you happen to be a priest doesn't in and of itself make you a "good person", there have been plenty of bad priests- and even bad Popes throughout history. MHO the failing has been the higher ups who too often took the "be merciful, as your Father is merciful" stance.  Now? Toss 'em all in jail where they belong.

right to the root of it...religion doesn't make you a good or moral person and neither does the lack of it


And you hide behind "my gay rights are more important than your religions beliefs". Should a photographer that finds homosexuality revolting be forced to take pictures at a gay wedding? Ive never said they should...as long as you're ok with restraunts not serving trump voters. I've always said that you should be able to refuse service FOR ANY REASON


That's what he wants everyone to believe. Some people think he's this red guy with horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. Way smarter than that. Been known to show up in some pretty convincing disguises as a person they thought they knew. Things like this make me think less of you. No. There is no Satan. People want to do bad shit all on their own. No trickster involved. You fuck your exes and steal shit because you want to. Satan is an excuse otherwise "moral" people made up to excuse away their actions. It doesn't fly as a defense anymore


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38 minutes ago, hoorta said:

You don't get it- of course you thinking the possibility of homosexuality not being a sin, and OK  tells me all I need to know.  

May never have been a tree. It was pride. I'm not God, but I want to think I can know as much as God. So effectively, I'll flip him the finger. That's what OBF has been saying. 


So we should, at some point, stop our pursuit of knowledge?

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5 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

That's what he wants everyone to believe. Some people think he's this red guy with horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. Way smarter than that. Been known to show up in some pretty convincing disguises as a person they thought they knew. Things like this make me think less of you. No. There is no Satan. People want to do bad shit all on their own. No trickster involved. You fuck your exes and steal shit because you want to. Satan is an excuse otherwise "moral" people made up to excuse away their actions. It doesn't fly as a defense anymore

Sure, people do bad stuff all on their own. Those 911 guys who flew planes into buildings thought they were doing the will of Allah. But at least to my mind it doesn't preclude the possibility of a real embodiment of evil outside of our senses. 

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I don't think anyone should be refused service because of gender, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. I don't think your religious beliefs give you a pass. 


In what way does gat marriage affect you or your religious beliefs? Not about you offering a service or something. Just the fact that gay marriage is legal. 

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I don't think anyone should be refused service because of gender, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. I don't think your religious beliefs give you a pass. 


In what way does gat marriage affect you or your religious beliefs? Not about you offering a service or something. Just the fact that gay marriage is legal. 

Trump should use executive privelege to ban gay marriage immediately.

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


So we should, at some point, stop our pursuit of knowledge?

Woody, I'm not saying that at all. In my working years I was a scientist myself. We were meant to seek knowledge. But we're never going to know it all. The rate were learning stuff is truly astounding. In the 1960s if you came down with leukemia, it was a death sentence- and were are we now? 

One of my Reference Lab duties was to screen donors by DNA analysis for rare blood types. If I had been able to get in a time machine to go back to my 1973 cell biology class and start spouting what I knew- those students would have thought I had just gotten off a space ship from another star system.  

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