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Anderson to start against the Bengals


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Mangini names Anderson starter Sunday

Zac Jackson, Staff Writer


Eric Mangini has named Derek Anderson the Browns' starting quarterback for Sunday's game against the Bengals.


Anderson replaced Brady Quinn at halftime of last week's loss in Baltimore and finished the game, completing 11-of-19 passes for 92 yards.


Anderson has been here before. He lost a 2007 training camp battle for the starting job to Charlie Frye but was named the starter before Week Two - coincidentally, a home game against the Bengals.


Anderson threw for 328 yards and 5 touchdowns in that game, which marked the beginning of a string of seven straight home wins in what became a 10-win season for the Browns and a Pro Bowl season for Anderson, who ended up throwing for 3,787 yards and 29 touchdowns.


He now takes over an offense that's scored just one touchdown in its first three games.


Stay tuned to ClevelandBrowns.com for more.





Mangini: "I think Derek did some positive things and I think he can help us improve offensively. That’s what the decision is based on."

less than a minute ago from web


Coach Mangini has named Derek Anderson the starting QB for Sunday

3 minutes ago from web


Just received the text too.


Edit: http://www.clevelandbrowns.com/article.php?id=9930



(Thanks AdaM)

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I think most people saw this coming. Based, IMO, purely on the fact that DA was named starter in 07 prior to the Cincy home game and he almost out performed Carson Palmer.



I just have a really strong feeling we won't see 5 TD's this year :(




He linked the wrong article, here's the one:








The first link went to the article saying mangini would announce a starter on wednesday, I'm guessing twitter had their wires crossed.

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Oh here we go, this sucks, it really does. Im sick and tired of having our defense worn out by fricken picks all day. Its maddening. You do know that this descision is gonna blow up in his face right? If Derek wins, Ill change my tune, but I can see a pick 6 to Maualuga coming soon to a stadium near you!


(now that would be TRUE irony, DA pick 6 to ReyRey)

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I can't say that I am surprised....but I find it more than a bit disconcerting that Mangini stated point bland that once a decision was made at QB it was made....and that he would not be going back and forth.


Now, just 10 quarters into the season, he has already made a QB change. I know BQ wasn't exactly lighting things up...but what part of 11/19, 92yds, 3 INT's is lighting things up???


At any rate...I will be hoping to see DA play with some kind of rhythm, and with at least a semblance of a short passing game.


Personally, I don't care if it is DA or BQ, as long as ONE of them steps up and plays well enough for us to use the #1 pick for something OTHER than another QB.

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Yeah WPB, everyone seems to forget that fact. Mangini flat out lied, he said once he decided on his starter, that that is who would be behind center the WHOLE season. Since Quinn has been playing so conservative, he must've told BQ and DA a different story.


SO our coach, is a flat out liar now. Not only did he make the worst OC hire of all time, he is also an asshole and a liar, not to mention a terrible coach with poor descion making and people skills.


I dont know if any of you remember but I was one of the few who wanted to keep Rac n Rolls on account of his injury plagued 08 season and really not gettin a fair shit. At least with him we would still have Chud and an offense that has been with this team for more than 2 seasons

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Well, so much for sticking with decisions. All I have to say is that Mangini must be under some internal heat to get the browns to stop playing such shitty football that he has gone into that mode where coaches just change whatever they can in order to attempt to win one football game. You stay the course when you have confidence in your long term vision of a team. Confusion and chaos reign in cleveland for another year.

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Yeah WPB, everyone seems to forget that fact. Mangini flat out lied, he said once he decided on his starter, that that is who would be behind center the WHOLE season. Since Quinn has been playing so conservative, he must've told BQ and DA a different story.


SO our coach, is a flat out liar now. Not only did he make the worst OC hire of all time, he is also an asshole and a liar, not to mention a terrible coach with poor descion making and people skills.


I dont know if any of you remember but I was one of the few who wanted to keep Rac n Rolls on account of his injury plagued 08 season and really not gettin a fair shit. At least with him we would still have Chud and an offense that has been with this team for more than 2 seasons

Who cares legend the little big man made his decision and new era browns fans have to just suck it up and lick the bowl dry for more i can say for sure im not a new era browns fan and i will enjoy watching the douchebag squirm as he goes down to never disgrace the nfl again...


Meanwhile in between 3 and picks i will be watching the real browns at least spiritually pave their way to the playoffs and the jets in their noble attempt to get there themselves after 3 years of bad coaching...;)

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What else was he going to do? If he starts Quinn, he has to recognize the fact that he was wrong to pull him in the Baltimore game. Mangini, owning up to his faults? Ho, ho! Not happening.


Plus, though DA is an absolutely infuriating QB, he does indeed have a cannon. If he can learn how to use that in conjunction with the grey matter, we have our franchise QB.


Now, about that 'if'...

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I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Brady Quinn good luck in whatever uniform he ends up in next. I would also like to apologize to him for the way he was mistreated by the Cleveland Browns coaching staff(s) since the day he was drafted. I am 30 years old and have been wathcing football my entire life. Never can I remember a first round QB getting only 6 starts over the course of 3 seasons in which to prove himself. Especially when there was NO true starting QB in front of him. Brady, you deserve a lot better. Good luck! I can't say that you are the QB we need here in Cleveland, but I will say that you deserved more of an opportunity here!


Browns fans, today we have witnessed our coach, Eric Mangini, make a decision that makes this team officially the laughing stock of, not only the NFL, but the sports world as a whole! I am a loyal fan through and through. And I will continue to support this team even if I never see them win another game. But, I truely think that we have just taken a turn toward the real possibility of losing this franchise again. The petition going around online to sell the team already gives the NFL a serious issue to contend with here in Cleveland. Now, with this move, Mangini has given the fans even more reason to lash out against Lerner and the Browns management and coaching staff. I WILL NOT SIGN OR SUPPORT the petition. Regardless of who the owner of the team is, fan support is needed in order to keep our team. We reacted similarly when Art Modell owned the Browns. We lashed out because he couldn't build a team to get us to the Super Bowl. He took his team and left. What is to stop Randy from doing the same thing? SUPPORT OUR BROWNS IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THEM IN CLEVELAND! If they are here, there will always be a slight hope. If they leave, there is none!!

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Yeah WPB, everyone seems to forget that fact. Mangini flat out lied, he said once he decided on his starter, that that is who would be behind center the WHOLE season. Since Quinn has been playing so conservative, he must've told BQ and DA a different story.


SO our coach, is a flat out liar now. Not only did he make the worst OC hire of all time, he is also an asshole and a liar, not to mention a terrible coach with poor descion making and people skills.


I dont know if any of you remember but I was one of the few who wanted to keep Rac n Rolls on account of his injury plagued 08 season and really not gettin a fair shit. At least with him we would still have Chud and an offense that has been with this team for more than 2 seasons

First, I doubt the two QB's got a different story. Quinn is by nature conservative...and considering Mangini has stressed NO TURNOVERS...probably played TOO conservative. DA, well, he is DA and likely blew that off and decided he would win Mangini over with his gun for an arm. Surprisingly, it worked.


Mangini however should not be judged by the first 3 games against 3 undefeated teams with a team that has over 50% turnover since last year. We are young, we are raw, and we have a new system and nobody has played a REAL game together before these 3 games.


We had competitions at EVERY position all pre-season...so give it a few weeks and a couple of potential patsies (the next 2 weeks should tell) before we even THINK about a moratorium on Mangini.


Consider this...the Jets are doing great this year...WITH ALL THE PLAYERS MANGINI COACHED UP!!!


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The last line in this story just cracks me up. Glad it looks like I am not going to be able to watch this weeks debacle.




BEREA, Ohio (AP)—Derek Anderson(notes) will start at quarterback for the Cleveland Browns on Sunday against Cincinnati.


Coach Eric Mangini has decided to go with Anderson, a Pro Bowler in 2007, over Brady Quinn(notes), who opened the season as Cleveland’s starter but was benched at halftime last Sunday in Baltimore.


Mangini believes the Browns have a better chance to move the ball with Anderson.


“I’m excited about the opportunity,” Anderson said. “We’re all competitors, we all want to play. I’m ready to go.”


Mangini spent the entire training camp deciding on a quarterback before picking Quinn over Anderson. But after Quinn threw an interception on the Browns’ first possession on Sunday, Mangini benched Quinn after just 10 quarters this season and inserted Anderson.


Anderson had more success moving Cleveland’s offense but threw three picks in the 34-3 loss to the Ravens.


“I felt like I went out there and did what I can do,” Anderson said.


Glad to see throwing 3 awful picks (and what could have been 1 or 2 more) is what DA thinks he can do :rolleyes:

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First, I doubt the two QB's got a different story. Quinn is by nature conservative...and considering Mangini has stressed NO TURNOVERS...probably played TOO conservative. DA, well, he is DA and likely blew that off and decided he would win Mangini over with his gun for an arm. Surprisingly, it worked.


Mangini however should not be judged by the first 3 games against 3 undefeated teams with a team that has over 50% turnover since last year. We are young, we are raw, and we have a new system and nobody has played a REAL game together before these 3 games.


We had competitions at EVERY position all pre-season...so give it a few weeks and a couple of potential patsies (the next 2 weeks should tell) before we even THINK about a moratorium on Mangini.


Consider this...the Jets are doing great this year...WITH ALL THE PLAYERS MANGINI COACHED UP!!!


JADBF told me to judge Mangini after 10 games and i will do just that. Hopefully the future is a lot brighter.

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I just hope he lights it up. Browns fans are pissed about the start of this season and it'll be embarassing if he comes out as Anderception.


I still don't think he's the long term answer, but would LOVE to be proven dead wrong.


However, if Quinn becomes successful somewhere else, Mangini will have looked like a nervous little girl for pulling the plug after 3 losses against undefeated teams.

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Yeah WPB, everyone seems to forget that fact. Mangini flat out lied, he said once he decided on his starter, that that is who would be behind center the WHOLE season. Since Quinn has been playing so conservative, he must've told BQ and DA a different story.


SO our coach, is a flat out liar now. Not only did he make the worst OC hire of all time, he is also an asshole and a liar, not to mention a terrible coach with poor descion making and people skills.


I dont know if any of you remember but I was one of the few who wanted to keep Rac n Rolls on account of his injury plagued 08 season and really not gettin a fair shit. At least with him we would still have Chud and an offense that has been with this team for more than 2 seasons


I must say I have been holding out hope that Mangini would be able to turn this club around. I know things need to get worse sometimes before they improve. But after a QB move like this, and by Mangini's lies I can't help but to start thinking the guy is another bust. DAMNIT CLEVELAND WHY CAN'T ANYTHING GO RIGHT IN THIS ORGANIZATION. I'M SICK AND TIRED OF COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS UNTIL FOOTBALL SEASON AND BY WEEK THREE COUNTING THE DAYS UNTIL ITS OVER.

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