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Everything posted by Icecube

  1. I think this is all true, but it's also all correctable. Perhaps it is due to coaching as well. Freddie took all the credit, but the OLD OL coach may have been right, as another post pointed out. Baker may break out of this slump any game. Maybe this week?
  2. Yea, and it was a blow out, plus limping by the Steelers, needing OT and bad calls to win, also illuminates that the Ravens are just not that good. Pitt is on their FOURTH string QB, not 3rd, as the media inaccurately claims. (Ben, Rudolph, Dobbs and then Hodges). It's a long season, a lot will happen before we know what is what. But for a Raven fan to be popping off at this point is idiotic.
  3. The Steelers have 8 first-round picks on their D, and......? It means nothing. Middle of the pack.
  4. I don't know what they could get for him, and what team would want him. And just wait...he mostly hasn't started any drama (except for the watch). But he will. He will.
  5. This story needs to end being discussed, it's run its course and is meaningless.
  6. Baker himself is part of it, but I think it has more to do with him being under siege, way too often, almost instantly. NO QB can be successful under those conditions.
  7. And Shanahan has that running game going. Matt Breida is sick fast.
  8. 4-0 with this remaining schedule and they won't make .500? And, forgive me, but they play lots og good teams. https://www.49ers.com/schedule/ Rams, Seattle twice each. Panthers, Packers, Ravens, Cowboys, Saints. That's a "gift wrapped" schedule? Plz.
  9. Stuff like this is what gives Brown fan a bad reputation. Just admit 9ers were better and whooped ass.
  10. I don't mind confidence one bit, as a matter of fact, it's much needed as part of being a QB. But the overall tone set by him, and a few others, will hurt their chances for success. I don't think you have to imitate everything the Pats do, but they never do this stuff and it's by design.
  11. You're missing the bigger picture: handshake or not, his cocky act is motivating teams, period. Bosa barely ever talks trash, but he was messing with BM all night. His Okie act doesn't fly in the NFL. What does being cocky get you when you lose 31-3 and achieve a 1 on the QBR scale? A 1........a 1. That's nearly zero...point....zero.
  12. Yea, I saw that, but the point remains: His super cocky routine is not helping the team.
  13. Or did he? https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/49ers/2019/10/08/49-ers-richard-sherman-baker-mayfield-handshake-snub/3906447002/ You know, I don't care if he did or not, but I know I'm getting a little tired of the "Baker will be Baker, he needs to get fired up and will keep doing it" crowd. His act is hurting the team; he makes opponents extra motivated to beat them. It's not working. It's never worked in the NFL. Get some humility and give other players some respect. The 9ers threw him around like a rag doll last night. And Seattle and the Pats are licking their chops to get at him. Hoodie would never let his players act so cocky; he knows it's bad for business. And is it just me, or does Baker look fat? I swear I saw a big gut on him. I liked Baker's "hootspa" but he's taken it too far. And I wonder if Feddie isn't a tad over his head at this point. They better fix it fast.
  14. I just don't know how the Steelers even stayed with them.
  15. It was Big Tuna, and he said, "You are what your record says you are." In other words, such claims as "But we are the best 1-4 team" is moronic. This Vaga fella is gonna be eating serious crow very soon. Pitt won't win more than 6 games. But the good news is they will still keep the overrated Tomlin. The Steelers are looking the 80's right in the face. Ben kept them winning divisions in spite of Tomlin - those days are over.
  16. That's cray...and scary. Hodges is the 4th string QB, Dobbs was 3rd string and they traded him to Jags. But Hodges may be an undrafted free agent, but he looked very good for a rookie. But I see them winning about 6 games. So much for "Tomlin never had a losing record" crap.
  17. The Steelers medical cart broke down and had to be pushed off the field. I am not kidding. They needed more men on the field to push that off than was used to walk off Mason. https://nypost.com/2019/10/06/mason-rudolph-hit-steelers-medical-cart-controversy-emerges/
  18. Steelers down to 4th (yes, 4th) string QB. They are done.
  19. That was a hell of a game. To me, it seemed like LA is good (not great, but decent) and Seattle is solid too. Browns gotta face Seahawks on 10 days rest. Should be a great game.
  20. The lines 3.5 SF. But who have they beat? Bucs, before they got their sea legs with new systems/coaches, TB is better now. Cinci, who is 0-4, and the Steelers who's QB was starting for the 1st time in the NF (and just barely beat them, 24-20). Now the Browns found their groove, with Chubb tearing it up. SF has to worry about him, big time, opening the passing lanes all over. If they hyper-focus on OBJ, there will be open guys elsewhere. If they don't double OBJ, he will rip them apart - pick your poison. I see a Browns' W.
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