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Everything posted by Icecube

  1. OK, upon further mulling it over and reading the responses to this post.................. 1.) Name the QBs who hit the NFL without a speed bump and had no trials and tribulations early in their career. Hmmmmmmm. Dan Marino....and................ummmmmm...to a degree Ben Roethlisberger....and.........Cam? But let's also consider, having a good rookie year but faltering soon after doesn't count as having no rough patches early. Cam and RG3 started off with a bang but both had some poor stretches soon after. In other words, Baker struggling is no worse than how Elways, Peyton Manning, Aikman, Favre, Bradshaw, and so on started off. Basically the vast majority of Hall of Famers started off sucking. 2.) As has been established, Freddie has never attained even a coordinator position and he is now the architect of our O? What shows you that he is even competent at structuring and assimilating an O system? I'm not trying to rip the guy, but let's look at the facts here. Other than getting along with Baker after they fired the huge clowns (Hue and Todd) what qualification did Freddie have on his resume? Running backs coach? Not anywhere near the same thing. OC Monkens, by the way, has a pretty darn good record as an offensive coach himself. I have no idea why he isn't calling the plays; the # of head coaches who are adept at being the head coach AND calling the plays (Shanahan, Reid) is few. And since Freddie has done neither, why take on both roles? It makes no sense, and it may be such a problem that this team won't reach its potential until that is changed. 3.) I am growing a little tired of the "let Baker be Baker, he gets fired up with trash talk, it fuels him, so he should keep doing it," talk. There is a time and place. And if the NFL has proven anything in its past, it is that no player is so powerful and skilled, that being overly cocky is wise. If you put a bullseye on your head, you will be beat the frick up, especially today. Everyone is so big, strong and fast, that if you pop off, you are going to pay. This isn't the Big 12. You can run your mouth and grab your crotch there if you are good enough. If you give these NFL beasts extra incentive to lump you up, they will. Baker has overcome every obstacle on the field in his life with cockiness and verve, but he really may want to keep a little of his fire inside instead of alway running his cake hole. I hope he doesn't learn this the hard way.
  2. I got a buddy who said Baker always drops back and rolls to his right, and Ds know this and just react accordingly and that is why Baker has digressed so much. 1.) Is this true? 2.) Should the Browns work on changing this obvious tendency to get better?
  3. The GOAT (Brady) never runs his mouth, ever. He's only won 6 rings and has been to 9 SBs.
  4. Rex was trying to be current, make noise. That's wht Baker should have just not even responded. But if it fuels him, then go for it. Baker might just win Monday.
  5. I liked his moxie up until now. I thought his passion and confidence were genuine and a breath of fresh air. I don't mind "cocky" when it is deserved. I actually get a kick out of it. But I feel Baker should take a step back from it for a while, wait until they win some, at least. I'd love him to respond with "words are shallow, it's time for actions to speak" kind of thing.
  6. When the media asked Conner about the Steelers poor start, JC said, "I'm done talking. We need less words and more actions." So, Baker got into another war of words, this time with Rex Ryan (Rex said Baker was "overrated as hell" and BM countered saying it's no wonder Rex isn't coaching anywhere). Should Baker perhaps shut his mouth? Do you think his cockiness is only making teams extra motivated to put hits on him and/or be extra ampled to beat the Browns? Some Ravens have come out saying all the Browns hype has made them extra motivated to beat on them.
  7. They did play their asses off. What team could hold the Rams O down fairly well missing 4 starting DBs? Come on, you have to consider that. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2019/09/22/browns-inactives-week-3-starting-secondary/
  8. I know some poo poo on how good the Ravens are. Don't be foolish, they are good. They stuck in there with KC in KC and kept it close. How many teams can do that? No, they couldn't shut down KC's offense, but who can? No one. But here is the biggest concern heading into this game: Browns' DE Garrett is one of their biggest strengths they have. He is a force and nearly unblockable. But Jackson can neutralize him. If he is the only defender who gets into the backfield, LJ can get away from him, he is that athletic. So he basically counteracts that advantage. Unless some other rushers also get into the backfield simultaneously, LJ will just spin and avoid the sack. Now, if the Browns can also get pressure on the other side or up the middle, Garret does become a big plus for Cleveland. But they have to get more pressure than just MG. Also of importance: The Browns need better play calling this game. If they don't have success rushing and passing, Balt. D is just too tough. Dropping back Baker 50 times will be a disaster. It will lead to sacks and picks. Browns would be well-advised to use screen passes this game to counteract their rush.
  9. When I saw them so far buried by KC, I would have agreed with you. But they came back and made it a game IN KC, and that ain't easy. I think the Ravens are tenacious, at least. I saw a lot of plays where Jackson was not up to task of throwing from the pocket on known passing downs, but he also still hit a few. I think Balt. will harass Baker much of the game unless the Browns get the rush going leading to play-action passes. They MUST get a rush going or it's gonna be a long day. But I do give Browns a chance, if the cookie crumbles in their favor. How many of their DBs will be back for this game?
  10. Let's not forget how many defenders were out. They put up a good fight.
  11. in LA, 75 and clear, 59% humidity. In Cleveland, 80, 46 humidity same time.
  12. It's not as bad as trading for Gilbert. Joe has been solid for Pitt but just that.
  13. I agree, but they were looking at a deal, but Jags didn't get what they wanted (2 firsts) and it appears they chose to hang on to him. It appears Dorsey doesn't fear adding too many "volatile" players regardless. I feel you can overdo adding too many guys like that. To win a ring, you MUST have solid chemistry amongst the team, it is a MUST.
  14. It appears so. We'll see how it works out.
  15. Great? 3 ints since he's been there in 2017. You call that great? OK, there, whatever you say. He had SIX ints his first year in Cleveland. SIX, in his FIRST year.
  16. Butler and Tomlin blow as coaches go. They make all their talent worse.
  17. And Artie Burns is doing what? Should not even made the team this year. He sucks balls. So much for 1st round picks in Pitt.
  18. Don't tell that to the Bills' Mafia. Undefeated and the fans are going nuts. They had to double up security for this week's game.
  19. He's hasn't been charged with a single crime. But give him time.
  20. Yea, that's the problem: wasting 1st round draft picks on players who suck. Davis sucks (2nd round), so does Edmunds (first round). Artie Burns is hot garbage. Dupree blows. And Bush has looked lost and ineffective so far. Nice 1st round picks. It doesn't matter if your D is made up of 1st round picks if they suck. Their pass D is still a total joke, after all these years and draft picks, it never get better. FAIL coaching. FAIL personnel decisions.
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