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Browns Prepared To Part Ways With Colt McCoy?

Salvador BorboaMarch 4, 2013 1 Comment

Terry Pluto of the Cleveland Plain Dealer writs that it’s doubtful that QB Colt McCoy is back with the Browns next season.

According to Pluto, the Browns “don’t believe McCoy can be a viable starter” and are reportedly considering Matt Moore and Matt Cassel as backups that could push Brandon Weeden for the job next season.

McCoy, 26, triggered escalators in 2012 that increased his salary from $575,000 to $2.325 million for the upcoming season.

Considering that Cleveland’s new front office is reportedly not impressed in him, it seems as though there’s a decent chance that he’ll be cut loose in the coming weeks.

The Packers were rumored to have interest in McCoy last year given their need for a solid backup quarterback and ability to develop the position, so they could show interest in McCoy if is in fact released.

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McCoy, 26, triggered escalators in 2012


How did he trigger them? By handing off and drilling some passes into the turf before getting hurt?



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How did he trigger them? By handing off and drilling some passes into the turf before getting hurt?





Totally agree trying to figure that one out at this moment.

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How did he trigger them? By handing off and drilling some passes into the turf before getting hurt?




He triggered them his rookie season when he reached a certain amount of starts of passing yards. Since he was told he was just going to sit, the organization have him these triggers as incentive. We know how the season worked out and he reached his triggers that no one thought a guy who was supposed to sit as 3rd string the whole season would.

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Colt deserves this raise because he's going to get a fair shot this year and he's going to be our starting QB when the games start counting. Not only that, he's going to lead our team to the promised land- The Playoffs, This year! He's probably going to throw for 26 TD and scramble for another 8 easy. Something to the order of 3,700 yards vs. 13 interceptions. Even at his best Hillis is no Trent Richardson and that alone will be enough to let Colt truely shine like I know he can.

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Colt deserves this raise because he's going to get a fair shot this year and he's going to be our starting QB when the games start counting. Not only that, he's going to lead our team to the promised land- The Playoffs, This year! He's probably going to throw for 26 TD and scramble for another 8 easy. Something to the order of 3,700 yards vs. 13 interceptions. Even at his best Hillis is no Trent Richardson and that alone will be enough to let Colt truly shine like I know he can.


Can I have some of what you're smoking? He'll get a fair shot on another team to be the backup quarterback.


Seriously- let's take Weeden out of the picture for a minute- if the Browns thought McCoy was the answer, why were they even in the bidding for RG III?


Don't kill yourself when the Browns cut Colt loose.

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It's going to be Weeden and either:


Matt Moore, Matt Cassell, Derek Anderson


My money is on Moore.


Don't forget Thad, he played well against the Steelers.


McCoy is gone.



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It's funny how people become fans of a Quarterback instead of fans of a team. I don't know if Poetic is pulling our strings (probably) or not, but there is no way in hell McCoy will be here come training camp.

You would have to think and hope so with 8 scrambling TD comment

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Weeden is going to be 30 years old next season! By the time he "succeeds" he'll be ready to retire! Besides, a canon for an arm doesn't mean much if it's not connected to an NFL brain!


He may be a complete success next year for all you know. Many QBs get by their second year. And are you saying that age is too old?

Then I guess you believe the Peyton Manning and Tom Brady should have each retired several years ago. I mean jeez, they are what? 37 and 35 respectively. Too damn old for this league?

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It's going to be Weeden and either:


Matt Moore, Matt Cassell, Derek Anderson


My money is on Moore.


Don't forget Thad, he played well against the Steelers.


McCoy is gone.





I don't think it will be Cassell. I could see Anderson or Moore and I wouldn't mind it being Matt Moore. He played well for the Dolphins down the stretch before they drafted Tannehill.

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He may be a complete success next year for all you know.

"May be" just gets old!!! For all YOU know, he may suck worse than last year! Frankly, I'm tired of wondering who the Brown's QB is going to be every year.

I'm an "old" fan, I've been following the Browns since 1962. It never used to be like this. But it's been this way since 1999.

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"May be" just gets old!!! For all YOU know, he may suck worse than last year! Frankly, I'm tired of wondering who the Brown's QB is going to be every year.

I'm an "old" fan, I've been following the Browns since 1962. It never used to be like this. But it's been this way since 1999.


Well, let's see, in the past we have acquired Super Bowl winning QBs (Mark Rypien, Trent Dilfer), Super Bowl losing QBs (Jake Delhomme), #1 overall draft picks (Tim Couch), other First round draft picks (Brady Quinn), third round draft picks (McCoy, Frye) guys from off the scrap heap (Anderson,Testaverde, Holcomb), thirteenth round draft picks (Sipe), Supplemental Draft picks (Kosar) etc. etc. etc. None of which have brought a title to this town since the Browns traded for Frank Ryan.

So, nobody knows shit about how to get this right.

And for what its worth....unlike you I am NOT wondering who the Browns QB is going to be. I am reasonably certain it will be Brandon Weeden.

I am wondering who will play cornerback opposite Haden. I am wondering who will play free saftety. I am wondering which two players are going to play OLB. I am wondering who the kicker will be, and the kick and punt returner.

Those are question far more up in the air than who the QB will be in my mind.

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McCoy, 26, triggered escalators in 2012 that increased his salary from $575,000 to $2.325 million for the upcoming season.


I don't Know if colt needs a raise but, Id like to see him given the same chance as weeden or any QB for that . I just would hate to see him turn up somewhere else with all star Numbers because shurmur didn't give him a fair Chance . But I will say There is no time left for Colt to dilly dally around If he's got something its time to show up and speak up .How can we really know what he can do the same reasons that apply to Weedens failure last year apply to colt also .

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McCoy, 26, triggered escalators in 2012 that increased his salary from $575,000 to $2.325 million for the upcoming season.


I don't Know if colt needs a raise but, Id like to see him given the same chance as weeden or any QB for that . I just would hate to see him turn up somewhere else with all star Numbers because shurmur didn't give him a fair Chance . But I will say There is no time left for Colt to dilly dally around If he's got something its time to show up and speak up .How can we really know what he can do the same reasons that apply to Weedens failure last year apply to colt also .



Colt is done in Cleveland. He doesn't fit in the offense that Chud and Norv want to run. Why do some of you have such a hard time understanding this?

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Colt doesn't fit the Chud offense?


Well, the only reason is, that he doesn't have a cannon arm.


But Weeden doesn't have the fire of Colt, the mobility of Colt, and


even Richardson said he was having trouble with the offense because


it was too complicated for him so early. To finally get a solid RT,


and then not give Colt a chance to show what he CAN do,,,,


well, maybe he doesn't fit their offense, sure, but just out of spite towards


Shurmur, wherever he is....


I'd love to see him get to play this preseason, and if he can show he can play...


good for him and a trade to a wc offense somewhere, that's how I see it....

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I'm gonna say it's Chase Daniel and maybe Dysert in 4? Neither Colt nor Thad make a lick of sense in this offense. Same for Foles in Philly. He won't be on that roster. No way, no how.


We couldn't get a sixth for McCoy last year. I said it before: To get someone to take him, we'd probably have to throw in a draft pick. Like a dowery. He's so fricking horrible it's absurd.

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Why do we think Colt's "fiery?" I don't get that. Haven't seen it. At all. As if it helps anything. He's just a low-end talent: Weak arm, horrific accuracy even at like 10 yards, mobile but not really instinctive getting yards with the ball... not even a great backup.

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Colt can loft a ball the 40 yards no problem. Zing it? no.


But with a RT that couldn't protect him, and he was well known for being very accurate


on the run on short, midrange throws.. he has gotten first downs and touchdowns with his feet.


And his throws.


But more often, sure, he doesn't have that arm and it holds him back. But he will


slam into a first down where Weeden will slide and punt. DA had the arm, but had


no fire in his attitude in playing the game. I suppose Weeden can come around with that...


but I haven't seen it, either. Weeden's big arm surely will make the difference his second year.


I would have given Colt a fair shot at the qb competition in preseason, and maybe that would


show more of what he CAN do with a RT if it comes to trade time. Maybe it's just that all the confusion


with Shurmur and co kept Weeden off balance to not have the confidence to lay it on the line.

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I just saw how the Ravens gave Boldin to the 49ers for basically some toilet paper. I think that you can see the effect of having a QB with a BLOATED contract and an even bigger head! It's not all about the QB, it's a TEAM GAME.


When Colt wins the Superbowl I'd be willing to bet that he's the type of player that would take a PAYCUT to keep his targets and team intact, he would even probably do it for a defensive player, that's the type of guy he is. And for those who feel like mocking me about it, here's some more ammo- Colt will be the QB that leads us to the Playoffs this season.


Colt will do it for God's Glory.

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