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Gunman attacks Planned Parenthood


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Don't believe everything Rosie O'Donnell says.

I don't. But what I do believe is that when the US House of Representatives, and the states of Indiana, Missouri, Georgia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, South Dakota, Michigan, Washington, and now, Ohio - all investigate PP and find no evidence that PP was illegally selling "baby parts" - that, more than likely, Planned Parenthood does not sell "baby parts" as claimed.

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Every political entity which investigated PP on this had nothing to lose and everything to gain, politically wise, to find PP guilty of selling "baby parts", and yet every investigation so far has exonerated them on this; which also means that those people killed by that gunman died for nothing. And, in my opinion, everyone who helped inflame this situation, from Tea Party politicians on down, has some of those people's blood on their hands.

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I don't. But what I do believe is that when the US House of Representatives, and the states of Indiana, Missouri, Georgia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, South Dakota, Michigan, Washington, and now, Ohio - all investigate PP and find no evidence that PP was illegally selling "baby parts" - that, more than likely, Planned Parenthood does not sell "baby parts" as claimed.



There were uncut, unedited videos that in no way could be "taken out of context" or that were "misleading" yet you people insist on it being as such.

Funny how you didn't mention Colo or California, from which those videos were derived. The PP of the states you mentioned most likely do not have a organ donation program.


And don't you find it odd that the Colorado attorney general refuses to join the 10 states investigating PP?


“It is shocking that despite Colorado being the epicenter of a national outcry over the trafficking of aborted baby body parts for profit, our state officials, who have been entrusted with the responsibility to ensure compliance with state law, have chosen to relinquish their duty.”


You mentioned the killer.

What a coincidence that the latest abortion clinic attack took place on Colorado, and that the killer mentioned "selling baby parts"...gee don't you think perhaps he might be onto something there?





PP says it will no longer sell baby parts?





Just a couple days ago:





Do yourself a favor, go to Google and type "PP NOT guilty of selling baby parts" and see what you get.

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Every political entity which investigated PP on this had nothing to lose and everything to gain, politically wise, to find PP guilty of selling "baby parts", and yet every investigation so far has exonerated them on this; which also means that those people killed by that gunman died for nothing. And, in my opinion, everyone who helped inflame this situation, from Tea Party politicians on down, has some of those people's blood on their hands.


First of all almost all pro life people condemn the killer at PP and he deserves to pay the full penalty for his actions. I disagree with the linking of free speech to the actions of this killer. He alone is responsible for what he did, the blood is on his hands alone. To make the linkage of putting blame on anyone else is a very slippery slope in a country that prides itself in freedom of speech. It is a sword that cuts many ways. I disagree with much on the left and some of their rhetoric is hateful but I am not out to shut down their freedom of speech. One of the few things I agree with the ACLU on is the way to combat speech you don't like is with more speech and not trying to shut down speech you disagree with.

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There were uncut, unedited videos that in no way could be "taken out of context" or that were "misleading" yet you people insist on it being as such...




"...Mr. Daleiden's effort's began nearly three years ago with the creation of the fictitious tissue procurement company called Biomax Procurement Services and subsequently a nonprofit called the Center for Medical Progress. According to media reports and analyses by nonprofit organizations, Mr. Daleiden and his associates may have violated many laws, including federal tax laws by misrepresenting the Center for Medical Progress as a biomedicine or bioengineering organization in its application for nonprofit status; California criminal laws that prohibit forgery, fraud, and perjury by creating fake driver's licenses or obtaining official licenses fraudulently; California's Invasion of Privacy Act by recording individuals without consent; and California's penal code by making false charitable solicitations. One group says there is California laws against credit card fraud by stealing the identity of the president of the feminist club at Mr. Daleiden's high school. Indeed, just last week, Mr Daleiden's attorneys advised a federal district court that he intends to invoke his Fifth Amendment right to refrain from self-incrimination in response to discovery sought by the National Abortion Federation in its lawsuit alleging that Mr. Daleiden and his co-conspirators violated federal and state laws".


"We know that the videos Mr. Daleiden has released were deceptively edited to smear Planned Parenthood. They omit exculpatory passages and splice excerpts together to create false impressions. The videos have been denounced as a "total crock", "distorted...and unfair", "dishonest", "grossly misleading and politically irresponsible", and "swift boating" in editorials across the country.


Our analysis of the videos released by Mr Daleiden documents numerous instances where the videos have been heavily edited to chang the meaning of what Planned Parenthood staff said and deceive the public. The first five short videos he released have at least 47 splices where content is edited out but the conversation appears seamless. Critical context is omitted, including Planned Parenthood staff members repeatedly saying that there is no "profit" from tissue donation and should not be, that tissue donation programs must follow the law, and that substantial changes to medical procedures would not occur. Quotes are attributed to Planned Parenthood staff members with no audio evidence that the quote was actually made at the time it apprears in the video..."


"...Because of these significant distortions and omissions, we contacted with a research firm which engaged the services of a video forensics expert, a television producer, and an independent transcription agency. These experts concluded that the videos - even the alleged "full footage" videos - do not present a complete or accurate record of the events they purport to depict. Their review revealed that Mr. Daleiden edited content out of the alleged "full footage" videos, heavily edited the short videos so as to misrepresent statements made by Planned Parenthood representatives, and produced transcripts with substantive omissions or edits."


"Forensic video analysis revealed that each of the four "full footage" videos contained intentional edits that removed content from the middle of the videos, including approximately 30 minutes of missing footage from the recordings featuring staff at our Colorado and Texas affiliates. Analysis of the transcripts released by Mr. Daleiden revealed that one transcript includes over 4000 words that do not appear in the video or the independent transcript".


"With respect to the short videos, the forensic review confirmed dozen of misleading edits, cuts, and splices designed to alter the meaning of the underlying dialogue. This review ultimately concluded that the manipulation of the videos and transcripts means they have no evidentiary value in a legal context and cannot be relied upon for any official inquiries unless supplemented by the original video in unaltered form..."



...Funny how you didn't mention Colo or California, from which those videos were derived. The PP of the states you mentioned most likely do not have a organ donation program...



"In fact, not only are affiliates not required to be involved with tissue research, very few are. Our doctors report that women regularly ask whether they can donate their tissue for medical research. But the vast majority of our affiliates do not offer this service. In some instances, this may reflect the affiliate's considered decision. In many others, local research institutions simply have not requested tissue donations


Our few participating affiliates can offer tissue donation services in two ways: through tissue procurement organizations (TPOs) which have been the focus of the recent public debate, or as partners in research studies being conducted by major research programs connected to some of our nation's most presigious universities, medical schools, and research laboratories.


Today, only one affiliate (in California) is involved with fetal tissue research working through a TPO. That affiliate also has a separate relationship with the University of California. A second affiliate is involved with fetal research working with the University of Washington. Altogether, the health centers at the affiliates involved with fetal tissue research represent 1% of our centers. Stated the other way, 99% of our health centers do not offer women the opportunity to be involved with fetal tissue research.




Washington: http://www.dailykos....nned-Parenthood https://gallery.mail..._Parenthood.pdf


Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson says he has found no evidence to support allegations against Planned Parenthood in Washington.


On Monday, a 48-page report released by...Ferguson stated that his team's investigation into allegations about Planned Parenthood profiting from sales of fetal tissue "found no indication that procedures performed by Planned Parenthood are anything other than performance of a legally authorized medical procedure."


In July, the attorney general’s office received letters from state lawmakers requesting he investigate Planned Parenthood.

Ferguson said on Monday he has sent responses to the lawmakers saying he has found no evidence that the organization is operating in violation of state or federal law.


He expressed concern about unfounded allegations against Planned Parenthood because they could make it more difficult for Washington women to get health care.



So Colorado, where the shooting took place, does not even participate in tissue donation. And California's investigation is ongoing, so I will only comment on it when it is completed.



...And don't you find it odd that the Colorado attorney general refuses to join the 10 states investigating PP?


“It is shocking that despite Colorado being the epicenter of a national outcry over the trafficking of aborted baby body parts for profit, our state officials, who have been entrusted with the responsibility to ensure compliance with state law, have chosen to relinquish their duty.”




...Colorado’s anti-choice attorney general said Wednesday that she would not pursue an investigation into unproven allegations that the Colorado affiliate of Planned Parenthood illegally sold fetal tissue.


Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman’s decision came hours after the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced it would forgo an investigation. ( http://coloradostatesman.com/content/996055-rep-nordberg-gop-lawmakers-call-state-investigation-local-planned-parenthood-affiliat )


Coffman said CDPHE’s announcement would be the “final response” to requests that she launch an investigation, according to a report by 9News, Colorado's NBC affiliate. Coffman’s office said the legal authority to launch a probe rests with CDPHE, not her office.


The calls for an investigation came after discredited videos were released of Planned Parenthood officials discussing fetal tissue programs. No evidence has shown that Planned Parenthood broke state of federal laws. The anti-choice front group that released the heavily edited videos, the Center for Medical Progress, is under investigation ( http://spectator.org/blog/63545/doj-investigate-center-medical-progress-not-planned-parenthood ) for a variety of potentially illegal activities related to the making of the attack videos.


Colorado is the sixth state that’s proactively announced it won’t investigate Planned Parenthood, joining Delaware, Idaho, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Virginia, according to a tally distributed by Planned Parenthood. At least five states have concluded investigations and found no evidence of wrongdoing.


Ten states are still conducting investigations.


“Around the country, state attorneys general have either cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing, or seen the fraudulent videos for what they are, and declined to pursue investigations,” Vicki Cowart, president of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM), said in a statement. “We are pleased that Colorado, like the Planned Parenthood staff who confronted these imposters, has declined to take their bait.”



...You mentioned the killer.

What a coincidence that the latest abortion clinic attack took place on Colorado, and that the killer mentioned "selling baby parts"...gee don't you think perhaps he might be onto something there?...

Well, since the Colorado clinic didn't actually participate in tissue collection for research purposes, nor did they "sell baby parts", no, I do not think that the shooter was "onto something there" at all. The shooter was a deranged lunatic, fueled by both Christian religious zealotry and misinformation about the Colorado clinic, who decided to play God and take the lives of those innocent people; people who had nothing to do with fetal tissue donation and were at a clinic which did not participate in tissue donation. So those innocent people were killed for nothing. And I find it a little disturbing that you are insinuating that, even if the Colorado clinic was involved in fetal tissue collection, that would somehow justify the shooter's actions. Though, I'm not suprised to find other freakshows that share your opinion:



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Yes the opposition is making the most of it. I agree. No doubt. Did anyone sell fetal tissue or never happened? Whether or not anything was exaggerated or misleading?






They "accepted repayment for services" or something like that.


Libs always use words that fit their agenda, even if they have to redefine them on purpose.




"...The federal law on fetal tissue research was shaped by a blue-ribbon panel created in 1988 under the Reagan Administration. Arlin Adams, a retired federal judge opposed to abortion, chaired the panel, which was called the Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research Panel. Although the panel's charge - to evaluate the ethics of research involving fetal tissue - was controversial, Judge Adams led the panel to a broad consensus. Its final report stated: "a decisive majority of the panel found that it was acceptable public policy to support transplant research with fetal tissue".


..."The law [NIH Health Revitalization Act of 1993] has two main provisions. One section (42 U.S.C. 289g-1) addresses federally funded research on "the transplantation of human fetal tissue for therapeutic purposes". Under this section, the medical researcher must obtain a statement from the attending physician declaring that the consent of the woman for the abortion was obtained prior to the consent for the fetal tissue donation and that there was no alteration of the timing, method, or abortion procedure solely for the purposes of obtaining the tissue.


"The other provision (42 U.S.C. 289g-2) prohibits the acceptance of any payment for a fetal tissue donation other than "resonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue"...

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so, they sold them, by another means/set of words.


Like, "I didn't sell you a firecracker, but I gave you one for free, and charged you

20 bucks for gasoline used in transport two miles, and 10 bucks for a pack of matches

to light the fuse of the firecracker".


Abortion is a repulsive blight on our society. And quoting pp sites' opinions means diddley squat,

and Ferguson is a Democrat...


and Co. AG Coffman - is a Republican, but also a politician player.

Note how many times she chose "not to respond"



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so, they sold them, by another means/set of words.


Like, "I didn't sell you a firecracker, but I gave you one for free, and charged you

20 bucks for gasoline used in transport two miles, and 10 bucks for a pack of matches

to light the fuse of the firecracker".


Call it whatever you want to. It doesn't change the fact that Planned Parenthood was operating well within the law on donating fetal tissue; a law, btw, which has been on the books for well over 20 years now, including 8 years of a conservative, pro-life leaning presidency. It's only now, after the public has been whipped into a frenzy by rhetoric from GOP and Tea Party politicians, fueled by blatantly misleading information, that violence over this suddenly materializes, and yet, no one from the GOP or Tea Party "understands" how this guy could go off and shoot up a clinic not involved in tissue donation? Bullshit.


...Abortion is a repulsive blight on our society. And quoting pp sites' opinions means diddley squat,

and Ferguson is a Democrat...


Well, unlike most of the nonsense that is continuously spammed on this board, the PP report actually has multiple citations and information which can be tracked and corroborated with existing information to verify its accuracy, so it's much more than an opinion piece. And the fact that your sole reasoning for discrediting Ferguson is that he's a Democrat, is laughable; it shows just how far out of touch with reality you are and how tenuous the Center for Medical Progress' and other pro-lifer's counter argument is on this subject; the legs are starting to come off of your argument, and your response is to grasp at anything and everything on the way down.


and Co. AG Coffman - is a Republican, but also a politician player.

Note how many times she chose "not to respond"


I have a feeling that you didn't read anything I posted at all, or that you applied "the Blaze Method" when reading it: skimming over it to find power words and phrases. Perhaps, in the midst of you skimming, you missed the part where AG Coffman stated that, in Colorado, the legal authority to launch a probe into Planned Parenthood lies with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), which did not pursue and investigation because they lacked creditable evidence to do so, and the fact that a Congressional committee was, at the time, investigating PP, to which the CDPHE deferred. A Congressional committee which, btw, exonerated PP of all the supposed wrongdoings they were accused of. So I guess the fact that a Republican didn't cave in to peer pressure and decided to follow the law of her state makes her a "politican player".



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feel all you want, yes I did. It doesn't sway me much. In the video, the "renumeration"

was a matter of bargaining/dickering over the amount of money.


It was cold, repulsive, and subjective. She was angling for money,

and it was a matter of what she thought she could get,


it was NOT a matter of calculated, set amount.


So, it DID probablty break the law as to intent. If the intent was for

renumeration, it would have been calculated and been set as an established

expectation based on costs.


But it was NOT. It was an amount she thought she wanted, and what she thought she could get.

Like trying to get a great price for a used car.


So, see the freaking difference? That is what I'm talking about. Go rewatch the videos again, or if it's for the first time,

forget the childish liberal knee jerk talking points about "edited"....


listen to what the pp official, VP was it? President? ...what she SAYS IN HER OWN VOICE.


To sum it up - the law stipulates that renumeration for costs is allowable. It doesn't say profit bargaining is.


that is the point.

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For me it was horrifying to see these monsters at planned parenthood discussing killing and taking apart babies as if they were car parts. The callousness of these people was shocking. Unfortunately we have those in this country who think more highly about the welfare and lives of animals then they do humans and if these procedures were done to dogs would probably get highly offended over it but think nothing about this happening to human babies. Truly sickening.

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again, everybody has emotions.


Liberals have ONLY emotions as their basis for seeing the world.


Entitlements and free stuff ...and no accountability for their actions...


makes them happy. And when they think about the rightness or wrongness about



it doesn't matter, except for what's in it for them.

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observations. You peck, have the lack of legitimacy as does a peckerwood,


and you are therefore a woodpecker.


Just drawing conclusions from observations.

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nah. Now, I do have emotions about my upcoming knee replacement surgery.


And thanking God I don't live anywhere else in the world.


I made the mistake of watching a video of knee replacement surgery online.


dammit. :mad:

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Planned Parenthood unscathed in spending bill

Planned Parenthood is praising Democrats in Congress after the spending bill released early Wednesday morning spared the organization from cuts.


As expected, the spending bill does not defund Planned Parenthood, a clear deal-breaker for Democrats, but the absence of spending cuts is still noteworthy given the intensity of the push to defund the group earlier this year.


Planned Parenthood Vice President Dana Singiser praised congressional Democrats on Wednesday for “holding the line against these harmful policy riders and cuts to key women’s health programs.”


“Extreme members of Congress spent an entire year targeting access to reproductive health care at every opportunity — even threatening to shut down the government,” she added. “Today’s budget bill maintains access to critical preventive health services and lacks these harmful attacks on women’s health care — at home and abroad.”


After pushing for complete defunding of Planned Parenthood ahead of the Oct. 1 funding deadline, the conservative House Freedom Caucus scaled back its demands to a call for compromise language that would give states the ability to choose to defund the group.


The compromise was not included in the final spending bill.


The Freedom Caucus and Pro-Life Caucus also pushed for the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act to be included. That would have strengthened protections for organizations that do not want to cover abortions and doctors who do not want to provide them, as well as allowing people to sue if they think the protections are violated.


It also was not included in the final spending bill.


Republicans did win language requiring a 7 percent cut in funding for the United Nations Population Fund, an entity that the Pro-Life Caucus said supports China’s “coercive birth limitation policy.”


Planned Parenthood denounced that cut, while acknowledging that it is “small.”


Planned Parenthood is also pushing for more family planning funding. Still, Democrats touted that the bill includes $286 million for Title X family planning, a program that would have been completely eliminated in House Republicans’ proposal earlier this year.


A Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado was the site of a mass shooting on Nov. 27 in which three people were killed and nine people were wounded. Pro-abortion-rights groups blamed rhetoric in Washington for influencing the shooter, and the violence appeared to undercut efforts to reduce funding for the group.

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The establishment republicans don't seem to have a clue how upset their own base are with this party. Not defunding PP is but one example. There is way too much money in politics and money buys influence. In the latest budget agreement the republicans caved on most issues of it's own base but they negotiated a good deal for big oil companies.


It is too bad we have a rotten and corrupt two party monopoly without any competition. If we had 3 or 4 viable parties I think we would be better off.



Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’



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If the tea party provides their own 3rd party candidate in the presidential election the Democrats will win every time.

Possibly but if it means the GOP stops pandering to people like cal and takes a more centrist stance they could steal a lot from the democrats

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Possibly but if it means the GOP stops pandering to people like cal and takes a more centrist stance they could steal a lot from the democrats

That's a good point.


If the Tea Party wins over the... ummm... "crazies", then the Republicans don't have to worry about them. They could drop the outdated social views and focus on other issues. Helping them gain moderate support.


Good point

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That's a good point.


If the Tea Party wins over the... ummm... "crazies", then the Republicans don't have to worry about them. They could drop the outdated social views and focus on other issues. Helping them gain moderate support.


Good point


Crazy is in the eye of the beholder. Some think abortion on demand is crazy. Some think running up a national debt over 18 trillion and growing is crazy. Some think not securing our borders is crazy. Some think bringing in 10,000 Syrian refugees without being able to properly vet them is crazy... a third party would split the vote so that is why I said viable third or fourth parties...ones that would have a chance to win and not just be a spoiler.

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Possibly but if it means the GOP stops pandering to people like cal and takes a more centrist stance they could steal a lot from the democrats

Well if any party needs to sacrifice their values, regardless of what you guys think of them, in order to win elections then really what's the point?


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Possibly but if it means the GOP stops pandering to people like cal and takes a more centrist stance they could steal a lot from the democrats


The GOP already controls 2/3rds of the government so if the GOP needs to be more centrist to compete with the democrats why are republicans already dominating in governors, senators and congressmen?

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