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10 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:



I can dig up tons of these, no point, and I don't want too.


We've lost enough, I don't want to lose anymore.


I'm just passing this on, I dropped possible help / solutions - this is a pretty solid production.


May / may not help someone.


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The Head fake   .   .   .  




For those that missed it, this came before the video clip I posted earlier.


After all this time, people forget how epic of a Troll he is too the "establishment".


Do ya'll really think this was the "big announcement" ?


C'mon Man   .   .   .   😁






The day he announced running for President.





Today   .   .   .   what was one of the main tenants of that video ?


More to the video than than if you know what too listen for   .   .   .  


Domino's ?

How odd   .   .   .  


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11 hours ago, JAFBF said:


Yes, he will go down in History for what he has done, and is yet to do.


It's going to be amazing.


I highly doubt it. Who writes history books? Who re-writes history? I suspect it be an academic. Academics are liberal. 

The good that he's done will be buried and forgotten, only the supposedly controversial shit will be made known. Controversy manufactured by the left in order to take down the guy I may add.


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19 hours ago, JAFBF said:


Yes, he will go down in History for what he has done, and is yet to do.


It's going to be amazing.


Trump is going down.  But not in the way you think.  His 15 minutes are over.  I liked him but he will not win and is dragging the party down.  I don't want four more years of a corpse in the WH or some Tranny winning.

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15 hours ago, FY56 said:

I highly doubt it. Who writes history books? Who re-writes history? I suspect it be an academic. Academics are liberal. 

The good that he's done will be buried and forgotten, only the supposedly controversial shit will be made known. Controversy manufactured by the left in order to take down the guy I may add.



10 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Trump is going down.  But not in the way you think.  His 15 minutes are over.  I liked him but he will not win and is dragging the party down.  I don't want four more years of a corpse in the WH or some Tranny winning.


Trump will be back before 2024   .   .   .   🍿



Bookmark this.


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Gates, Yuval, Klaus, and this guy are essentially saying the same thing.



Covid is/was a joke, the vaxxx is the methodology.


Sorry ya'll choose too laugh and ignore this   .   .   .   it is starting too get more and more evident of what is going on though.



How long it takes to where we get that (possible) cures are available is the issue.

The Clock is ticking.


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".   .   .   it's all fake"   .   .   .   our perceived reality that is.


More Madness ?


Reality (for most people) is what the M$M tells people it is.

It's called "Operation Mockingbird", MKUltra, Project "Monarch", and others.


Oh, they're all real and Historically documented, and more   .   .   .   they're just "hush hush" topics.



It's all going to come out, and is as we're starting too see   .   .   .   some massive exposures coming - Twitter files are trivial in comparison.



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How freakin' weird   .   .   .  


What's the name of the Company that has come into the News recently regarding Pedophilia and ritual sacrifice ?


Balenciaga ?


Bet no one ever saw that coming   .   .   .  




Oh, I've got better than that.


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What a totally amazing coincidence ! ! ! ! !






There is a new "Event" scenarios that these MoFo's have just recent run for 2025   .   .   .   having a difficult time pulling it up, but I am fully noting that I've seen it in the past few weeks (Event 202 or 301 or 302).


These Bastards are Evil AF, be alert too what they have planned   .   .   .   I've already seen rumors of impending Lockdowns 2.0 in the very very near future - be aware.


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More from the land of weird :


How many remember this odd conference ?




Ya'll remember the "odd" configuration he made of the three Q - Tips ?



Kinda sorta like this :


28"x48" Ukraine Trident Custom Design House Flag with Sleeve & Grommets Flag 100D Rough Tex ®


And that we just so happen to have multiple US Military Bio Labs in their Country ?



Yea, sure it's just another coincidence   .   .   .   not like he could come out and directly tell us where further development of this "virus" was being manufactured.



I guess it takes a mighty big Sledge Hammer up side the Head to get some peoples attention   .   .   .   but here we are.


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