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Jonathan Paul Manziel


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The greatest thing about Johnny is that he wants to be here. He wants to make plays and put points on the board for the Browns. This kid is going to excite this city and the surrounding area for years to come. I have confidence that his play style will adapt to what it needs to adapt to. He loves the game and knows it as well as you would want a rookie to know it. You didn't see it or hear it from the other duds (Weeden, Quinn, ect...). Weeden had correctable problems but because he didn't love the game...they didn't get fixed. It was obvious every game that he was lost in the sauce and was on auto pilot in the film room. Quinn lost his heart in the NFL. He went out there and played scared...at Notre Dame he made all the throws and got the NFL and became king check down. Didn't buy in and prepare right and we saw it on the field. Hoyer has looked the most prepared out all of the 20 starting QB's we've had. He was decisive and got the ball out. He was the only one we've seen that it was evident he prepared properly...he was in the playbook and in the coaches ear. Just like his mentor in New England. You will see the same thing with Johnny.

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Love him or hate him brandon weeden came into the nfl a little bit older than most. He had good basic skills but never had the opportunity to develop those skills in the big league. 1 reason was his age but another was he never played the same system for very long. Brady quinn should have come in to camp immediately.

I think Colt McCoy may have been a victim of multiple coordinators and schemes.

I hope Johnny's attitude is real and not just a public relations ploy. If so I think he will work hard, learn the system and eventually be the guy we've been looking for.

And if Hoyer takes us to the superbowl before johnny is ready even better.

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I have to admit, I'm fighting to not get too excited about JM just yet. I want this team to win again, badly, so it's hard. (My choice was Bortles from this class.) Yet I'm all in for money signs, "wreck the NFL", and JFF if it means top of the AFCN and kicking @$$ in the NFL in general.


Johnny=Winning? Yeah, sign me up for that.

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Love him or hate him brandon weeden came into the nfl a little bit older than most. He had good basic skills but never had the opportunity to develop those skills in the big league. 1 reason was his age but another was he never played the same system for very long. Brady quinn should have come in to camp immediately.

I think Colt McCoy may have been a victim of multiple coordinators and schemes.

I hope Johnny's attitude is real and not just a public relations ploy. If so I think he will work hard, learn the system and eventually be the guy we've been looking for.

And if Hoyer takes us to the superbowl before johnny is ready even better.


Nah Steve, We-done has problems that IMHO aren't fixable at the NFL level. He certainly has an NFL caliber arm- but then again if it was all about arm, Jeff George, Jamarcus Russell, and Daunte Culpepper would all be in the HOF. (Supposedly Culpepper was verified to be able to throw the rock 90 yards in the air). As we saw in the Lions game that underhanded We-done toss was exhibit A of poor decision making, the guy folded like an accordion under pressure. Quinn suffered from much the same problems, as well as only having an average arm, Finally according to Jason J, McCoy's major problem is once he gets moved off his spot his field vision & accuracy go to hell. At least Colt will have a long career in the NFL as a backup- he's not starter material.


I agree 100% I hope Manziel wasn't just a PR ploy- but the Browns really didn't need to sell more tickets. BTW the guy I love to hate on ESPN (Collin Cowherd) said yesterday- "lotsa luck if you think you're going to be able to control the media hype". Thanks for nothing ESPN. It's one of the reasons I was against the Browns drafting him. The circus is rolling into town starting with OTAs. I hope the team can handle the distractions. If you're a Manziel lover you're going to be in Heaven, it's going to be all Johnny all the time. RGIII who? Gilbert who? "Hey you over there what's ur name, you play for the Browns? What's it like playing with Johnny Football?"


If we win with JF, great- if we don't ESPN moves on to next year's model.

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It's like some people want Cleveland to be completely forgotten about.



There's no dignity in being poor, looked over, and unwanted.



I hope JF brings literally every single media member in the USA to Cleveland. Every. Single. One. I want 12 of the top 13 Sportscenter topics about Cleveland. Win or lose, it's great for the franchise.


Coupling the boom in coverage brought upon by Johnny Football with stadium upgrades this season and the unveiling of a new jersey next season will bring about media coverage the likes of which no Clevelander has ever experienced.



The spotlight being on Cleveland will bring sponsorship deals. The sponsors will bring money.




The franchise is going through stadium and gameday upgrades. The stadium and gameday upgrades will help sell more tickets, which brings in more money.




The team is unveiling a brand new jersey. Unveiling a brand new jersey means new merchandise. New merchandise means even more money.




Even more money will help bring in even bigger free agents.



I know it's hard for many of you to understand this, but more players are caring about the way they look. Not just their physical looks, but the way their persona looks as well.


You're a 24 year old FA:


Do you want to play for a team with dated jerseys, an owner that gives zero shits about football, a FO headed by a fat blowhard dinosaur, a meek head coach, and a 32 year old quarterback at the bottom of the league in every statistical category?


Or would you rather play for a team with brand new jerseys, an updated stadium, a fiery owner that cares about his team, a FO run by a decently young former player, a head coach that takes no bullshit from the media, and a quarterback that is all over ESPN and getting you on TV every week?

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Love him or hate him brandon weeden came into the nfl a little bit older than most. He had good basic skills but never had the opportunity to develop those skills in the big league.

He was an arm attached to a cabbage... and worse yet that cabbage's second choice was pro football.



You're a 24 year old FA:


Do you want to play for a team with dated jerseys, an owner that gives zero shits about football, a FO headed by a fat blowhard dinosaur, a meek head coach, and a 32 year old quarterback at the bottom of the league in every statistical category?


Or would you rather play for a team with brand new jerseys, an updated stadium, a fiery owner that cares about his team, a FO run by a decently young former player, a head coach that takes no bullshit from the media, and a quarterback that is all over ESPN and getting you on TV every week?

Is that a trick question?

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Johnny wants to play for whoever drafted him. He'd say the same thing regardless.

but what else should he say, i hate being in cleveland?


he's been coached in giving the right answer more than a murder suspect taking the stand.

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I think there is a serious lack of talent on the Browns offense. It’s not just a QB problem. The good thing is you don’t need need many points with the Browns D. A guy like Manziel can get you that last game winning drive.



cameron was the #1 or 2 TE last year in total numbers. we had no running game which will NOT be the case this year. and if 2 or 3 guys step up as wide receivers we'll definitely be a lot better than last year. yeah we're not the denver broncos but either are they anymore. ha!

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Tell me what you would like, then.


Fair and balanced for a change? Equal time for every franchise? OK, I give up- that's not the way the media in general, and BS-PN in particular operate anymore. Last BB season it was more about if the f**king Lakers were going to make the playoffs instead of the 3 other teams that had equally legit shots. TMZ, Cult of Personality- what have you. Just my personal affront- I was damn sick and tired of ESPN giving RGIII virtual blow jobs every f**cking day- that is, until he blew out his knee, and then it was all about his F**king rehab. Same shit is gonna happen with JF- if you like it fine- but JF is NOT bigger than the Browns. You want the National Spotlight on the Browns- then give Gilbert equal time dammit. Gee, why isn't that going to happen? And there's going to be some serious negative publicity coming down the pike. http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2014/05/former_top_executive_of_jimmy.html Read between the lines- the Feds are going to bust Haslam- it's merely a question of when. I suppose publicity is half cool- when the Cavs had LeBum, man the BSPN crew couldn't suck up enough Cleveland basketball. Fer sure JF better not bust- Fox Sports was actually laughing about the Cavs getting the #1 overall pick again.


I think there is a serious lack of talent on the Browns offense. It’s not just a QB problem. The good thing is you don’t need need many points with the Browns D. A guy like Manziel can get you that last game winning drive.


You have 2 Pro Bowlers on the offensive line, we added a stud RT\RG, Cameron made the Pro Bowl @ TE, Ben Tate isn't exactly a stiff, And pending the length of Gordon's suspension- we happen to have a legit #1 wr.

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Thats right Tate was added this offseason. I know about Hawkins, he came in second on Michael Irvins reality show a few years ago. I thought he should have won but Irvin chose the bigger WR.

And then the proper vet WRs, Austin, Bennett & Burleson. Not exactly studs (that's why they were FAs still available in April/May), but Outside of Gordon, our WRs were awful last year. These guys are most likely an upgrade over Little, Benjamin & Bess.

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but what else should he say, i hate being in cleveland?


he's been coached in giving the right answer more than a murder suspect taking the stand.



Its more directed at those that are reading into it.

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There isn't any controversy/fame with Gilbert.


The media thrives on controversy, and what's hot

to get ratings.


Weird how that one 7th round player gets so much attention,

whereas so many other terrific players don't. Why, I thought it was all about football....


Actually, I knew better with the media.


Terrific is boring. Flamboyant, and/or controversial in some way, tends

to boost ratings.


I'm sick of it, too.

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Johnny Football wins the Heisman by breaking 40+ year old Archie Manning SEC records that neither one of his more heralded sons even broke. And all this without saying a word to the media until after the last game of the season.


There is a reason behind all that media hype. The first redshirt freshman Heisman winner in history comes along with a name he didn't particularly care for and suddenly there is a circus?


Just be happy Cleveland that a ton of money gets infused into the community when the circus stays any length of time. And with Johnny you will find behind all the smoke there truly is one hell of a fire to take an underdog and make it top dog. That's just the way he's made. Part of the thing that keeps the fire burning is people who say, "He can't do this, that or the other." Kid is driven to prove everyone wrong. Just ask the now unemployed Mack Brown the cost of not taking him seriously.

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The Browns will NOT ruin Manziel.


The Browns have never had a Quarterback LIKE Manziel before.


Manziel is the best talent that Cleveland has had at the QB spot since I've first started watching them in 98-99, finally being loyal Browns fans is going to pay off. I can see why a lot of the Shitty Ohioans are pissy, they all secretly wish they had Manziel coming into his prime, the excitement he brings, the passion... but alas, you are stuck with a middle-aged washed up rapist has-been for a QB leading an aging team. Is someone bitter now? Does wittle johnny wanna jump off the Steelers bandwagon and come home now?


My advice... DO IT!

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its baffling to me that hoyer automatically gets the job. He played decent in those 3 games, not amazing. 3 games should never solidify a starting spot. They should let the quarterbacks compete. Hoyers resume is nothing special so far in his career, if he beats out manziel by looking better than him im ok with that. But to tell johnny to act like a backup is bad. All backups should be preparing like they are starters.

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The Browns will ruin Johnny football just like they've ruined all the other QB prospects they've had in semi recent history. The media and fans will insist that he start before he is ready and then they will hate him when it doesn't work out.


His knock is that he is immature.............but he is ready to start for a bad offense on a bad team in a tough division? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Tough Division? If you have been watching TV, national commentators no longer consider the AFCN a "tough" division.

Ravens and Steelers are considered mediocre or below. There is really not much respect for the Bengals even though they are defending division champs. The Browns seem to be the most interesting and exciting team, with as much talent as any other, but haven't learned how to win.

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The one thing that will be a positive that hasn't really been talked about surrounding Johnny Manziel coming to Cleveland is the accountability of the officials and the legitimacy of our games from here on out. I can't count the amount of times that the Browns get hosed by the officials, almost gamely, and nothing is ever really mentioned. NOW, under the microscope of Manzielmania, with the hordes watching and observing, all calls will be scrutinized and talked about on ESPN and across the nation. This in itself will bring us wins.

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ugh. really?


hey all you johnny fans ya gotta pony up again next year. lol!


he'll look great in silver/grey/brown and orange.....HA!

They are getting new uniforms? Could be cool!

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If you've gone thru however many "savior" QBs that didnt work out...why diss the next one?


Because history seems to indicate the problem just might be the organization.


You've been married 9 times? Hell, maybe it's YOU.


But...we got a new coach, new GM...why not try a little optimism?

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