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Jonathan Paul Manziel


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Hoorta, your explanation that the public statements were for the fans makes a lot of sense. I totally agree (and think JM probably does as well) that the last thing they should do is put him on the field when he is not ready. Seeing ESPN showing every move of Bortles and Sams this morning reinforces management's decision to limit access to rookie mini-camp.

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I am sorry if I came off as offensive. I just don't want to see the same thing happen to Manziel as has happened to Tebow, Jimmer, etc. You can't prove yourself without a real opportunity. A coach and a team have to be 100% on board.

Every true Browns fan here wants Manziel to succeed. His success is the Browns success. What some Browns fans are reacting to here are the notion that Manziel is now somehow more important than the team.


What Haslam and Pettine did by telling him this isn't Hollywood and that he's the backup is brilliant. You know he's already going to play with a chip on his shoulder, well they just made that chip a whole lot bigger. That's the part of Manziel they want. Hollywood Manziel is fine to an extent but he needed to realize it's all business when he's in Berea.

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Haslam ordered the team to take Manziel, but why? Manziel did you a favor by WANTING to be in Cleveland, but the owner comes out and viciously attacks Manziel's character? When has Johnny ever not been a hard worker? Why is Johnny "hollywood," because the media made him that way? The ONLY way Manziel can succeed is if you are 100% behind him. There should be ZERO question about whether he'll start or not. HE chose YOU. Cleveland as a team and city have been IRRELEVANT and stars do NOT want to play here. LBJ left you. Manziel CHOSE YOU.



and if we don't get behind him, what? are you and your fag boys gonna come in in the middle of the night dressed as ninjas and kidnap johnny and free him upon this good nation of fag boy football lovers?


hey he's ours now bitches, and we'll treat him like we want to and do what we want to with him. so if you don't like it, HIT THE MFing BRICKS!!


i'm off to work now. it's my turn to whip JF (OR IS IT PUT HIM ON THE RACK TODAY?) in the dungeons below berea. gotta beef up that kid one way or another. hmmmmm. beef.




come for him! i dare ya! pussy bitches!

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If he can do that in the Pro's I'll be ecstatic.


He has done this kind of thing consistently against NFL-bound talent for 2 years. Incidentally, last year, the SEC represented 25% of total draft picks taken at 63. This year, it was around 20% at 49. The SEC West, A&M's division, represents the majority of those picks.


Trust me. You're gonna love him. Nobody in Cleveland fully understands what you have yet.

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and if we don't get behind him, what? are you and your fag boys gonna come in in the middle of the night dressed as ninjas and kidnap johnny and free him upon this good nation of fag boy football lovers?


hey he's ours now bitches, and we'll treat him like we want to and do what we want to with him. so if you don't like it, HIT THE MFing BRICKS!!


i'm off to work now. it's my turn to whip JF (OR IS IT PUT HIM ON THE RACK TODAY?) in the dungeons below berea. gotta beef up that kid one way or another. hmmmmm. beef.




come for him! i dare ya! pussy bitches!

LOL miktoxic. I'm actually beginning to enjoy your rants against us JFF fans. Besides, I gave up killing people for a living a long time ago. :lol:

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Good old Brian Sipe here says it the best. He says that the NFL from College is just the next step. It's no harder than coming from High School to College. You just have to go in and learn and earn your place. Some guys can jump right in and others take a little more time, some never get it. You just never know until it's time. Maybe the Browns got lucky this time and Manziel is one of the special ones that can step right in and prove that it's not to big for him.


I'm rooting for that to be the case, I don't think that anyone would be opposed to that. The people that want Manziel to sit behind Hoyer aren't saying it to piss off the guys who support Manziel to be the starter, they just don't want him to get killed or ruined mentally before he is ready. A lot of the people who are saying to pull back the reigns are the fans that have been here and seen how many QBs get killed, thrown to the wolves, ruined both mentally and physically, are never the same again...


I think you would be hard pressed to find any Browns Fan that wouldn't want Manziel to step right in and start the new era if he is ready. Hoyer is just a stop gap until Manziel is ready to go.. Maybe it's sooner rather than later but to keep beating each other up about it is pretty dumb. We're all on the same team, we all want to win.


There are 4 QBs on the roster right now. The coaches will identify who is the most capable to lead the team and give us the best chance to win. Right now I believe in their judgment of the situation, if it's Manziel I don't think they would just play Hoyer for the sake of letting him sit.


I'm excited to see the competition and believe it will be more legit than when Weedone beat out McCoy. Weeden was forced into the starting role because he was close to 30 at the time of his rookie year. That is not the case with Manziel, he's young and very talented, no doubt. I originally wanted Carr as I thought he was the best. I'm all in on JM now that he is a Brown and would like more than anybody to get right to it and not waste a season going with Hoyer just for the sake of it. That's dumb... If Manziel is ready, if he is the best QB on the roster, if the NFL is not too big for him, if he's one of the rare ones that can step right in and be successful- I'm all for it. BUT, that has yet to be determined.


The thing that I'm excited about it that I think we've found a guy that we can stick to for a long time. One that the fans and the city can love and support through the good times and the bad. That is the part I'm most excited about, consistency and building upon the foundation and seeing this budding franchise come to fruition... it's been a long time coming.


Damn PoG, after reading this I scrolled back up to see who wrote it and was kinda shocked. Your usually pretty over the top with things but I give you mad props with this one! You hit the nail dead on the head and I don't think you coulda broke it any better man......kudos!

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Hoorta, your explanation that the public statements were for the fans makes a lot of sense. I totally agree (and think JM probably does as well) that the last thing they should do is put him on the field when he is not ready. Seeing ESPN showing every move of Bortles and Sams this morning reinforces management's decision to limit access to rookie mini-camp.

IMO it was said to curb the expectations of the fans who want JF to start day one. Pettine was on record before the draft saying he would rather not start a rookie QB. I also believe they have a lot of confidence in Hoyer also.

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my saturday morning wake-up rant right before i head to the bloodies.


that felt good. lol.

LOL! When I come for a game some time you can take me out for a beer. Never been to Cleveland and the first person I ever met from Ohio was a girlfriend who jilted me in 11th grade. :P

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Buddy show me a player in this draft that didn't have any question marks. We won't know how good JM is until he plays but being optimistic/hopeful isn't hurting anyone.



Exactly.... every player in the draft has some question marks. Manziel is an unconventional quarterback, but he is unquestionably a phenomenal talent. The only question now is how his talent translates to the NFL.

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Man the media has sure won this battle. They just spin everything to make us look like assholes. Haslam says this shit to just let Johnny know that he is not bigger then the Browns. Honestly who realy gives a rats ass who said to draft him or what they say about him needing to earn the starting spot. If the Browns start him right away and he fails then the Media will say they should have let him sit and learn. It lose lose for us.

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You can't prove yourself without a real opportunity. A coach and a team have to be 100% on board.

And that's where you have it backwards... It's after you prove yourself that hopefully everyone is "100% on board (sic)". All that is owed JM at this point is the opportunity to prove himself... and that he'll have.



PG, this may have been your best post ever, I applaud you. (((())))



LOL miktoxic. I'm actually beginning to enjoy your rants against us JFF fans.

As do most of us for the most part on any number of topics...

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Curious to see how Shanahan uses Johnny. He did a decent job with RG-ME in washington.

Yup... Right up until the knee injury. I hope the read option is seldom, if ever, used.


I'm being totally realistic and refusing to apologize for optimism, sorry I'm not the thought police.

But see Walter... you are playing the role of the "thought police" everytime you blast a JM skeptic.


You are correct that he very seldom throws the ball away. He will need to improve on that, IMO. Also, he is prone to predetermining what receiver he's going to.

Yes... there is that, but same can be said of most Rookie QBs.


This guy makes a good argument that they are...

Johnny Manziel, System QBs, and The Ghost of Case Keenum


Interesting angle I'd not seen previously.,... thank you.

Liked the first comment exchange where it's proposed that Keenum may be better than it is generally thought... a lot better.


Found this little behind the scenes on Pick #22 article. Very interesting how many actually wanted him at that spot.



How many? Led me to expect more than two... us and MN.


The revelation to me was that KC was willing to trade out of the 23rd pick. The storyline had been that they were the team poised to catch the falling JM.


Then again it was a Peter King article...

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So you want him to fail? so you feel better?

I don't get this from woody at all. We all want to John to succeed. SO QUIT ACTING LIKE U WANNA SEE IT MORE THAN THE REST. All he's asking and so am I to quit taking John's cock outta ur ass/mouth and demanding we try a taste.

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Why would I want Manziel to fail? He is on the Browns now. I want him to succeed, I would happily eat crow. His success means the Browns would be successful which would be fantastic.


I grew up in Northeast Ohio. I want to eventually come back here for work. I want to live here. I'm not gonna listen to some fuck from Texas or wherever talk shit about Cleveland while saying how lucky we are to have Manziel. Fuck you.


He's not the greatest QB to ever live. He is some punk kid that probably violated NCAA rules and took money in college, then used this situation to continue to be a punk kid. He has plenty of red flags on and off the field. Teams passed on him for a reason. We took him on a flyer basically, a gamble with relatively low risk and potentially high reward. Don't come here posting about a team you know nothing about and acting like this kid is the answer to all of our problems. He is a work in progress, a big work in progress. We'll see what happens. Get his dick out of your mouths and maybe you'd be able to see the whole picture better.

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I don't get this from woody at all. We all want to John to succeed. SO QUIT ACTING LIKE U WANNA SEE IT MORE THAN THE REST. All he's asking and so am I to quit taking John's cock outta ur ass/mouth and demanding we try a taste.


Amen man. Exactly.

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There. Makes perfect sense now. What a piece of sh!t.

I'm a piece of shit because I refuse to worship at the altar of your butt buddy? Yeah, ok. I grew up watching the Browns play. I was watching Browns football while you were still in your daddy's ballsack. I love this team. Have a Browns room in my house, motherfucker. Have endured the factory of sadness. How long you been a fan? Since may 8? Fuck off.


I did not want us to take JM and this right here is part of the reason. I've hated pittspuke my whole life....I hate them AND their bandwagon fans. Crybaby losers who can dish shit out but can't take it. Bring it on. You can't hurt me. I'm a Browns fan. I don't cry and get butt hurt when people make fun of the Browns, which you were probably doing a couple weeks ago. If JF gets his feelings hurt as easily as his fans do, he will NEVER make it in the NFL.


The last thing this team needs is yet another fucking QB controversy. How will you feel if JM gets the starting nod and lays a turd on the field in a home game when the whole stadium starts chanting for Hoyer? The kid will have a bad game. This town has no patience left. Your boy better light it up from day one or the boo birds will be out. This is a stadium that fucking cheered when their starting QB was laying on the field injured because he had been stinking up the place. Y'all better grow some thicker skin if you plan on being a Browns fan. But that's just it, you're NOT a Browns fan.


I will say this one more time, if I'm wrong, and I pray to the football Gods that I am since we have him now, I will say I was wrong. What I won't do is feed his or his fanboys ego BEFORE he proves it on the field as a PRO. I'm not saying anything worse than what will be said about him if he doesn't WIN immediately. If anything, the shit I'm giving him should light a fire under his ass to prove me wrong, all the better for the TEAM. You want to make it all about what's great about your boy toy. I want what's best for this team. He hasn't proven he's what's best for this team yet. Will you be man enough to admit you're wrong if he fails? Or will you tuck your tail between your legs and run away crying like a little bitch?

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I am sorry if I came off as offensive. I just don't want to see the same thing happen to Manziel as has happened to Tebow, Jimmer, etc. You can't prove yourself without a real opportunity. A coach and a team have to be 100% on board.


Shut the fuck up.


It's Johnny that needs to be 100% on board. Just like the other 52 guys. I don't see a problem with that. I like Johnny Manziel.


You Johnny fans though are fucking annoying.


We are building something here and Cleveland and Johnny Manziel will be proud to be a part of it.


Now shut the fuck up.



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BEREA, Ohio -- The Cleveland Browns say they are not shying away from the hype and attention that Johnny Manziel brings to the team.

"Cleveland is hopeful, as we all are, that he will become Johnny Football here," Browns coach Mike Pettine said Saturday.

[+] Enlargenfl_g_manziel01jr_300x200.jpg
David Maxwell/Getty ImagesJohnny Manziel participated in his first workout with the Browns on Saturday at the team's rookie minicamp.

As for being told he was a backup to Brian Hoyer, Manziel shrugged, and said he understood his standing.

"I'm a rookie," Manziel said. "I need to earn my place. I need to earn my keep. Nothing here needs to be handed to me. I don't need to be treated based off what I did in the past because that doesn't mean a thing at this level."

Pettine agreed that Manziel is going to have to "earn" his stardom in the NFL.

"He knows that if he wants to be Johnny Football in the NFL, that he's got to earn it," Pettine said. "I think that's at the end of the tunnel for him, but he still has to travel through that tunnel."

Saturday was Manziel's second practice at a rookie minicamp, and he showed it's clearly not his first rodeo in his session with the local media -- national members not allowed.

In one 10-minute interview, Manziel showed the combination of swagger, belief and sense of reality that Pettine said makes for a successful NFL quarterback.

"We talked about the 'it' factor," Pettine said. "And he's got it."

Interviews don't earn jobs or win games, but "it" was evident when Manziel spoke. He even clarified some details about the now-famous text he sent to quarterback coach Dowell Loggains the night of the draft -- the one when he said he wanted to come to the Browns and "wreck the league."

"I don't know if that's exactly it word for word, whether it's exactly quotable," Manziel said, standing at a podium inside the team's indoor practice facility. "But it was something along those lines."

That won't stop production of all the "wreck the league" T-shirts being printed in Cleveland, but Manziel matter of factly added: "I don't want to come in and be mediocre."

Manziel also urged Loggains to "hurry up" and draft him, but Manziel said that was because he had heard another team was trying to get him.

"I don't know what kind of influence that had or what exactly that did, but this is the place I wanted to be," Manziel said.

The rookie minicamp, which concludes Sunday, also includes the team's other draft picks and undrafted free agents, as well as numerous players taking part on a tryout basis.

During the time open to the media, Manziel stretched, handed off, and threw short passes.

Manziel looks short, but his height hasn't changed since draft day and his teammates see more than height.

"He's Johnny Manziel, right?" running back Terrance West said. "Everybody knows Johnny Manziel."

That is part of the reason why the Browns took the approach they did with this camp. They know that as offseason practices and the final minicamp arrive, all media will be permitted to watch. They know training camp is open to the media and to fans as well.

What they wanted to do this weekend was minimize the circus they know is coming.

"We're well aware of the persona," Pettine said. "We're well aware what it brings. We're excited about it."

The Browns' decision forced some media types to cancel flights and plans, and led to criticism that the Browns should have expected increased attention and mania when they drafted Manziel.

"It's something that we weren't going to turn away from," Pettine said. "But as the head coach, it's all about football for me and it's all about the team. I know it already has and it probably will continue to do that -- it will ruffle some feathers with how we handle some things. And I'll apologize in advance for that.

"What we're tasked as a staff to do is do what's best for the football team. So if there's something that we feel that we can control that will limit the distractions that this will bring, then we're going to go ahead and do it. It's something that I know won't be the most popular thing, especially on a national level. But we also feel that the credibility of the Browns as far as what stock we have nationally, I don't think we're very highly thought of given the recent history of the team."

Stop about whose decision was it to draft Manziel...I like this guy..he seems smart and intelligent and knows what to do to earn his job! He has faced enough in his college years at A&M to handle the media..I believe we will be just fine w/ Manziel.

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Oh Pettine said he has to "earn" becoming Johnny Football in the NFL.


They should like totally fire him. Doesn't he know that JM is Johnny Football. I mean he earned that in high school. Who is Pettine to say he has to earn anything?



Figured I'd beat the JoMo's to it.

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Quote: Manziel also urged Loggains to "hurry up" and draft him, but Manziel said that was because he had heard another team was trying to get him.

"I don't know what kind of influence that had or what exactly that did, but this is the place I wanted to be," Manziel said.

So now you know. He wanted to be with the Browns.

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I thought so. I didn't see any of the arrogance I keep hearing about. Sounds humble. Like he's ready to work to TAKE starting spot, not have it handed to him.


Liked what I heard out of Bitoino as well.

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LOL miktoxic. I'm actually beginning to enjoy your rants against us JFF fans. Besides, I gave up killing people for a living a long time ago. :lol:



Mik is our resident board jester, has a fondness for things with alcohol in them- and is a great guy. Had dozens of custom t-shirts made up for us for our last tailgate bash. We don't formally Tailgate after every game anymore, but we do make one exception when our overseas contingent makes the trip to Cleveland. Yes we have a couple guys from England and one from Scotland that have been making the trip for years.


LOL! When I come for a game some time you can take me out for a beer. Never been to Cleveland and the first person I ever met from Ohio was a girlfriend who jilted me in 11th grade. :P


When you do decide to come in, post a note on the Tailgate page.

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I'm a piece of shit because I refuse to worship at the altar of your butt buddy? Yeah, ok. I grew up watching the Browns play. I was watching Browns football while you were still in your daddy's ballsack. I love this team. Have a Browns room in my house, motherfucker. Have endured the factory of sadness. How long you been a fan? Since may 8? Fuck off.


I did not want us to take JM and this right here is part of the reason. I've hated pittspuke my whole life....I hate them AND their bandwagon fans. Crybaby losers who can dish shit out but can't take it. Bring it on. You can't hurt me. I'm a Browns fan. I don't cry and get butt hurt when people make fun of the Browns, which you were probably doing a couple weeks ago. If JF gets his feelings hurt as easily as his fans do, he will NEVER make it in the NFL.


The last thing this team needs is yet another fucking QB controversy. How will you feel if JM gets the starting nod and lays a turd on the field in a home game when the whole stadium starts chanting for Hoyer? The kid will have a bad game. This town has no patience left. Your boy better light it up from day one or the boo birds will be out. This is a stadium that fucking cheered when their starting QB was laying on the field injured because he had been stinking up the place. Y'all better grow some thicker skin if you plan on being a Browns fan. But that's just it, you're NOT a Browns fan.


I will say this one more time, if I'm wrong, and I pray to the football Gods that I am since we have him now, I will say I was wrong. What I won't do is feed his or his fanboys ego BEFORE he proves it on the field as a PRO. I'm not saying anything worse than what will be said about him if he doesn't WIN immediately. If anything, the shit I'm giving him should light a fire under his ass to prove me wrong, all the better for the TEAM. You want to make it all about what's great about your boy toy. I want what's best for this team. He hasn't proven he's what's best for this team yet. Will you be man enough to admit you're wrong if he fails? Or will you tuck your tail between your legs and run away crying like a little bitch?

So how do you feel about Johnny Manziel?

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He has done this kind of thing consistently against NFL-bound talent for 2 years. Incidentally, last year, the SEC represented 25% of total draft picks taken at 63. This year, it was around 20% at 49. The SEC West, A&M's division, represents the majority of those picks.


Trust me. You're gonna love him. Nobody in Cleveland fully understands what you have yet.


Yes we certainly do. He has the it factor, and can he stay healthy enough to utilize "it"? Hate to tell you the other 75% SEC he was playing against were not NFL caliber. He's going up every week against the likes of Javedon Clowney- who I'm sure you're aware ran a faster 40 than JF. Or Ndamakong Suh- who I saw toss Colt McCoy around with one hand like he was a rag doll. He's been dinged in college, trust me the pros hit much, much harder. With his hype Manziel will have a target on him wider than a football field. You won't see any high fiveing on the sidelines, but you can bet there will be in the locker rooms- for the first guy to take JF out of a game.



So how do you feel about Johnny Manziel?


TC, I'm better now. :) Just call me a skeptic.

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Yes we certainly do. He has the it factor, and can he stay healthy enough to utilize "it"? Hate to tell you the other 75% SEC he was playing against were not NFL caliber. He's going up every week against the likes of Javedon Clowney- who I'm sure you're aware ran a faster 40 than JF. Or Ndamakong Suh- who I saw toss Colt McCoy around with one hand like he was a rag doll. He's been dinged in college, trust me the pros hit much, much harder. With his hype Manziel will have a target on him wider than a football field. You won't see any high fiveing on the sidelines, but you can bet there will be in the locker rooms- for the first guy to take JF out of a game.




TC, I'm better now. :) Just call me a skeptic.

Your math was a little off. He wasn't saying 25% of the SEC was NFL talent. He was saying 25% of the NFL draft was SEC talent.


You named Ndamukong and Clowney who, by all accounts, were considered once--in-lifetime talent.


There's not 32 Jadeveons and 32 Suhs. Just like in college, some teams have shitty defensive linemen. Some teams have shitty corners. Some teams have shitty linebackers.


He won't face a 300 LB defensive lineman who runs a 4.5 every week.


There was a good video posted by (I can't believe I'm saying this POG about Brian Sipe and the transition to the pro game. It's not apples and oranges. The speed difference is very small, we're talking hundredths of a second. It's not as if JM was facing shitty 1A high school players and now is jumping to the big show.

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