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Everything posted by MDDawg

  1. So far we've been outcoached, hopefully they can turn it around in the second half.
  2. So we'll face OBJ in the SB defeat him and the Rams, filling him with lifetime of regret.
  3. The exact quote is that the "Yankees are paying half of that" re: Justice. Agree with the point on OBJ and too be honest, OBJ isn't a player Berry would've traded for as his strengths just don't correlate with Baker's. Odell's strengths are mainly over the middle while Baker excels outside the hashes. A typical Dorsey move where he selects a player/cuts a player without regard to team chemistr
  4. Agree 💯. OBJ can still get open, he may not be a fit in this offense that is designed to take whatever the defense gives you but I wouldn't want to face him in the playoffs this year (if we make it).
  5. That ball looked high to me, Baker threw a similarly high ball to a wide open Hooper and missed a TD. Baker just hasn't played well since injuring that shoulder, is a 75% Baker better than Keenum in a game that was similar to the Bronco's on paper?
  6. Baker out there didn't give us an edge, what was the point of risking more severe injury? Injured Baker can't throw accurately downfield like Keenum so should've rested him till the Cincy game at least. Game plan was uninspiring, I was honestly expecting more of a 1-2 punch of Chubb and Johnson and the defense can never make a stop when it's needed. The season isn't over but the division is much more competitive than I thought it would be so a playoff spot is not a given.
  7. I had us sweeping the Steelers this season, today was a real disappointment. We didn't gain much by risking Mayfield out there.
  8. Keenum thankfully played OK but his deep ball was awful.
  9. I picked up Johnson and started him 😁
  10. Hopefully we get the Minnesota NFC championship level Keenum tomorrow
  11. The conventional wisdom is OBJ will be out after this season. Let's see if he can make some big plays in the playoffs where we'll really need him.
  12. Baker played well but the elite QB on that field was Herbert. In the final drive Baker missed an open OBJ but went for a contested throw to Higgins. After the Defensive players were dropping like flies we needed elite play from Baker but didn’t get it. That may be due to injury but is it what it is.
  13. People underestimate how good Baker's really become. In the KC game, he was throwing a very high percentage of very difficult throws. Another full offseason in this program and we'll have our own Rodgers
  14. I would not call KC a hype team, they had the best record in the NFL and had an unfortunate rash of injuries in their OL at the worst possible time.
  15. 10-6 was my prediction (search on this forum, thread was closed by Zombo), I just had a good feeling about this season but didn't really care if we made the playoffs.
  16. Late to the party but very proud of my Browns. My thoughts on the game are we were outcoached yesterday not by a huge margin but in the playoffs just one bad decision can be the difference between winning and losing. Our offense failed us, going into this game I think we all suspected it would take 30+ points to beat KC but we only scored 17. The Defense has been bad all season and to hold KC to 22 points is admirable. We lack speed to defend even Henne's last run and Reid's 4th and 1 call to speedy Hill. Finally we were hosed by bad ref calls but still had a chance to win at the end. The future's bright and priorities should be to trade or draft a healthy speedy receiver (Beckham's health can't be relied on) and speedy defensive backs, we're no longer looking at winning the AFC north but how to beat teams like KC and Buffalo in the playoffs. Go Browns!!
  17. Great article from Profootball talk on how the team handled the covid setback and prepared. One of the takeaways is the synergy of coach and GM, we're really lucky to have them and this organization is going to win the SuperBowl with that duo. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/01/11/cleveland-browns-nfl-playoffs-fmia-peter-king/
  18. I love this team, wrecked by covid, no practice and didn't bat an eyelid, sending our most hated rival home and probably Ben into retirement!
  19. Stefanski makes the opposing defense overconfident then hits them Bam! That's all we needed, Ben can throw underneath all day.
  20. Can't we catch a break? Can he hold team meetings and game plan remotely? We're the last game on Sunday night would hate to get steamrolled on national TV because of fricking COVID.
  21. You're calling that ripped guy with washboard abs a nerd?
  22. Doesn't matter, they've already overachieved. We should look at that game as one to gather playoff experience for the future.
  23. They've probably figured out that we'll most likely meet the following week, so they're saving their starters which is fine so we can beat them twice in a row.
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