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Everything posted by jcam222

  1. It was certainly unconvincing and at times left me wondering if he truly understood the magnitude of our ineptness.
  2. Is the discipline issue Kitchens or Wilks? I know he reports to Freddy but what do you think?
  3. When you look at a single penalty or two you might have a point. In the context of the most penalties in franchise history it’s a systemic issue. Systemic issues like that to me would trace back to coaching. Let’s see if he can adjust and get back on track.
  4. I sure hope your right but the “coaching” we had for the last 3 months just shit all over the field. It was an embarrassment to have that much talent on the field ALL shit the bed.
  5. I believe he’s a savvy enough vet that if his hip were hurting he wouldn’t make it public.
  6. Hopefully its 100% this, that hip thing could linger or god forbid get much worse if resting the entire preseason didnt fix it.
  7. Nope just short attention span and fast typing feel free to merge or delete mods
  8. https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us/articles/myles-garrett-cleveland-browns Awesome read
  9. There are plenty of adequate pharma solutions in the locker room.
  10. There’s another site I read on that uses a link to Rumbletalk for game time chat room.
  11. I am going to venture a guess he could gain it the same way he did years ago
  12. Good thread, my thoughts in red above
  13. Lol I guess so. Glad the leagues are filled and ready to roll. League V draft smooth as butter. 8PM for the points league.
  14. Points League is filled and locked down with 9 teams. Uneven is fine in a pointsleague League V I persuaded my wife to join to give us the 8th team. Tour if you join by draft time she will happily let me boot her. Drafts will go off as scheduled tomorrow
  15. As of 2am last night Points league filled. Still going to have to draft tomorrow now. League V will be filled once Tour checks his messages I hope. He asked me to invite him
  16. need you in league v today so we can draft tomorrow. Points league is filled.
  17. I still have my suspicions that this trade allow them to move a WR in another trade
  18. Texans mortgaged their future for a LT yet I don’t think are that good a team.
  19. Draft times on both leagues moving to Monday. Sorry all but neither is filled to draft. I know it’s Labor Day but I can’t do Tuesday as I’m driving all day to Nashville.
  20. I still think this thread shows we might as well have a good forum I’d be in for it.
  21. He’s going to see the ball a ton in TB this year. Coach said he will never leave the field on offense
  22. Very surprised they couldn’t get anything back from Colquitt.
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