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2 hours ago, FY56 said:

Now you're really reaching.

And Pelosi was right behind Trump ripping up the SOTU speech on national TV, so what the fuck does Hillary being behind Trump prove? And by its very definition this was an administrative coup. It fits perfectly.

Guess who said this:

"You could be the best nominee and have the election stolen from you. He (Trump) knows he's an illegitimate president. He knows, he knows there are a bunch of reasons the elections turned out the way it did..."

Skip to 4:43 of the video and find out.




I have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Again, Steve stated the following:

Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

So do you agree with Steve that every single US administration since the "dawn of Liberty" has exhibited EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 14 Characteristics of Fascism. But that is all I have been debunking for last two pages. That's it.

Has every single US administration since the "dawn of Liberty" has exhibited EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 14 Characteristics of Fascism? 

One simple question. 


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

I have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Again, Steve stated the following:

Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

So do you agree with Steve that every single US administration since the "dawn of Liberty" has exhibited EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 14 Characteristics of Fascism. But that is all I have been debunking for last two pages. That's it.

Has every single US administration since the "dawn of Liberty" has exhibited EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 14 Characteristics of Fascism? 

One simple question. 



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7 hours ago, cccjwh said:

I have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Again, Steve stated the following:

Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

So do you agree with Steve that every single US administration since the "dawn of Liberty" has exhibited EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 14 Characteristics of Fascism. But that is all I have been debunking for last two pages. That's it.

Has every single US administration since the "dawn of Liberty" has exhibited EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 14 Characteristics of Fascism? 

One simple question. 



I can understand why such trivial thing is so important to you, you need to be right about something.

I won't make the claim that every administration exhibited every single trait of fascism, but what I can say is that every administration exhibited some form of fascism, heavily on the side of the democrats.

The right has always been about small govt giving the people freedom to excel. The left has expanded government control into areas such as healthcare, energy, banking, education...

Fascism- a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted


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3 hours ago, FY56 said:


I can understand why such trivial thing is so important to you, you need to be right about something.

I won't make the claim that every administration exhibited every single trait of fascism, but what I can say is that every administration exhibited some form of fascism, heavily on the side of the democrats.

The right has always been about small govt giving the people freedom to excel. The left has expanded government control into areas such as healthcare, energy, banking, education...

Fascism- a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted


The right used to be about small govt, just like it used to be about free markets, used to be about law and order. That's in no longer the case. Now it's just about your cult leader. That's it. 

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12 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

More confusing mess that still does not show me anything where you put your life on the line for anyone.


   If you weren't such an asswhole, I would tell you. You are afraid to admit you were wrong about all E-4's. That's cowardly, so shut the f up, yah?


And we already discussed one reason you turned it down was because E-5 did not pay any more money when in fact back then it paid around $20+ per month more. In today's money the buying power would be somewhere around $150+ per month. So that part of your story is bogus as well. I'm not the only one here that has serious questions about your claimed military career. And I have never in my life met another veteran who would ever use the word coward or even cowardly towards any veteran they knew served this country in a combat zone. So why are you so different? And yes you did call me a coward before you switched to cowardly. To me they are equivalent. Obviously you don't get that.


     A. As I remember it, it wasn't more money. That is what I was told. Maybe he said "not that much". whatever, It was back in 76/77. IF that was wrong, wasn't my fault, you moron. Yes, you and diehard don't think I was in the AF. hah, you are both totally wrong. I couldn't care less to prove anything to you, asswipe. You could ask Steve to stop by my place and I'll show him, but why should Steve and I bother with you? And NO, I did not call you a coward before I said cowardly, Steve told you that. Now you are a liar, but that's fine since you happily lie about Pres Trump etc all the time. I said your POSTS are cowardly. They ARE, so shove it little victim. I've made a point of NOT calling you a coward. It's your posts I'm talking about.


And as to enlisted who died. You don't think I saw that first hand and understood what that meant? I dissed you specifically because I find your whole veteran's story full of holes.


   Well, you are totally wrong. I"m sure you saw a lot. But you still haven't said one apologetic word about slurring ALL E-4s. Everybody on the  board can see that. Do you resent having served? Are you complaining or bragging that you are superior to E-4s - the gal who was a truck driver? my friend who flew around Laos and Cambodia in a plane and .....?

and yes, what I did was was a small thing compared to the two above.

    Or, are you afraid to admit you shouldn't have said that. All my paperwork from back then, I have my Veteran's card... and proving anything to an asswhole is just wasting time.

Say, why don't you bet Steve or Canton Mike a thousand bucks that I'm "not a veteran" ? I can bring out my paperwork, my DD214, etc, pics, etc, and you will at least prove your posts are not cowardly drivel. Then they can buy me a root beer. lol



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33 minutes ago, FY56 said:


I can understand why such trivial thing is so important to you, you need to be right about something.

I won't make the claim that every administration exhibited every single trait of fascism, but what I can say is that every administration exhibited some form of fascism, heavily on the side of the democrats.

The right has always been about small govt giving the people freedom to excel. The left has expanded government control into areas such as healthcare, energy, banking, education...

Fascism- a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted


"Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

FY, just in case you doubt my premise, this is my actual quote. And my actual question. You can go back and look at all the accusations and tell me which are unique to the Trump Administration and not to every administration. The reason that's easy to do is because all of them are meaningless.

 I'll even make the question easier: name three administrations that did not conform to those traits.

(and don't forget we are dealing with a person who doesn't even understand the meaning of many of the terms he / she throws around.)


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36 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

The right used to about small govt, just like it used to be about free markets, used to be about law and order. That's in no longer the case. Now it's just about your cult leader. That's it. 


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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

The right used to about small govt, just like it used to be about free markets, used to be about law and order. That's in no longer the case. Now it's just about your cult leader. That's it. 

That is hogwash.  You are describing the democrats of JFK to the T.

Now TDS takes over. It's Trump this and Trump that. And you being so full of yourself think you know why people have you on ignore.

Law and order is what you people call the "mostly peaceful protests" in Portland?  Obstructing traffic for those attending Trump rallies, disruption at Trump rallies, the slashing of tires at Republican offices, democrat officeholders encouraging confronting Trump supporters in public, the defunding of police, ordering the police to stand back and allow looters to loot, Antifa?

The events above were met with very mild demonrat opposition.

You were all in with that shit, weren't you? You know you were.

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

"Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

FY, just in case you doubt my premise, this is my actual quote. And my actual question. You can go back and look at all the accusations and tell me which are unique to the Trump Administration and not to every administration. The reason that's easy to do is because all of them are meaningless.

 I'll even make the question easier: name three administrations that did not conform to those traits.

(and don't forget we are dealing with a person who doesn't even understand the meaning of many of the terms he / she throws around.)



The big lie, Steve.

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Cult member cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?

a. Meme

b. Ad hominem attack

c. Link to rightwing nutjob "source"

d. #whataboutism

e. combination of a, b, c, or d

Typical dumb Lib hat response...

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Cult member cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?

a. Meme

b. Ad hominem attack

c. Link to rightwing nutjob "source"

d. #whataboutism

e. combination of a, b, c, or d


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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:


The big lie, Steve.

Yeah, I go out of town for a couple days, and it just keeps on going.. FY doesn't get that if Trumpie repeats the same lie 1,000-2,000 times (like his bogus election fraud claims) that keeps the 30,000 time lie o meter counting.  How many times has he already claimed that he "declassified everything" with zero corroborating evidence from other government agencies?  Show us the documentation Donnie- you won't- because you cant.  

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On 9/3/2022 at 12:32 AM, FY56 said:

1) If all of Biden's baggage is a whole lot of nothing, then certainly is whatever the rubbish was that you had posted.

2) Vast quantities of the 30,000 are redundancies – statements, however tendentious, that Trump has repeated ad nauseum. More problematic is that thousands of statements The Washington Post labels as untrue or misleading are more properly considered the habitual verbal excess for a man known for his immoderate form of communication. Further, a great many of the Post’s objections to Trump’s statements amount to argumentative quibbles that aren’t really “fact checks.”

Just to start, here’s one of Trump’s most oft-repeated “lies,” according to Washington Post fact checkers: “My job was made harder by phony witch hunts, by ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ nonsense.” The Post dings Trump for some variation of this claim 227 times – more than 1% of Trump’s alleged untruths. Yet, the Post’s justification for why Trump is wrong to say this is pure pettifogging.

What's more disturbing is how you've embraced the tenets of a cult that uses the American flag and the idea of Making America Great Again as identifiers of who you voted for or what party you belong to.

3) You're a sad little man. Sorry.

1) I try to post reality, but those living in some alternate realty try to deny it.  

2) Nice trying to put lipstick on a pig. And if the same lie is repeated 200+ times it doesn't make it true. Then there's the "big lie"- you probably missed this one..  Straight out of the Nazi playbook.   Joe Goebbels said it:  and It's come to fruition in Cult 45.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people MAGAs will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

3) The feeling is mutual, if you want to minimize the fact Trump is a pathological liar.  

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16 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yeah, I go out of town for a couple days, and it just keeps on going.. FY doesn't get that if Trumpie repeats the same lie 1,000-2,000 times (like his bogus election fraud claims) that keeps the 30,000 time lie o meter counting.  How many times has he already claimed that he "declassified everything" with zero corroborating evidence from other government agencies?  Show us the documentation Donnie- you won't- because you cant.  


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29 minutes ago, hoorta said:

1) I try to post reality, but those living in some alternate realty try to deny it.  

2) Nice trying to put lipstick on a pig. And if the same lie is repeated 200+ times it doesn't make it true. Then there's the "big lie"- you probably missed this one..  Straight out of the Nazi playbook.   Joe Goebbels said it:  and It's come to fruition in Cult 45.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people MAGAs will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

3) The feeling is mutual, if you want to minimize the fact Trump is a pathological liar.  



While less than three in ten Americans (29%) agree with the statement that “the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump,” two-thirds of Republicans (66%) agree that the election was stolen. Among all Americans, more than two-thirds (68%) disagree with the “big lie,” including 57% who completely disagree. Only 33% of Republicans disagree, and less than one in five (18%) completely disagree.




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3 minutes ago, cccjwh said:



While less than three in ten Americans (29%) agree with the statement that “the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump,” two-thirds of Republicans (66%) agree that the election was stolen. Among all Americans, more than two-thirds (68%) disagree with the “big lie,” including 57% who completely disagree. Only 33% of Republicans disagree, and less than one in five (18%) completely disagree.




Most Democrats think men can be women and women can be men...also men can menstruate (like ccjwh) and men can get pregnant!  Talk about a big lie!

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39 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Cult member cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?

a. Meme

b. Ad hominem attack

c. Link to rightwing nutjob "source"

d. #whataboutism

e. combination of a, b, c, or d

Ad Moron attack!

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52 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

So, tex, what's it going to be? In fact, if anyone else wants tex to bet you a thousand bucks that I'm not a veteran, too, I guarantee you will win !

What's it going to be, bigmouth tex? haha. Put yer money where your big fat arrogant mouth is.


Right on Cal... A real Vet doesn't brag about accomplishment or even talk about war time experiences...  How do I know this?... My Stepfather was a Viet Nam War hero...  He was one of the "Boys in Company C" Everytime I heard some jerk in a bar brag about war stories I'd laugh then call them out on it... Anyone who brags about Combat is a bold face LIAR!

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