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FBI Raids Mar-A-Lago


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1 hour ago, Vambo said:

Most Democrats think men can be women and women can be men...also men can menstruate (like ccjwh) and men can get pregnant!  Talk about a big lie!

When confronted with FACTS  resort to whataboutism...  And toss in an insult for good measure... 

Most? did you pull that one out of your ass?  I certainly don't, and I think ccjwh doesn't believe that far left wing crap either.  

LOL that would be like me saying most Republicans believe Jewish Space lasers start forest fires. 


Actually that some MAGAs actually believe this sort of stuff is scary as hell.  

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44 minutes ago, hoorta said:

When confronted with FACTS  resort to whataboutism...  And toss in an insult for good measure... 

Most? did you pull that one out of your ass?  I certainly don't, and I think ccjwh doesn't believe that far left wing crap.  

LOL the would be like me saying most Republicans believe Jewish Space lasers start forest fires. 

Or if to many people were on the one side of the island it would flip over...



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33 minutes ago, hoorta said:

If you want to act like a juvenile jackass, I'll treat you like one...  

Biden front-runner for ‘Lie of the Year’ award



Biden’s six favorite lies about inflation and the economy

  1. Nobody making under four hundred thousand bucks will have their taxes raised. Period. 

This one was reminiscent of the infamous George H.W. Bush claim in 1988 “read my lips: no new taxes.” Biden didn’t say he wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class once or twice, but routinely throughout the campaign — and he even STILL says it. 

Except that inflation is a tax that hits the middle class and the poor hardest and over the past year, prices have outpaced wages and salaries by roughly four percentage points. With the average worker wage and salary at roughly $60,000 per year (that’s a lot less than $400,000) this means a $2,400 per worker Biden inflation tax and as much as double that for families with husband and wife both working.

  1. Inflation is worse everywhere but here. 

Biden claimed this most recently in a speech in Philadelphia as an excuse for high inflation here at home. It is hogwash. Inflation is lower in AustraliaCanadaChinaFranceGermanyItalyJapanSwitzerland, the United Kingdom, and many other countries.

  1. The economy had stalled when I entered office.

The reality is that Biden was bequeathed an economy with robust growth coming out of the pandemic. In the second half of 2020, the economy grew more than $1.5 trillion at an annualized rate. The growth rate for the second half of 2020 even with COVID was almost 15 percent. 

Moreover, when Biden entered office, the economy was prepped for an enormous tail winds gust because of the Trump “operation warp speed” vaccine that was just hitting the market and allowing businesses to reopen and workers to return to the job.  

  1. I am responsible for the strongest job creation economy in modern times.

This is more an exaggeration than a bold-faced lie.  

On jobs, we will give the president his due. This has been an impressive hiring spree over the past 14 months and the jobs are out there for those who want them. But this is NOT the strongest period for job creation. That hiring record was set in 2020 under Trump who presided over the initial recovery following the government-imposed lockdowns. 

Job growth under Trump from May 2020 to Jan 2021 averaged 1.4 million jobs per month, for a total of 12.5 million people returning to work. But under Biden, average job growth per month has been cut by more than half, down to 542,000 with 8.7 million people returning to work. That means Biden has added 31 percent fewer jobs in 16 months than Trump did in nine.

  1. Since I took office, families are carrying less debt, their average savings are up

This is a strange and oft-repeated White House claim.  

The amount families are able to save each month has utterly collapsed, falling 74 percent since Biden took office, while the personal savings rate has plummeted from 19.9 percent to just 5.4 percent. Likewise, the claim about declining debt is equally untrue. Household debt has risen by $1.29 trillion in just the first 15 months of Biden’s presidency. Credit card debt, which decreased over $100 billion during the pandemic, is now exploding at the fastest rates on record as families run out of savings and fall into debt. 

Put simply, they cannot afford to live in Biden’s America. Biden also ignores a stock market selloff that has evaporated some $10 trillion of Americans’ wealth and savings.  This is one of the greatest periods of savings disappearing. 

  1. I’m doing everything I can to lower gas prices.

We wonder if ANYONE actually believes this claim. 

The folks at Institute for Energy Research have identified 100 separate Biden executive orders, regulations, and laws that have impeded oil and gas production and raised prices at the pump. These range from killing pipelines, to expanding EPA regulations on oil and gas drilling and refining, to taking hundreds of thousands of acres of prime oil and gas lands on public lands and in areas like the Gulf of Mexico off-limits for drilling. Economist Casey Mulligan of the University of Chicago estimates that these policies have reduced oil and gas drilling by 2 to 3 million barrels a day. That increased production would bring gas prices down at the pump. 

Ongoing nuclear gamble in Ukraine New World Bank pandemic fund must prioritize prevention

Perhaps none of these half-truths and outright fibs should be too surprising. What should we expect from the administration that first denied inflation, then said inflation was transitory, then claimed it was only a high-class problem? Biden has done another about-face, decrying inflation as bad but now it is Russia’s fault or greedy businesses, like meatpackers or oil companies and even mom-and-pop gas station owners.

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In his statement today, Mr. Biden, who attended the Syracuse College of Law and graduated 76th in a class of 85, acknowledged: “I did not graduate in the top half of my class at law school and my recollection of this was inacurate.”

As for receiving three degrees, Mr. Biden said: “I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science. My reference to degrees at the Claremont event was intended to refer to these majors – I said ‘three’ and should have said ‘two.'” Mr. Biden received a single B.A. in history and political science.

”With regard to my being the outstanding student in the political science department,” the statement went on. “My name was put up for that award by David Ingersoll, who is still at the University of Delaware.”

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6 minutes ago, nickers said:

Right on Cal... A real Vet doesn't brag about accomplishment or even talk about war time experiences...  How do I know this?... My Stepfather was a Viet Nam War hero...  He was one of the "Boys in Company C" Everytime I heard some jerk in a bar brag about war stories I'd laugh then call them out on it... Anyone who brags about Combat is a bold face LIAR!

well, some may not be liars - but some would still be an anomaly. My cousin was a recon advisor/leader for S. Vietnam troops in S. Asia, He NEVER talked about it. Canton Mike was foxholing in Vietnam, he nearly never talked about it. My ccw trainer/advisor/friend was special forces - he almost never talked about it. Perhaps for whatever reason - some veterans talk a good bit about combat stories, but it isn't often.

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1 minute ago, cccjwh said:

Cult member cannot refute claim backed up by evidence. How did they respond?

a. Meme

b. Ad hominem attack

c. Link to rightwing nutjob "source"

d. #whataboutism

e. combination of a, b, c, or d


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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

1) I try to post reality, but those living in some alternate realty try to deny it.  

2) Nice trying to put lipstick on a pig. And if the same lie is repeated 200+ times it doesn't make it true. Then there's the "big lie"- you probably missed this one..  Straight out of the Nazi playbook.   Joe Goebbels said it:  and It's come to fruition in Cult 45.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people MAGAs will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

3) The feeling is mutual, if you want to minimize the fact Trump is a pathological liar.  

Hey Vambo find a meme for this rubbish. 

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On 9/1/2022 at 11:35 PM, hoorta said:

You are a sad Trumplican living in an alternate reality hiding behind Mother Steve's feathers.  

I hide behind no one Larry, you real world punk ass bitch. You hate that the playing field is leveled here. You are the worst example of a mod I've seen in some time on the interweb.

When you post up on the Browns board you are reasonable. I've even given you props..

Then you come down here, lose your fucking mind with your TDS bullshit, and I lose all respect..

Here's the difference between you and I Larry.. If we were to stand face to face, I would speak to you as I always do. I have next to zero respect for you.  You however, would back up, keep your distance and be the lil bitch you are.. Fact...

You hide behind your mod status..

 I've seen pics of you 😂       

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55 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Hey Vambo find a meme for this rubbish. 

Please go back to your safe space rabbit hole of denial, that DJT isn't a pathological liar or a malignant narcissist.... Or, do you want to grant me 10% of 30,000? = 3,000 if you're keeping count.  

Now your Orangie has gone flat out batshit crazy asking for the impossibility of a 2020 presidential election do over.  :D   

Care to face facts, or just spew whataboutism like Vambo? I've yet to hear any cogent defenses RE: Mar-a-Lago..  Oh Trumpie gets his special master, granted by his suckup judge.  Just a ply to throw a monkey wrench into the inevitable wheels of justice. 

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3 minutes ago, Axe said:

I hide behind no one Larry, you real world punk ass bitch. You hate that the playing field is leveled here. You are the worst example of a mod I've seen in some time on the interweb.

When you post up on the Browns board you are reasonable. I've even given you props..

Then you come down here, lose your fucking mind with your TDS bullshit, and I lose all respect..

Here's the difference between you and I Larry.. If we were to stand face to face, I would speak to you as I always do. I have next to zero respect for you.  You however, would back up, keep your distance and be the lil bitch you are.. Fact...

You hide behind your mod status..

 I've seen pics of you 😂       


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5 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Please go back to your safe space rabbit hole of denial, that DJT isn't a pathological liar or a malignant narcissist.... Or, do you want to grant me 10% of 30,000? = 3,000 if you're keeping count.  

Now your Orangie has gone flat out batshit crazy asking for the impossibility of a 2020 presidential election do over.  :D   

Care to face facts, or just spew whataboutism like Vambo? I've yet to hear any cogent defenses RE: Mar-a-Lago..  Oh Trumpie gets his special master, granted by his suckup judge.  Just a ply to throw a monkey wrench into the inevitable wheels of justice. 

What? Did you say something?

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2 minutes ago, Axe said:

I hide behind no one Larry, you real world punk ass bitch. You hate that the playing field is leveled here. You are the worst example of a mod I've seen in some time on the interweb.

When you post up on the Browns board you are reasonable. I've even given you props..

Then you come down here, lose your fucking mind with your TDS bullshit, and I lose all respect..

Here's the difference between you and I Larry.. If we were to stand face to face, I would speak to you as I always do. I have next to zero respect for you.  You however, would back up, keep your distance and be the lil bitch you are.. Fact...

You hide behind your mod status..

 I've seen pics of you 😂       

Well, if you might possibly realize Steve lets his kiddie IQ pals toss around 5th grade insults like confetti... Just special. As to the playing field being leveled?  Get a grip...  Effectively, there is NO moderation here. Don't respect me then... I sure as hell have a low opinion of anyone living in some DJT alternate reality fantasy world either.  

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20 hours ago, calfoxwc said:


The problem has been all along that you put so much exaggeration into your role that it makes you look like either you are not a veteran at all or you embellish to the level of what is referred to as a factitious vet. Your stories always leave out one very important aspect which is military command structure. To hear you tell it you were asshole buddies doing the work of generals without having any layers of command as go between which would be senior NCOs and/or Officers. Yeah, DieHard and I don't buy much of what you sell, but neither do a retired Army E-8 and a retired AF E-9 of that era I have run your stuff through the last couple of years. So when you grossly exaggerate as you do, it makes your whole story unbelievable and therefore you as a vet unbelievable.

As to owing any other E-4 an apology for their roles, I have a whole career behind me counseling veterans of all ranks without one complaint of being looked down upon by me. In fact I ran an ex-POW group for an number of years for Ex-POWs captured by the Japanese and by the N. Koreans. Also counseled a couple of 5 year captive Vietnam Ex-POWs a few years. So yeah, I get it. My career helping vets recover from their wartime experiences speaks volumes for my ability to respect all ranks. I just don't respect much of what you claim, so your deflection to me needing to apologize is just that, a deflection from my real issue with just you and your "war stories". Make them a bit more realistic and maybe I will start to buy in. Until then......................Nope, I ain't buyin' it.

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14 hours ago, nickers said:

Right on Cal... A real Vet doesn't brag about accomplishment or even talk about war time experiences...  How do I know this?... My Stepfather was a Viet Nam War hero...  He was one of the "Boys in Company C" Everytime I heard some jerk in a bar brag about war stories I'd laugh then call them out on it... Anyone who brags about Combat is a bold face LIAR!

Maybe you just were not listening when I said I have never once described myself as any kind of hero. But I also will not stand quietly by and be described as cowardly in any way when I know that is just not true at all. And I really haven't said a whole lot about the worst of my experiences there which I have kept pretty much to myself except in counseling other war vets where self disclosure is an appropriate counseling tool. I do like to tell some of the funny stuff though.

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43 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Maybe you just were not listening when I said I have never once described myself as any kind of hero. But I also will not stand quietly by and be described as cowardly in any way when I know that is just not true at all. And I really haven't said a whole lot about the worst of my experiences there which I have kept pretty much to myself except in counseling other war vets where self disclosure is an appropriate counseling tool. I do like to tell some of the funny stuff though.

I'm not calling anyone anything... All I'm saying it's just something I've noticed and take issue with. I have utmost respect for anyone who serves this country no matter what level of service... Anyone whose willing to put their lives on the line for the benefit of others are special in my eyes... Whether your your E4 or E5 is irrelevant to me... You /someone chose to walk a path few have the guts to do.... That takes some serious balls... My Stepfather should've been awarded a purple heart for rescuing soldiers out of Foxholes amidst combat... He didn't care about medals... He just wanted to stay quiet.. Work hard and take care of and meet his responsibilities. He served his country and his family... That's all that mattered to him. Let's just have common respect Regardless of Branch , Company and Rank.

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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Maybe you just were not listening when I said I have never once described myself as any kind of hero. But I also will not stand quietly by and be described as cowardly in any way when I know that is just not true at all. And I really haven't said a whole lot about the worst of my experiences there which I have kept pretty much to myself except in counseling other war vets where self disclosure is an appropriate counseling tool. I do like to tell some of the funny stuff though.

I have always been curious as to why we always hear about the Navy SEALS, but never about the US Army Delta Force or Green Berets. I've heard that it relates to keeping their missions secret and undisclosed.  Or is it because the SEALS are THE best and get all the "good", high-profile jobs?

I had also heard that former members of these Army elites maintain sort of an secretive inner circle as civilians, not boasting to anyone about their valor...unlike ex-Navy Seals who supposedly speak freely about their missions even going so far as to write books.

Is there any validity to that? 



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1 hour ago, nickers said:

I'm not calling anyone anything... All I'm saying it's just something I've noticed and take issue with. I have utmost respect for anyone who serves this country no matter what level of service... Anyone whose willing to put their lives on the line for the benefit of others are special in my eyes... Whether your your E4 or E5 is irrelevant to me... You /someone chose to walk a path few have the guts to do.... That takes some serious balls... My Stepfather should've been awarded a purple heart for rescuing soldiers out of Foxholes amidst combat... He didn't care about medals... He just wanted to stay quiet.. Work hard and take care of and meet his responsibilities. He served his country and his family... That's all that mattered to him. Let's just have common respect Regardless of Branch , Company and Rank.

Under normal circumstances respecting all service members regardless of branch or rank has always been the case with me too. However, picture your step-father at the other end of a soda bar with our friend cal here and through all the embellishment of his stateside war stories out towards your combat veteran step-father directed at him specifically the descriptions "coward", "cowardly" and now "cowardly behavior" fly right across the room for all to hear. And cal has conveniently forgotten that he did in fact use the word coward towards me just like he somehow forgot their actually was and still is a decent raise in pay E-4 to E-5.

Exactly how do you think your step-father would have reacted to that kind of treatment not once, but multiple times over the years? Well maybe now you can understand why I have a problem with cal specifically. I finally just had enough of that shit.

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13 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Under normal circumstances respecting all service members regardless of branch or rank has always been the case with me too. However, picture your step-father at the other end of a soda bar with our friend cal here and through all the embellishment of his stateside war stories out towards your combat veteran step-father directed at him specifically the descriptions "coward", "cowardly" and now "cowardly behavior" fly right across the room for all to hear. And cal has conveniently forgotten that he did in fact use the word coward towards me just like he somehow forgot their actually was and still is a decent raise in pay E-4 to E-5.

Exactly how do you think your step-father would have reacted to that kind of treatment not once, but multiple times over the years? Well maybe now you can understand why I have a problem with cal specifically. I finally just had enough of that shit.

I think you and Cal need to find some common ground.. That's between you two...... As far as my stepdad goes..... He was a man of few words so... I can't really speak for him... He really showed no emotion one way or the other... He would've just brushed it off and carried on with his business.. And just ignored it...

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1 minute ago, nickers said:

I think you and Cal need to find some common ground.. That's between you two...... As far as my stepdad goes..... He was a man of few words so... I can't really speak for him... He really showed no emotion one way or the other... He would've just brushed it off and carried on with his business.. And just ignored it...

Well he was a better man than me then. I could not continue to ignore it this many times over this many years. And if WSS had not brought up my private complaint to him that as monitor I wanted it stopped, I would probably have continued to ignore it. Those kind of words hit deep, especially for someone like me who thinks the real heroes from my war have their names on the wall in DC.

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17 hours ago, hoorta said:

When confronted with FACTS  resort to whataboutism...  And toss in an insult for good measure... 

Most? did you pull that one out of your ass?  I certainly don't, and I think ccjwh doesn't believe that far left wing crap either.  

LOL that would be like me saying most Republicans believe Jewish Space lasers start forest fires. 


Actually that some MAGAs actually believe this sort of stuff is scary as hell.  

Here’s some of your boy Biden’s big lies….but I doubt you care.



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9 hours ago, FY56 said:

Deny this libtards.

Lest we forget the demonrats crying about those "hanging chads" .

And more recent, a 10-minute clip of demonrats denying the results of Trumps election.

But Trump, Trump, Trump..



"This is America and we put country above party."

Well at least one party does.


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You cultists cry fixed elections over and over again. But never bring up the times your dear leader tried to overturn a free and fair election. 

Newly obtained surveillance video shows fake Trump elector escorted operatives into Georgia county's elections office before voting machine breach | CNN Politics


A Republican county official in Georgia escorted two operatives working with an attorney for former President Donald Trump into the county’s election offices on the same day a voting system there was breached, newly obtained video shows.

The breach is now under investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and is of interest to the Fulton County District Attorney, who is conducting a wider criminal probe of interference in the 2020 election.

The video sheds more light on how an effort spearheaded by lawyers and others around Trump to seek evidence of voter fraud was executed on the ground from Georgia to Michigan to Colorado, often with the assistance of sympathetic local officials.


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