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Coronavirus as political weapon

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11 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I think the president just said it was ok to refer to this as the "Kung Flu"


Oh geez... This guy

wrong again.

President Donald Trump, asked at Wednesday’s coronavirus press briefing about a White House official using the term “Kung-Flu,” brushed off the question while also claiming that he believes “100 percent” of Asian-Americans would agree with his use of “Chinese Virus” to describe COVID-19.

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Can imagine Dewine is pretty upset that the governor of Pennsylvania jostled in front of him for camera time. Shit now he's really going to have to up the ante.

PS did anybody have to suppress a chuckle when he was blathering on about making sure to take the temperatures of the thousands of kids returning from Florida? 


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20 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

This is the key:


Beer distributors, it is important to note, may stay open.😉

I'm still distributing from my wine refrigerator. A top Cabernet and a Deaver Primitivo so far. Up next are a couple of older Chiantis I picked up in Italy a few years back. I'll have to dig into my hoard, find those fava beans and invite a couple of trumpy friends for dinner.😜

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The great part about this is watching Trump do fundamentally good things for the US population -- repeated UBI's, halting foreclosures, mandating certain businesses change to produce stuff we need [medical supplies, etc], demanding the government own businesses it bails out.  Obama was too weak to do any of these.. and frankly if Trump carries through on these things he will go down in history as being better than Obama. And this from a guy who's NOT a right-winger, but i pay close attention to actual policies.

Fun concept - Where were all the capitalists over the last several months? Oh, that's right -- capitalism fails all the time and it's up to socialism to bail it out.  The bailout of wall street with another 1.5 trillion early last week is just example 7,301 in the series. [If you need money to pay your debts.. you're broke.]

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Italian Virologist Says Concerns Over “Racism” Crippled Italy’s Coronavirus Response


Professor of Virology and Microbiology at the University of Padova Dr. Giorgio Palù told CNN that measures imposing travel restrictions and border controls were taken too late due to fears over political correctness.

“There was a proposal to isolate people coming from the epicenter, coming from China,” Palù told CNN. “Then it became seen as racist, but they were people coming from the outbreak.”

Italy is now the hardest hit country in the world in terms of coronavirus deaths, with 3,405 people losing their lives.

The need to minimize potential “racism” and “stigmatization” in response to the coronavirus was a policy endorsed by the World Health Organization itself on numerous occasions and adopted by the left-wing Italian government.

As we previously highlighted, the Mayor of Florence launched a nationwide campaign at the start of February encouraging Italians to hug Chinese people on the street to “stem the hatred.”


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1 minute ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I can't see anything there,  just numbers.

Hmm. It probably didn't auto embed for phones, so it's a full scale picture.   If you're checking it out from your mobile, that might be the issue.   

A still of Fauci face-palming with the deep state joke.  

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13 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

Hmm. It probably didn't auto embed for phones, so it's a full scale picture.   If you're checking it out from your mobile, that might be the issue.   

A still of Fauci face-palming with the deep state joke.  



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One of the lessons we have to learn out of this is we cannot rely on foreign countries for vital supplies. Especially countries who are not our friends.

Even before this flu epidemic I was concerned about the influence of China over our own country. One of the selling points of our trading with China was that we might influence them. We might influence them on issues of freedom and democracy. Just the opposite has been occurring as the NBA, Hollywood and businesses have thrown away our own values to cater to the Chinese. 

We must never forget that during one of our biggest flu pandemics in 100 years. A flu pandemic that China unleashed on the world, China was threatening to cut off our medical supplies and throw us into a sea of coronavirus. 


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