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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Okay let's be reasonable. Which of those 12 things that Trump at least spoke to regardless of how much actual input he had to those do you think are bad? Whether or not somebody put them on a list that they consider to be the bullet points of fascism? And which of those 12 were not the ideals of George Washington Thomas Jefferson etc? How about Harry Truman Franklin Delano Roosevelt John F Kennedy Abraham Lincoln? Can you say the same things about them? Of course you can. Just a few: a strong military is a bad thing with enemies of the United States on the rise? Maybe freedom of religion? Perhaps your opposed to supporting American business? You realize of course many of the European and Canadian governments you seem to idealize do just that in an even stronger fashion than we do? Saluting the flag wearing lapel pins singing Pride to be an American Etc is a bad thing to you? Traditional family values? You think we are better off as the family unit breaks down where more and more children are raised by a young single mother? That's a positive to you? As far as our enemies, yes we have them. Your candidate just gave a rip roaring nationalistic speech condemning people that voted for Donald Trump as the terrorists. Does that sound familiar? I disagree that he made the military Supreme above everything else. But the military and National Defense are important in my opinion. Then the negative: cronyism. That's almost laugh out loud silly. Every Administration puts people on their staff that the other side hates and who might not be the most qualified for any job in government. (and that's assuming that there are a rigid set of requirements, which there are most certainly not yet these people did work hand in hand with the president for many years he knows them and he trusts their instincts) I would argue that selecting people for important positions on the sole basis of their skin color gender or sexual preference is much more egregious than hiring someone you are familiar with from family previous business relations or whatever else.

That's just about halfway through and I have not been insulting the slightest bit. If any of you on the left can counter that without resorting to the SOS feel free.

That is of course if anyone actually takes the time to read what I had to say.


It isn't usually a problem if a group/idea match 6, 7, or 8 characteristics of fascism. It's a problem when that group/idea start matches 10,11, 12+ characteristics of fascism.

“And I say, ‘Really? We’re not supposed to use that word,’” Trump continued. “You know what I am? I’m a nationalist. OK? I’m a nationalist.” - Cheetos Jesus

In austere, starkly divisive remarks, President Trump on Thursday said he would create a commission to promote "patriotic education" and announced the creation of a grant to develop a "pro-American curriculum." 




Everyone running for office, has national pride. Requiring it, MAGA. Forcing other to have it, is a no go. MAGA itself is all nationalism. Don't confuse war time presidents with CJ. War time is always nation first. Using the military as your personal army is different. Don't forget the parade CJ wanted, but the military just said no. You did your little attack there yourself, since someone doesn't wear the American flag pins they must hate America? At least you can admit it, MAGA gets a check for this characteristic of fascism. 

Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. MAGA CHECK

 Strong military is fine, but when you use it to sell yourself, yeah that's a problem. I could go into CJ pardoning war criminals. But again, you agree. MAGA gets a check for this characteristic of fascism. 

Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. MAGA CHECK

No idea where your traditional family values rant is about. So on to cronyism and corruption. Your defense that everybody does is sad. CJ said himself loyalty is the most important thing to him. 

"I value loyalty above everything else—more than brains, more than drive and more than energy" - Cheetos Jesus

cro·ny·ism: the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.

Yeah, that it pretty much what he said. So...

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. MAGA CHECK





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27 minutes ago, Axe said:

I hide behind no one you fuckin pussy..

 Here's the thing you wino punk ass bitch. When you post up on the browns section you are sensible.. I've given you props for posts up there.  Then you come in here and lose your fucking mind with your TDS. That's why I treat you like I do here.. Fuck you and your insane TDS bullshit here. I'd put you on ignore if I could..


Here's some hard reality you drunk ass wino. I know what you look like.🤣  You know what I am. If,, IF we were speaking face to face, I would talk to you exactly as I am. You however, would keep your distance and would drastically change your tune.


That's reality.. You know it. I know it.. Everyone knows it...

Says the guy who puts people on ignore to hide from them. 😄

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Another scardy cat pussy.😹

At least FY56 has some fortitude left.😁

Seems like I recall somebody on this board sending me PMS crying about somebody calling him a coward. Let me check my records: I wonder what whiny little hypocrite chicken shit that was?



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9 hours ago, cccjwh said:

It isn't usually a problem if a group/idea match 6, 7, or 8 characteristics of fascism. It's a problem when that group/idea start matches 10,11, 12+ characteristics of fascism.

“And I say, ‘Really? We’re not supposed to use that word,’” Trump continued. “You know what I am? I’m a nationalist. OK? I’m a nationalist.” - Cheetos Jesus

In austere, starkly divisive remarks, President Trump on Thursday said he would create a commission to promote "patriotic education" and announced the creation of a grant to develop a "pro-American curriculum." 




Everyone running for office, has national pride. Requiring it, MAGA. Forcing other to have it, is a no go. MAGA itself is all nationalism. Don't confuse war time presidents with CJ. War time is always nation first. Using the military as your personal army is different. Don't forget the parade CJ wanted, but the military just said no. You did your little attack there yourself, since someone doesn't wear the American flag pins they must hate America? At least you can admit it, MAGA gets a check for this characteristic of fascism. 

Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. MAGA CHECK

 Strong military is fine, but when you use it to sell yourself, yeah that's a problem. I could go into CJ pardoning war criminals. But again, you agree. MAGA gets a check for this characteristic of fascism. 

Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. MAGA CHECK

No idea where your traditional family values rant is about. So on to cronyism and corruption. Your defense that everybody does is sad. CJ said himself loyalty is the most important thing to him. 

"I value loyalty above everything else—more than brains, more than drive and more than energy" - Cheetos Jesus

cro·ny·ism: the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.

Yeah, that it pretty much what he said. So...

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. MAGA CHECK





I thought for a minute that a rational discussion was possible here. Apparently I was wrong. Not the first time I guess. Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits.

Furthermore this question goes out to everyone on the board regardless of political persuasion:

Which of you don't believe in nationalism? Meaning that we feel a kinship with the United States of America and wish for her interests to be placed above the interests of other nations? Simple question.

For bonus points if you in fact don't believe that, what's keeping you here? Merely the inconvenience of moving to one of the Nations you believe is superior and whose interests should be placed above ours?



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I thought for a minute that a rational discussion was possible here. Apparently I was wrong. Not the first time I guess. Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits.

Furthermore this question goes out to everyone on the board regardless of political persuasion:

Which of you don't believe in nationalism? Meaning that we feel a kinship with the United States of America and wish for her interests to be placed above the interests of other nations? Simple question.

For bonus points if you in fact don't believe that, what's keeping you here? Merely the inconvenience of moving to one of the Nations you believe is superior and whose interests should be placed above ours?



I'm sorry Steve, what part of my reply triggered you? This is how debates work. Maybe if you pay more attention you wouldn't make such easy to debunk statements like "Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

Every US administration has not met the follow Characteristics of Fascism except for Cheeto's administration.

Fraudulent Elections - Cheetos the first ever to fail to give up power peacefully, congrats. He still pushing the lie today, that he started 6 years ago. This by itself answers your question. Answer: Washington's administration. But here is a bonus

Most have not done the following:

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - It part of what trump humper love about him. I would say all, but Jackson was kind of a douche. So just most.

Supremacy of the Military - See pre-ww2 admins and pre-military industrial complex.

Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - War time, McCarthyism, couple of years following 9-11 and maybe some of cold war. 

Obsession with National Security - Same as above

Religion and Government are Intertwined - See any administration before the religious right showed up. But here another example to debunk your "Any" claim. Jefferson is the person who came up with the "wall of separation between the church and state". 

I would say less than half had these problems.

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption 

Labor Power is Suppressed (plenty of admins have been pro union, including the current one)

Controlled Mass Media

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause 


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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Seems like I recall somebody on this board sending me PMS crying about somebody calling him a coward. Let me check my records: I wonder what whiny little hypocrite chicken shit that was?



Been awhile hasn't it. In fact since that time I complained to the person who is supposed to be in charge here, many a "cowardly" comment has been sent my way from that same source here and on the football board that I have just let go. Maybe if you had a Bronze Star and a Vietnamese Cross of Galantry from your combat tour and some stateside E-4 who never had a shot fired in anger at him called you a coward, you'd be pissed as well. They are called REMF's by the way. Rear Echelon Mother F*****s.

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Been awhile hasn't it. In fact since that time I complained to the person who is supposed to be in charge here, many a "cowardly" comment has been sent my way from that same source here and on the football board that I have just let go. Maybe if you had a Bronze Star and a Vietnamese Cross of Galantry from your combat tour and some stateside E-4 who never had a shot fired in anger at him called you a coward, you'd be pissed as well. They are called REMF's by the way. Rear Echelon Mother F*****s.


1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Same song same response. Show it in a court of law and then back it up under oath or it it's just a propaganda flick that means zilch.


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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

I'm sorry Steve, what part of my reply triggered you? This is how debates work. Maybe if you pay more attention you wouldn't make such easy to debunk statements like "Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

Every US administration has not met the follow Characteristics of Fascism except for Cheeto's administration.

Read that again. It makes no sense.

Fraudulent Elections - Cheetos the first ever to fail to give up power peacefully, congrats. He still pushing the lie today, that he started 6 years ago. This by itself answers your question. Answer: Washington's administration. But here is a bonus.

Demonrats were the first ever to concoct a bogus Russian collusion investigation in order to oust a duly elected president.

Most have not done the following:

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - It part of what trump humper love about him. I would say all, but Jackson was kind of a douche. So just most.

Show proof. I'm not doing your homework.

Unless you're referring to this. Then you're right on. The audacity of him objecting to it.


Piss Christ Artist Andres Serrano takes on Donald Trump in new exhibit.

Supremacy of the Military - See pre-ww2 admins and pre-military industrial complex.

WTF are you talking about? This has always been the case. We are obligated to come to the defense of over 60 countries around the word. Tough to do without a superior military. Prior to Trump the military was way underfunded amid drastic cuts, could not function efficiently. Trumps aim was to restore the military to its prior status.

I gotta go. Will finish debunking the rest of your garbage later.

In the meantime, stop triggering Steve...




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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Been awhile hasn't it. In fact since that time I complained to the person who is supposed to be in charge here, many a "cowardly" comment has been sent my way from that same source here and on the football board that I have just let go. Maybe if you had a Bronze Star and a Vietnamese Cross of Galantry from your combat tour and some stateside E-4 who never had a shot fired in anger at him called you a coward, you'd be pissed as well. They are called REMF's by the way. Rear Echelon Mother F*****s.

Then I guess it's even more ironic that a war hero such as yourself would come unglued because of a post in the political section of a professional sports team site.

And then Bray at somebody else using the same epithet.



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2 hours ago, FY56 said:


Steve asked for which administration had not matched all the characteristics of fascism. None, zero administration other than Cheetos match #14. Is what I was trying to say. But I could have written it better.

  1. Fraudulent Elections
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

Demonrats were the first ever to concoct a bogus Russian collusion investigation in order to oust a duly elected president.

Nothing to do with #14. Just whataboutism.


Most have not done the following:

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - It part of what trump humper love about him. I would say all, but Jackson was kind of a douche. So just most.

Show proof. I'm not doing your homework.

Unless you're referring to this. Then you're right on. The audacity of him objecting to it.

I don't have show my homework, Steve has already said Cheetos administration matched the characteristics of fascism. He just went with the "but everybody does it" defense. Which I already show was false and it wasn't hard to show.


WTF are you talking about? This has always been the case. We are obligated to come to the defense of over 60 countries around the word. Tough to do without a superior military. Prior to Trump the military was way underfunded amid drastic cuts, could not function efficiently. Trumps aim was to restore the military to its prior status.

I gotta go. Will finish debunking the rest of your garbage later.

In the meantime, stop triggering Steve...

WTF are you talking about. Pre-WW1 we did NOT come to the defense of other countries, we did are best to stayed out of it. Steve question was "Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

Did the dawn of liberty happen after WW1? Because I though it that right after the Revolution war.


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7 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Steve asked for which administration had not matched all the characteristics of fascism. None, zero administration other than Cheetos match #14. Is what I was trying to say. But I could have written it better.

  1. Fraudulent Elections
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

Demonrats were the first ever to concoct a bogus Russian collusion investigation in order to oust a duly elected president.

Nothing to do with #14. Just whataboutism.


Most have not done the following:

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - It part of what trump humper love about him. I would say all, but Jackson was kind of a douche. So just most.

Show proof. I'm not doing your homework.

Unless you're referring to this. Then you're right on. The audacity of him objecting to it.

I don't have show my homework, Steve has already said Cheetos administration matched the characteristics of fascism. He just went with the "but everybody does it" defense. Which I already show was false and it wasn't hard to show.


WTF are you talking about? This has always been the case. We are obligated to come to the defense of over 60 countries around the word. Tough to do without a superior military. Prior to Trump the military was way underfunded amid drastic cuts, could not function efficiently. Trumps aim was to restore the military to its prior status.

I gotta go. Will finish debunking the rest of your garbage later.

In the meantime, stop triggering Steve...

WTF are you talking about. Pre-WW1 we did NOT come to the defense of other countries, we did are best to stayed out of it. Steve question was "Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

Did the dawn of liberty happen after WW1? Because I though it that right after the Revolution war.


Nonsense. Of course the dawn of Liberty was the American Revolutionary War but despite the fact you have trouble understanding that before World War I actually I can think of at least three conflicts you must have forgotten. Civil War war of 1812 Spanish-American War...

Disrespect for the arts or faux intellectuals? Are you insane? Every Administration hates artists/ intellectual posers who don't agree with their policies. And love the ones who do. Dixie Chicks / Ted Nugent what's the difference?

Personally, and this has nothing to do with Trump I think the military is a wasteful organization that while funding should be solid they should clean up their own house. And I think that those who pretend to be our allies overseas should chip in for their defense.

And none of these arguments make any difference whatsoever. I don't know what it is about any of them that bothers you?


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2 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Nonsense. Of course the dawn of Liberty was the American Revolutionary War but despite the fact you have trouble understanding that before World War I actually I can think of at least three conflicts you must have forgotten. Civil War war of 1812 Spanish-American War...

Disrespect for the arts or faux intellectuals? Are you insane? Every Administration hates artists/ intellectual posers who don't agree with their policies. And love the ones who do. Dixie Chicks / Ted Nugent what's the difference?

Personally, and this has nothing to do with Trump I think the military is a wasteful organization that while funding should be solid they should clean up their own house. And I think that those who pretend to be our allies overseas should chip in for their defense.

And none of these arguments make any difference whatsoever. I don't know what it is about any of them that bothers you?


What are you talking about? 

FY Was talking about our military superior and the US defending other countries. What other countries were we defending during the Civil War and Spanish American wars? 

I think you guys need to explain to each other what you are trying to say. You are all over the place. My response to you was about the blatantly false statement.

Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

I have debunked that. If you want to continue, go ahead and admit you were mistaken is stating it. 




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tex whined:

"Been awhile hasn't it. In fact since that time I complained to the person who is supposed to be in charge here, many a "cowardly" comment has been sent my way from that same source here and on the football board that I have just let go. Maybe if you had a Bronze Star and a Vietnamese Cross of Galantry from your combat tour and some stateside E-4 who never had a shot fired in anger at him called you a coward, you'd be pissed as well. They are called REMF's by the way. Rear Echelon Mother F*****s."


    Thank you and all Veterans for your service. So what happened? You can't muster an honest opinion around here - all you have is extreme smartass comments. You are nearly? NEVER legitimate in your posts. You think it's funny, but it's not - it just wastes a LOT of space. You lefties demand to control the narrative, and around here, you can't, so you keep bitching about this forum.

     So, it sure seems you run and hide from anything honest about issues. It's always antagonistic garbage "haha". and change of subjects.

   So....running and hiding from posting an HONEST opinion about what is going on...certainly seems that you are afraid of being honest about any issue.

    I never once demeaned your Service in the military. Some of your behavior on this forum is cowardly in my opinion. Most of us give out real opinions we have on so many issues - think about that.

    As far as being an "e-4 )(*&*(" - that is stupid and arrogant. Remember the gal who drove a truck in Iraq? got captured, tortured, raped, beaten, etc? An Iraqi dr traveled a good ways to find American troops and tell them. They rescued her. I think she was probably an "E-4".

    You can apologize any time, we'll see if you are too afraid to.

  And, me as an E-4? I was - supposed to have become an E-5 - a staff sergeant. LOL. wasn't more money, a lot more responsibility, and I wasn't a lifer - nah. Kept turning it down.

   As far as "only" being an E-4? Me? I had a friend who was in the AF before me - he was only an E-4 - flew around in giant loops monitoring chinese radio broadcasts. Got sick and terrified at the pilot who had to get crazy to avoid a missile shot at them. Finally accepted an E-5 to stay on the ground.

   Even me, "only an E-4 )&&" ? how sad you are - all arrogance, belittling all the time. 

      me? I once put my AF career and life on the line for all my friends who were in trouble, and all the guys who were not yet in trouble. What I did... was so dramatic, my active duty commander asked me about it three years later.  What I did - the Commander of our squdron back then.....came back from being on emergency leave on a weekend, and a lot of top brass and Chaplains from all over the base, etc etc - put the msgt out of our squadron and into a WAF squadron - where just one four letter word was going to get him kicked out of the AF with no honorable discharge, no benefits.

   Our commander directed me to report early on a Monday morning, and explained everything. He said what I did had his admiration, and that of all the men at their meeting over the weekend.

   And, he said, the entire squadron - he knows because he walked the halls and talked to nearly every guy he met.

Before I was going to leave the AF, I was interviewed by a commander of OSI. He asked me to become a member of OSI. He asked me about that famous story.

   Yeah, I was "only" an E-4. Let us all know if you have the courage to apologize.

   A lot of folks have tremendous courage - here on this board - in a lot of different ways. You're way is admirable - but not the only story about true courage.



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29 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

What are you talking about? 

FY Was talking about our military superior and the US defending other countries. What other countries were we defending during the Civil War and Spanish American wars? 

I think you guys need to explain to each other what you are trying to say. You are all over the place. My response to you was about the blatantly false statement.

Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

I have debunked that. If you want to continue, go ahead and admit you were mistaken is stating it. 




As to your very last comment you haven't debunked a single one meaning that if you believe the Trump Administration is fascist then every prior Administration has been fascist. Just the characterization is ridiculous but regardless of that..

So you are now officially wasting my time as well as your own though I don't know what you have that would be better to do.

Most liberals seem to rail against nationalism and tend to hate the United States for whatever reason. Maybe you can get Larry or Tex or they Woodpecker to take your side. 


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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Steve asked for which administration had not matched all the characteristics of fascism. None, zero administration other than Cheetos match #14. Is what I was trying to say. But I could have written it better.

  1. Fraudulent Elections
    Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

Demonrats were the first ever to concoct a bogus Russian collusion investigation in order to oust a duly elected president.

Nothing to do with #14. Just whataboutism.

How convenient. When you're shown that you are guilty of what you accuse the right of doing you play the "whataboutism" card. Get out of here with that shit.

#1 above is exactly the strategy used by the left against Trump. Thanks for sharing.


Most have not done the following:

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - It part of what trump humper love about him. I would say all, but Jackson was kind of a douche. So just most.

Show proof. I'm not doing your homework.

Unless you're referring to this. Then you're right on. The audacity of him objecting to it.

I don't have show my homework, 

Then I don't believe you.


WTF are you talking about? This has always been the case. We are obligated to come to the defense of over 60 countries around the word. Tough to do without a superior military. Prior to Trump the military was way underfunded amid drastic cuts, could not function efficiently. Trumps aim was to restore the military to its prior status.

I gotta go. Will finish debunking the rest of your garbage later.

In the meantime, stop triggering Steve...

WTF are you talking about. Pre-WW1 we did NOT come to the defense of other countries, we did are best to stayed out of it. Steve question was "Anyway if you can tell me which Administration since the dawn of Liberty in the United States has not exhibited every single one of those traits."

Did the dawn of liberty happen after WW1? Because I though it that right after the Revolution war.

So what does pre WWI have to do with Trump?




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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

tex whined:

"Been awhile hasn't it. In fact since that time I complained to the person who is supposed to be in charge here, many a "cowardly" comment has been sent my way from that same source here and on the football board that I have just let go. Maybe if you had a Bronze Star and a Vietnamese Cross of Galantry from your combat tour and some stateside E-4 who never had a shot fired in anger at him called you a coward, you'd be pissed as well. They are called REMF's by the way. Rear Echelon Mother F*****s."


    Thank you and all Veterans for your service. So what happened? You can't muster an honest opinion around here - all you have is extreme smartass comments. You are nearly? NEVER legitimate in your posts. You think it's funny, but it's not - it just wastes a LOT of space. You lefties demand to control the narrative, and around here, you can't, so you keep bitching about this forum.

     So, it sure seems you run and hide from anything honest about issues. It's always antagonistic garbage "haha". and change of subjects.

   So....running and hiding from posting an HONEST opinion about what is going on...certainly seems that you are afraid of being honest about any issue.

    I never once demeaned your Service in the military. Some of your behavior on this forum is cowardly in my opinion. Most of us give out real opinions we have on so many issues - think about that.

    As far as being an "e-4 )(*&*(" - that is stupid and arrogant. Remember the gal who drove a truck in Iraq? got captured, tortured, raped, beaten, etc? An Iraqi dr traveled a good ways to find American troops and tell them. They rescued her. I think she was probably an "E-4".

    You can apologize any time, we'll see if you are too afraid to.

  And, me as an E-4? I was - supposed to have become an E-5 - a staff sergeant. LOL. wasn't more money, a lot more responsibility, and I wasn't a lifer - nah. Kept turning it down.

   As far as "only" being an E-4? Me? I had a friend who was in the AF before me - he was only an E-4 - flew around in giant loops monitoring chinese radio broadcasts. Got sick and terrified at the pilot who had to get crazy to avoid a missile shot at them. Finally accepted an E-5 to stay on the ground.

   Even me, "only an E-4 )&&" ? how sad you are - all arrogance, belittling all the time. 

      me? I once put my AF career and life on the line for all my friends who were in trouble, and all the guys who were not yet in trouble. What I did... was so dramatic, my active duty commander asked me about it three years later.  What I did - the Commander of our squdron back then.....came back from being on emergency leave on a weekend, and a lot of top brass and Chaplains from all over the base, etc etc - put the msgt out of our squadron and into a WAF squadron - where just one four letter word was going to get him kicked out of the AF with no honorable discharge, no benefits.

   Our commander directed me to report early on a Monday morning, and explained everything. He said what I did had his admiration, and that of all the men at their meeting over the weekend.

   And, he said, the entire squadron - he knows because he walked the halls and talked to nearly every guy he met.

Before I was going to leave the AF, I was interviewed by a commander of OSI. He asked me to become a member of OSI. He asked me about that famous story.

   Yeah, I was "only" an E-4. Let us all know if you have the courage to apologize.

   A lot of folks have tremendous courage - here on this board - in a lot of different ways. You're way is admirable - but not the only story about true courage.

Typical of what I expect from the guy who calls me coward, cowardly, etc. Suddenly you are the aggrieved victim here that wants an apology because I used your proper rank? What would you prefer I used? Former military member? Fine, I can do that. And I failed to determine exactly how you put you life on the line in that above long winded story. Career? Nah, you already said you turned down E-4 so that wasn't the case either. When you turn down a rank, you just turned down a career yourself, so that wasn't on the line any more than your claim of your life being on the line.

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

As to your very last comment you haven't debunked a single one meaning that if you believe the Trump Administration is fascist then every prior Administration has been fascist. Just the characterization is ridiculous but regardless of that..

So you are now officially wasting my time as well as your own though I don't know what you have that would be better to do.

Most liberals seem to rail against nationalism and tend to hate the United States for whatever reason. Maybe you can get Larry or Tex or they Woodpecker to take your side. 


You triggered again Steve? lol

It appears cccp can't distinguish between Nationalism and Patriotism. To him they are one in the same.

To extremists like cccp, the act of embracing the flag or displaying it has become nationalistic behavior, not what you should be doing nowadays.

Evidence that Patriotism is slowly being demonized in the name of progressivism is clearly evident. Patriotism = fascism.

Patriotism generally has a positive connotation. It’s used for various positive sentiments, attitudes, and actions involving loving one’s country and serving the great good of all its people.

Nationalism generally has a negative connotation. It’s used for political ideologies and movements that a more extreme and exclusionary love of one’s country—at the expense of foreigners, immigrants, and even people in a country who aren’t believed to belong in some way, often racial and religious grounds.

You wanna bet the CCCP jumps all over that last sentence in the above paragraph? LOL


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7 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Been awhile hasn't it. In fact since that time I complained to the person who is supposed to be in charge here, many a "cowardly" comment has been sent my way from that same source here and on the football board that I have just let go. Maybe if you had a Bronze Star and a Vietnamese Cross of Galantry from your combat tour and some stateside E-4 who never had a shot fired in anger at him called you a coward, you'd be pissed as well. They are called REMF's by the way. Rear Echelon Mother F*****s.

Oh yeah???  Rear Eschelon this MF.

I was an E-5 and a General.

At the same time.

So you guys can put that in your pipe and smoke it.  lol


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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Typical of what I expect from the guy who calls me coward, cowardly, etc. Suddenly you are the aggrieved victim here that wants an apology because I used your proper rank?


No, apologize to the gal who was an E-4 and was captured, tortured, etc. She was a truck driver. And my friend who flew around the border of communist china. He was an E-4. You dissed all E-4's like an asswhole.

What? too cowardly to refer to her? apparently. I didn't call you a coward, I called your behavior cowardly. STFU.


 And I failed to determine exactly how you put you life on the line in that above long winded story.


You are supposed to fail about it - I don't need to repeat it all. Only close friends have ever heard it. And, our squadron Commander said I did - I thought I was going to get into trouble.

See, about a year before, an airman and his girlfriend were walking the beach one night, and some local hoodlums who hated airmen, saw them, beat him to death, and raped and beat her. There was an official investigation of bumper stickers years before that, back then that said "Help clean up Biloxi, kill and airman". They resented airmen because they had plenty of money, had uniforms, and were polite - the local girls liked them.

We were all hugely order to NEVER to to mardi gras for that reason.

I found out about the beach story because I was telling Chaplain Smith of Chapel 2 (Baptist) about me and my girlfriend doing just that, and he made me promise to NEVER do that again.

The rest of the story, you are not worthy - you don't respect much about anybody else but you.


blah blah blah


that is stupid. I was in tech school my first year. The part, what I did, was there, stupid.

Turning down E-5 came about two years later. I had thought about staying in and retiring at 20 years, but early on, my third year, I'd had enough. And my knee was having trouble.


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:


More confusing mess that still does not show me anything where you put your life on the line for anyone. And we already discussed one reason you turned it down was because E-5 did not pay any more money when in fact back then it paid around $20+ per month more. In today's money the buying power would be somewhere around $150+ per month. So that part of your story is bogus as well. I'm not the only one here that has serious questions about your claimed military career. And I have never in my life met another veteran who would ever use the word coward or even cowardly towards any veteran they knew served this country in a combat zone. So why are you so different? And yes you did call me a coward before you switched to cowardly. To me they are equivalent. Obviously you don't get that.

And as to enlisted who died. You don't think I saw that first hand and understood what that meant? I dissed you specifically because I find your whole veteran's story full of holes.

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4 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

More confusing mess that still does not show me anything where you put your life on the line for anyone. And we already discussed one reason you turned it down was because E-5 did not pay any more money when in fact back then it paid around $20+ per month more. In today's money the buying power would be somewhere around $150+ per month. So that part of your story is bogus as well. I'm not the only one here that has serious questions about your claimed military career. And I have never in my life met another veteran who would ever use the word coward or even cowardly towards any veteran they knew served this country in a combat zone. So why are you so different? And yes you did call me a coward before you switched to cowardly. To me they are equivalent. Obviously you don't get that.

And as to enlisted who died. You don't think I saw that first hand and understood what that meant? I dissed you specifically because I find your whole veteran's story full of holes.

Prove it it court if not you're full of BS

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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Hillary was right behind Cheetos when he took the oath. There was no attempted coup, there was no attempt to overturn an election. Sorry it doesn't fit.

Now you're really reaching.

And Pelosi was right behind Trump ripping up the SOTU speech on national TV, so what the fuck does Hillary being behind Trump prove? And by its very definition this was an administrative coup. It fits perfectly.

Guess who said this:

"You could be the best nominee and have the election stolen from you. He (Trump) knows he's an illegitimate president. He knows, he knows there are a bunch of reasons the elections turned out the way it did..."

Skip to 4:43 of the video and find out.




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